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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Ok..I've missed a lot of this thread over the last week or so, anyone fancy summing up what i've missed ? :huh:

Jackshit in the last week - the last 12 hours, different story.

Craigie's back, and he's singing like a canary.

Charlie's accusing the BBC of lying by saying that Whyte introduced him to D&P, and saying Whyte introduced him to D&P - without drawing breath!

Oh, aye, it's warmin' up again.

Nearly forgot, we've got a new frog ghost orc to play with, if he sticks around. He's had his arse handed to him on several threads after joining this afternoon.

Not much sign of real orcs, mind. wink.gif

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It's rehearsed mate .. he will be allowed to ask certain questions only .. nothing too taxing. Just enough to make it look good.

But Craig came across (even though he's a shifty bugger) as credible. There's no way that he simply pulled the wool over everyone's eyes.

Agree, I thought his answer to the two situations I meantioned were credible yet C MgG seemed unable or unwilling to understand.

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Nearly forgot, we've got a new frog ghost orc to play with, if he sticks around. He's had his arse handed to him on several threads after joining this afternoon.

Not much sign of real orcs, mind. wink.gif

Mr-Chaos- ACCOUNT DELETED ? :lol: what a fud !.

Steeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrriiiiiiiiike 6 for the Crazy_Frog :lol:

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A question here ?

Does anyone know if these discretionary loans that were written into the second contract actually have the amount of the loan they were getting written into it before they signed ?

Because this would suggest that it was a premeditated payment and not discretionary loan !.


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The Thieves have fallen out and Craigy has sneaked back into town to point fingers and pass around the blame. Who knew what and when - who introduced who to who, etc etc,

Blood on the dancefloor BM - hope your over 18 wink.gifbiggrin.gif

Jackshit in the last week - the last 12 hours, different story.

Craigie's back, and he's singing like a canary.

Charlie's accusing the BBC of lying by saying that Whyte introduced him to D&P, and saying Whyte introduced him to D&P - without drawing breath!

Oh, aye, it's warmin' up again.

Nearly forgot, we've got a new frog ghost orc to play with, if he sticks around. He's had his arse handed to him on several threads after joining this afternoon.

Not much sign of real orcs, mind. wink.gif

Cheers guys...I hate missing a few days on here. :(

Steeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrriiiiiiiiike 6 for the Crazy_Frog :lol:

That tool showed up again...and gone. :lol: :lol: :D

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Not sure whether to congratulate you or not.

Is that you back to quote me, when I said I didn't want the Sevco fans posting here?


You weren't lying we're you.

And to think Tedi 5 lies backed you up, without checking the facts!

You crazy orcs, what are you like!

Edited by dave.j
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A question here ?

Does anyone know if these discretionary loans that were written into the second contract actually have the amount of the loan they were getting written into it before they signed ?

Because this would suggest that it was a premeditated payment and not discretionary loan !.


Remember not all the EBTs had 2nd letters, but as Billy Dodds confirmed it was contractual I would expect it is there in black and white.

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I joined this site on 13th February this year, and have had an enjoyable Spring and Summer commenting on the general jiggery, and indeed pokery, surrounding the consequences of rangers' cheating, lying and thieving finally being made public.

At times this thread has raced ahead faster than it is possible to read, and at others it has wallowed in cheap insults, abuse and whataboutery. At no time has it failed to entertain. Whether for serious debate or for playground name-calling, it's always been worth a visit.

One recurring theme has been the fans of rangers/Sevco/The rangers/whatever reminding us at every turn what the majority of their ilk feel and think. So I'd like to thank a few of their number for reinforcing the stereotype that many felt may be unjustified.

Bennett(14+) - Well done for being willing to take offence on behalf of any oppressed minority except for the Irish in Scotland. Also for your ability to deflect at Olympic standard. I'm sure if I asked what you had for breakfast the reply would be "Why don't you ask DhensBhoy what he had? Eh? Eh?". And do try to fix that "h" key.... Maybe call posters by their preferred name from time to time... stop lying.... you know the score.

Tedi(20+) - A course in Astronomy may help you with the Star problem. A course in basic English would help the rest of us understand your posts. Then we could point out where you're wrong faster, saving embarrassment on both sides. You could also try, if you're going down the disrespect line, thinking up your own insults and nicknames. You're so far up Bennett's arse you could lick his tonsils, and that's not edifying for anybody, is it now?

Bendarroch (10+) - Just try not to eat the crayons, son, eh?

It's been a long old haul so far, and it looks like there's plenty more fun and frolics to come. Especially with Craig and Chuckie's cross-channel bitchfest tonight.

You may have noticed - Christ knows, the Amigos flag it up often enough in an attempt to discredit me, and others - that I post more on here than in other parts of P&B. Quite true - one of the few things these geniuses have been right about - and I make no apologies. As things stand, around 80% of my posts on P&B have been on the subject of Scottish Football's most shameful "institution".

Christ, that's a lot! OK, then, a bit of perspective. In the period since 13/2/12, my posts on P&B account for around 32% of my online posting activity. So that's 80% of 32%, or just over 25.6%. And that's online activity - I exist in the real world as well. So you see, berrz, I'm maybe not as "obsessed" with your mob as you'd like to think. Got other things going on in my life, y'see. Like a career, family, music, books, movies......

The numbers next to the names of the stereotype-reinforcers above? that's their aveage post/day on here. Mine is 6+.

Anyway, the reason I've made this post is to point out that this is my 1000th post on this thread. And do you know what?

I don't care if it gets to 2000 if it means, in the smallest, most insignificant way, that I contributed to this lying, thieving, corrupt, cheating set of b*****ds end up where they belong - in the wheelie bin of history. With Craigie Boy breaking cover today (and on the BBC which tried to expose HIM), I think that day has drawn a little closer.

Forza Diddii!

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Is that you back to quote me, when I said I didn't want the Sevco fans posting here?


You weren't lying we're you.

And to think Tedi 5 lies backed you up, without checking the facts!

You crazy orcs, what are you like!

You never denied it, your guilt is plain for all to see.

P.S You've made this post just a bit too obvious Dhense ;)

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1350504352[/url]' post='6723800']

Remember not all the EBTs had 2nd letters, but as Billy Dodds confirmed it was contractual I would expect it is there in black and white.

Did chic not say they put all the evidence in the shredder?

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