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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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That bit about being "debt free" is a bit distasteful, given the way they've reached the point of being debt free - but clearly it is a relevant point in terms of the new company's position.

However, if they do raise £20M, do we know what it's to be spent on? If Rangers are already not running at a loss, what's the purpose?

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At least some fans are waking up to Green

"@GersnetOnline: Green has said we're debt-free, have cut costs and we can't sign players for another year so where exactly is the raised money going?"

"@GersnetOnline: Going by Green's recent fan meetings, I'm still unclear why we need this £20million right now. Is it to be ring-fenced for future years?"

Although I do think its the minority that are questioning him

Thats been the view all along, if Green doesn't give the right amount of information and guarantees then old Charlie can whistle for the cash. The majority of views on Follow Follow seem to match what Gersnets saying.

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What is an IPO?

IPOs typically to raise capital to expand or to reward founder investors. :oOhhh

What should investors research before investing in an IPO?

Without doubt the starting point for researching an IPO is the company prospectus.

This is a document produced by the company at the start of the application process and contains the crucial information required to help investors make a fully informed investment decision. It is similar to a company's Report & Accounts and is signed off by its legal, tax and banking advisers. :o :o Oh heck are these neccessary ?

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WhatInvestments' take on the floatation ( extract)

"The club faces a long climb back to profitability, let alone the summit of Scottish and European football. In June this year, Rangers was forced into administration due to its unsustainable debt levels and had to be re-launched in the lowest tier of the domestic league.

Early in its new incarnation, Rangers was reported to be in financial jeopardy following low sales of season tickets. The Royal Bank of Scotland said at the time that it was ‘concerned at the current uncertainty about the club’s future and its backers’, and refused to work with it."

Ringing endorsement to investors right there.... :P

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The rangers meedja take on share offer.

Most of the posts seem fairly sensible, tbh... although you have to worry a bit about people saying they're going to invest £500 or £2,000 or enquiring about RST investing £96,000, before they know the detail of the scheme. But there's fair scepticism/fact-awaiting.

A legitimate point is also made in one of the posts r.e. value: Green bought 'the club' with the assets for £5.5M... then a few months later the Mather chap bought a 10% stake for £1M - meaning the value had doubled. Do we have any info yet on how much of the club a sale of £20M-odd shares would represent, %-wise?

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So they float and raise some dosh - what happens when that runs out?

If the same scenario comes about (and presumably Duff and Duffer aren't allowed anywhere near proceedings) I hope that all who voted in some way to get them playing football, at Ibrox, in the 3rd division - have the sense to say they've had enough and they can GTF.

Otherwise it'll be like an endless Russian Doll set, with a newer, smaller Zombie Rangers each time.

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To be fair to Tedi, we've all seen what Green said at that meeting. No prospectuses were shown, just a glittering vision of future European and eventually world media dominance, to be financed by crisis loans and disability cheques. The berrz, predictably, lapped it up.

Apparently the new away top may be on hold, though. So the future may be bright, but not necessarily orange.wink.gif

You are pathetic.

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So they float and raise some dosh - what happens when that runs out?

If the same scenario comes about (and presumably Duff and Duffer aren't allowed anywhere near proceedings) I hope that all who voted in some way to get them playing football, at Ibrox, in the 3rd division - have the sense to say they've had enough and they can GTF.

Otherwise it'll be like an endless Russian Doll set, with a newer, smaller Zombie Rangers each time.

Green dot for making me laugh out loud while eating, and almost choking on, my cheese 'n' onion toasted sandwich. :)

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Aye. Santa could bring me a Porsche 911 Turbo with the woman from the Scottish Widows adverts in the passenger seat.

Dear Santa.... :)

I'm afraid Santa's gonnae get a lot of bad press in Govan this year.

"Mammy, why did santa no' bring me a new bike like ah asked in ma letter?"

"Son, yir Daddy had a word wi' Santa in the Govan market an' telt him ye'd raither huv shares in The Rangers, so's ye'll be rich when ye grow up."

"Can I no' jist sell these the noo, an' buy a bike?"

"Sell them? They're worth fu** all!!!"

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