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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Yeah why don't you search back earlier in the thread yourself to the mock up supplied by Chucky himself that Rangers will be in £3.5 million in debt by end off 2013.Remember the one we all took the piss out off because of how amateurish it was in presentation and had Rangers international and it's global fanbase clambering over themselves to be a part off the £500 million it would be generating :lol:

No then ?

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Why are so many rangers fans scared to have a conversation? To speculate, to assume, to say; what if?

Why must every statement, every suggestion be backed up by a link or a quote, and even when these things are provided, nothin but railroading and name calling occur?

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Why are so many rangers fans scared to have a conversation? To speculate, to assume, to say; what if?

Why must every statement, every suggestion be backed up by a link or a quote, and even when these things are provided, nothin but railroading and name calling occur?

It's the sevco way.

Head in the sand and scared of the truth, they haven't realised that this ignorant attitude helped to fuck their original club up.

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Why are so many rangers fans scared to have a conversation? To speculate, to assume, to say; what if?

Why must every statement, every suggestion be backed up by a link or a quote, and even when these things are provided, nothin but railroading and name calling occur?

Any speculation on our part usually results in someone like you demanding "whaurs the proof".

You can't have it both ways.

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1354573317[/url]' post='6863152']

Any speculation on our part usually results in someone like you demanding "whaurs the proof".

You can't have it both ways.

I think the only time I've ever demanded a rangers fan provide proof, on this thread was the night you said I had PM'd you 3 times asking you to take something down, or some shite like that.

Incidentally you never did provide that.

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Guest Kincardine

:blink: did you actually click on the link and read at the top off the page ? LATEST NEWS ! It was the latest news page was it not ? it may mention done deals and company accounts !.

I see that, yet again, you're avoiding the question.

Let me remind you. You said, "I was Cenko's securities website searching for news on Rangers IPO issue ! nothing on it about recent activities with Rangers on it not a sausage ! not even a sentence on upcoming Rangers share issues they are involved with !".

You seem to regard it as significant that there is no mention of Rangers' possible future IPO. So much so that, in one sentence, you used a negative 3 times.

I asked you, quite reasonably, "What forthcoming floatations do they mention?" You haven't answered that question but simply linked to LATEST NEWS that doesn't mention any future IPOs.

The truth is that you browsed a website that makes no mention of any future IPOs. To use your words, "Not a sausage ! not even a sentence on upcoming share issues." You then come back and said, in effect, "See that website that doesn't any future IPOs? There's not a word on Rangers' future IPO."

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Total speculation, laughable

Just like your accounts of Green's Rangers being debt free and having all the money they need but you can't prove it can you,so your speculating there yourself aren't you ?

You stated that there were in your words,"all sources" i'm assuming these sources are independent of Green and any other Rangers connection,so let's see them. That's all that is asked for.

Anyone clever or has number crunching abilities who has ever done an assessment on Rangers finances have said that Rangers will face this year a huge hole in their finances.But knowing Rangers fans it will be dismissed as a tic wet dream won't it even if I supply links so why bother dry.gif

No then ?

I was busy elsewhere :P

They appear to be showing nothing of the kind

Again total speculation

Try and view other opinions Tedi that don't come straight from the mouth of Green but again it will fall under it's a tic wet dream and all that.

Lastly IMO lads after all the internet searching and reading up on Rangers finances I have seen the sum of feck all from Green himself PROVING that Rangers are solvent,and none of you can even counteract what I have typed because none of you yourselves can actually provide information or proof or facts that Rangers have the cash in the bank can you ? .All the information you lot keep recycling is Charles Green party line ! because Green says so :blink: because Green says so is not enough as you all seem to mistrust Green yourselves but quote Rangers are debt free and healthy because Charles Green says so like it was the gospel ! .

Remember the Whyte shyster guys ? did he not lie through his fucking teeth that he was a mega multimillionaire and countless tens of millions were going to be spunked into Rangers with a huge warchest ? now how did that workout again ? and no I wouldn't like Rangers fans to go through another torrid time even though the last one was fun.

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I see that, yet again, you're avoiding the question.

Let me remind you. You said, "I was Cenko's securities website searching for news on Rangers IPO issue ! nothing on it about recent activities with Rangers on it not a sausage ! not even a sentence on upcoming Rangers share issues they are involved with !".

You seem to regard it as significant that there is no mention of Rangers' possible future IPO. So much so that, in one sentence, you used a negative 3 times.

I asked you, quite reasonably, "What forthcoming floatations do they mention?" You haven't answered that question but simply linked to LATEST NEWS that doesn't mention any future IPOs.

The truth is that you browsed a website that makes no mention of any future IPOs. To use your words, "Not a sausage ! not even a sentence on upcoming share issues." You then come back and said, in effect, "See that website that doesn't any future IPOs? There's not a word on Rangers' future IPO."

I see you disregarded the rest of my post ! I did another search and found out that Cenkos is actually providing Green on an advice only capacity.It would appear that Cenkos is not actually brokering the shares at the moment and that some other company may actually broker the IPO share issue.

