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FF Squad MemberJoin Date: 04-09-2008

Posts: 576Re: Rangers Statement - Winding Up Order

Originally Posted by GodStruth

"You are missing the point here I think

This wont be about cashflow - this sounds more like Orlit presenting us

with an invoice for services rendered and us disputing that invoice (eg

they didnt do the work requested to the standard requested). The invoice

is being disputed

Orlit then use the possibility of a winding up order (and with Thomsons

help pile pressure onto Green) to try and force our hand"

Orbit run by a business associate of Charles Green submitting a bill of

which a portion came to 400 grand (which is now a trifling amount) for

the service of introducing Green to other people who gave him the money

to make the initial down payment on our club.

This wasn't payed to the extent that it must have gone through several

legal maneuvers before eventually a winding up order was sought and this

forced someone to agree to terms (a clue here, it's not normally the

party who took the order out) or to pay and of course this is as usual

nothing to worry about just like it was nothing to worry about all the

times before.... before it was of course rather a lot to worry about.

Normal business practice which can be seen by all the other clubs this

normal business practice happens to like Hearts.... and Hearts.... and

er, Hearts.

Well that's all ok then.


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This is the sort of thing where Chuckies past and current methods in financial juggling will be examined with great interest by all the relevant parties.

His fluffy language "....presented legitimately..." will not disguise the fact that his organization is already using well known methods for delaying payments of monies they know are due.

Not a good sign from any potential investors point of view......and the share profile illustrates this.

Carry on Charles, your doing just fine...:D

Edited by GreenockRover
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What if this comes to fruition? The company that would be wound up would be Rangers International FC? Sevco Scotland could then be sold off to pay creditors and the football club would not suffer an insolvency event? Leaving those who actually bought shares in Sevco Scotland counting their cash and those who bought into the floatation penniless, again.

Rangers shareholders fleeced twice?

What was it George W Bush said? Fool me once shame on..... fool me twice, well just paint me orange and call me Billy.


Hmmmm :eek:

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Just as predicted, official statement released.


The rabid behaviour on this thread was highly amusing :rolleyes:

Already posted and laughed at Tedi................# are you Hearts in dsguise? Are you Heaaaaaaaaaaarts in disguise#

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Just as predicted, official statement released.


The rabid behaviour on this thread was highly amusing :rolleyes:

Oh, I don't know - me, I said it sounded whiffy, and that Rangers fans would likely bury their heads in the sand.

Still, glad to see you're happy now that you've had a biscuit and a pat on the head, Ted. This kind of thing happens to Hearts all the time, after all...

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Oh aye snake, must have been those 1972 directors doing.

I know I would be considered a snake on FF, but thats better than being considered a scabby snake on FF, eh Tedi?

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Just as predicted, official statement released.


The rabid behaviour on this thread was highly amusing :rolleyes:

Tedi, this might indeed be nothing for anyone to get animated about.

However, your faith in the words of those at the helm of your club is so absolute, it's almost touching.

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Tbf everything about us is grander than Killie.

Except your trophy count, current position in Scottish, European and World football, history......


As one poster put it before you hounded him off this forum, East Fife could sell Charlie a couple of League Cups.

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Offical statement :lol: Jim Traynor tells zombies evertything is OK in the big hoose. Well thats me convinced :blink:

Did rangers (IL) not release a similar statement this time last year.???

I'll bet there has been an agreement ! Chucky and Co agree not to pay Orlit and the necessary fcuk off yer no getting yer money letter is to be posted by second class a week on Monday.

Why hold onto 400K so long in the first place if they were so solvent ? did Chucky use this delayed payment method to gain as much interest from it as possible ? or was Chucky holding off for a discount ?

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How come its always the clubs that are in a financial mess that get winding up orders due to ' paperwork errors ' - Hearts, Rangers, Kille. Yet clubs who are in rare financial health - St Mirren... I'm sure there's some others - never suffer from these ' paperwork errors '?


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Except your trophy count, current position in Scottish, European and World football, history......


As one poster put it before you hounded him off this forum, East Fife could sell Charlie a couple of League Cups.

That was meant for Rico, a true Killie fan not some deluded green and grey like yourself.

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