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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Tolerance and sanity. That's what Rangers will demonstrate and maintain, especially when back at the summit.

After all, someone has to. 12-12-18. Dear God.

Yours Jim Traynor

12-12-17 is possibly more realistic since The Rangers will be gone within the year.

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12-12-17 is possibly more realistic since The Rangers will be gone within the year.

Are you really convinced of this?

The rangers mk II, or possibly mk III, will still be around. Charlie and the share money, on the other hand, I'm not too sure about.

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Received a letter today from Tunbridge Wells Equitable Friendly Society with whom I have a policy.

The letter stated the following:

"The proposal is that all of the business, assets and liabilities of the Society transfer to Forester Life after which the Society will cease to exist".

Nice to see some honesty. ;)

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Received a letter today from Tunbridge Wells Equitable Friendly Society with whom I have a policy.

The letter stated the following:

"The proposal is that all of the business, assets and liabilities of the Society transfer to Forester Life after which the Society will cease to exist".

Nice to see some honesty. ;)

So the same procedure as The Rangers Football Club PLC to Sevco Scotland,after which then named The Rangers Football Club Limited. Companies transferring assets,who'd have thought how prevalent this is.;)

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So the same procedure as The Rangers Football Club PLC to Sevco Scotland,after which then named The Rangers Football Club Limited. Companies transferring assets,who'd have thought how prevalent this is.;)

So he is no longer a member of the society (club) to which he joined :) Glad you agree...........

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Yup one company/society/club dying a death and new one being formed ... very prevalent.

There's one plying it's trade in Division 3, only it's pretending it didn't happen. ;)

Are you now going to answer the question regarding the SFA breaking their own rule Youngsy or will you simply continue avoiding giving your opinion on it's meaning, relationship to the SPL participation and whether or not Rangers ceased participating in the SPL (as per Chuckie and Rangers claim to the Commision ) on the 14th June 2012.

Or will you simply continue deflecting and giving your honest opinion?

(ETA - If the club and company are separate why the rigmarole to rename the oldco and newco. Why do you think Chuckie went to so much trouble?)

When i can be bothered reading the Articles of Association then i'll get back to you on this but tbh i really couldn't give a flying whether the SFA broke their own rules or not. I suggest if you feel so strongly then petiton the SFA for clarification.

So he is no longer a member of the society (club) to which he joined :) Glad you agree...........

His policy and the company assets were transferred from one company to another,happens all the time,even in football. Just to remind you,30th June 2013 is your deadline.:P

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Received a letter today from Tunbridge Wells Equitable Friendly Society with whom I have a policy.

The letter stated the following:

"The proposal is that all of the business, assets and liabilities of the Society transfer to Forester Life after which the Society will cease to exist".

Nice to see some honesty. ;)

What utter pish.


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12-12-17 is possibly more realistic since The Rangers will be gone within the year.

Wont be granted a licence to play.

Crowds will be 10-15,000.

Will lose the tax-case.

Will be liquidated and shut down in September 2012.

Wont make it past Christmas.

Share issue doomed.

Share issue illegal.

Yadda, yadda fucking yadda.


Diddy clubbers - wtf are they like?

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I quoted you the rule earlier .. no need to read the whole thing. If your memory is that short happy to repost.

I'm not asking whether you are bothered the SFA broke it or not - just your honest opinion. (one of the few bears that refuses to say something they know to be untrue)

If you'd rather not give it then fine by me .. I'm sure I know why as it's becoming more apparent every time you dodge the question.

You could just say you agree with Tedi's version ..


Oh ffs,when i feel i want to get into it then i will. Right now i can't be arsed.

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