So I can safely say that is why there's the sum of feck all about Rangers IPO in Cenkos website because some other chop shop stock brokers will use dodgy boiler room sales tactics on poor unsuspecting bears.And Cenkos will receive a fee for providing Green with the necessary details on how to make you poor fans part with as much as cash Green can possibly squeeze out of you.

Is that clear enough on my position ?

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Just like your accounts of Green's Rangers being debt free and having all the money they need but you can't prove it can you,so your speculating there yourself aren't you ?

Anyone clever or has number crunching abilities who has ever done an assessment on Rangers finances have said that Rangers will face this year a huge hole in their finances.But knowing Rangers fans it will be dismissed as a tic wet dream won't it even if I supply links so why bother dry.gif

I was busy elsewhere :P

Try and view other opinions Tedi that don't come straight from the mouth of Green but again it will fall under it's a tic wet dream and all that.

Lastly IMO lads after all the internet searching and reading up on Rangers finances I have seen the sum of feck all from Green himself PROVING that Rangers are solvent,and none of you can even counteract what I have typed because none of you yourselves can actually provide information or proof or facts that Rangers have the cash in the bank can you ? .All the information you lot keep recycling is Charles Green party line ! because Green says so :blink: because Green says so is not enough as you all seem to mistrust Green yourselves but quote Rangers are debt free and healthy because Charles Green says so like it was the gospel ! .

Remember the Whyte shyster guys ? did he not lie through his fucking teeth that he was a mega multimillionaire and countless tens of millions were going to be spunked into Rangers with a huge warchest ? now how did that workout again ? and no I wouldn't like Rangers fans to go through another torrid time even though the last one was fun.

First of all highlight exactly when i personally stated where Rangers are debt free under Green or indeed in debt.I'm well aware that at some point the club is going to require investment. Also i asked for information from an independent body outwith the club for a detailed breakdown of the finances of the club. Provide a source that details this,that's all that asked because i've searched and like yourself,i've found nothing. Your stating that this has been done,where are they?

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First of all highlight exactly when i personally stated where Rangers are debt free under Green or indeed in debt.I'm well aware that at some point the club is going to require investment. Also i asked for information from an independent body outwith the club for a detailed breakdown of the finances of the club. Provide a source that details this,that's all that asked because i've searched and like yourself,i've found nothing. Your stating that this has been done,where are they?

Has Charles Green gave out any accounted information ? so if Green hasn't released any accounts then no one knows what financial position Rangers are in at this exact time do they.

If you haven't posted debt free then fair enough because one of you in my multi-quote did.

I will admit that the web pages I read on the possibility of Rangers finances were done by clever people and some very clever and used very good business model breakdowns of Rangers finances IF ! and only if Charles Green has not invested with the consortium's money and is running the club on it's own income from ST's and sponsors.Apparently it is not enough if the consortium has not actually invested any of it's own money by millions.And I have never said my sources were independent either have I and why there is no independent Rangers accounts ?

Chucky says there is money ! but never says it's investors money and only seems to ever say "the money is there"

Rangers in it's press released mock up released a projected loss of £3.5 million by end off 2013 ? this is after any IPO issue has been done ! I find that quite strange posting a projected loss after expecting a successful share issue.

Lastly Chuckies business history is pants and has a history of very late accounts and manipulated figures in them that have to be rectified and has been party to many a huge IPO share issue failure and you can Google and find that out for yourself probably on WIKI.

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Less than two weeks to go before the floatation of the good ship sevco. still no sign of the prospectus? Has chuckie pushed it back after xmas? Who knows what goes on inside the puppetmasters head. chuckie is just the puppet, so who is running the show? This clusterfcuk hss quite a bit to run!

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Possibly mentioned before, but how dumb is this attitude?

As the clubs split the gate, surely this hurts Sevco Rangers just as much as Dundee United.

I assume United will liaise with Ibrox about how much the away allocation should be.

United should simply say - 6,000 for you 6.000 for us. Whatever you sell you keep. fifty fifty split principle maintained. Any boycott directly affects Sevco Rangers

I'm sure a few neutrals would be willing to fill any vacant home support seats - if only to screw up any boycott blackmail attempt.

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IIs this the day of the creditors meeting of the dead club? Ie we get to see if ticketus are no longer listed...

Edited by wunfellaff
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Possibly mentioned before, but how dumb is this attitude?

As the clubs split the gate, surely this hurts Sevco Rangers just as much as Dundee United.

I assume United will liaise with Ibrox about how much the away allocation should be.

United should simply say - 6,000 for you 6.000 for us. Whatever you sell you keep. fifty fifty split principle maintained. Any boycott directly affects Sevco Rangers

I'm sure a few neutrals would be willing to fill any vacant home support seats - if only to screw up any boycott blackmail attempt.

To be fair, they've been doing a fair job of boycotting ibrox for cup games so far...

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IIs this the day of the creditors meeting of the dead club? Ie we get to see if ticketus are no longer listed...

It'll also be interesting to see if Chuckie has anything to say on the matter - what with him having nothing to do with the original rangers, and all..

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