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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Eh? The football authorities are in charge of the game. It is their job to regulate it.

Yes it's their job to make sure the rules are written and are adhered to, if a club breaks the rules then they react, as they did in the case of CW. I believe Rangers were fined, CW was fined and banned from the game for life.

It was the responsibility of the board of directors at Rangers to make sure they acted within the rules in allowing CW a place on that board it was their place to do the checks on him. The SFA do need scrutinised, you are correct, but why should they have to perform the checks on every single prospective director of every single club in the country? That is the job of the clubs themselves.

Think of them like the courts, the courts pass judgement after the fact, not before it.

Edited by stonedsailor
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They obviously knew Whyte wasn't paying the tax bills (large amounts of tax). This apparently started as soon as Whyte walked in the door or pretty soon after. Summer 2011 anyway. Yet HMRC took no action - or no serious action - till February 2012. All the while millions of pounds in tax were not being paid over to the public purse....

Try about the time they had been papped out of Europe by both Maribor & Malmo. He had a 10M hole in his budget to fill & it was the easiest thing to try & douse the flames with.

It's called taking the European money for granted, as if it were theirs by right. Not as a bonus for the season previous performance.

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Mock away, really I don't give a fcuk what the motivation is.

To me its always been about the fans.

The SFA did not attack us, they were incompetent idiots who made things up as they went along they were headless chickens, but they never wanted us dead.

Thompson and the other SPL chairman never wanted us dead, they wanted us in the SPL along with Dungcaster, they only changed their minds when the fans spoke.

The bloggers along with any journalists that attack us would be nothing without their audience, the fans.

Its all about the fans, any fan who wanted Rangers dead forever, gone, padlocked Ibrox yada yada, these were the real enemy and still are.

But hey the more they attack the more we defy, so mock away please, preach your hate please, all it does it motivate more and more Rangers fans to say fcuk you.

I predict we will sell more season tickets next year, I predict more big crowds full of defiance and this will fund our way back to the top, so for this I offer a big fat fucking thank you.

You are welcome Tedster.

One other thing I have done for you, that you forgot to mention, I taught you what those stars were all about, I turned you into a better fan. ;)

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So how do the Rangers fans respond, when other organisations are forced to fight their battles for them? By hoping those organisations get f*cked as well. That's gratitude, Ibrox-style.

I hope the SFA and the c**t Whyte sue each other to their mutual financial ruin. Gratitude? I'd be fucking delighted for all concerned.

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Sevco apparently down to their last £500k and have no overdraft facilities. Also big news coming out which will cast a shadow over Chuckie's credentials.

Thats what happens when you have the FPLG in charge and base your budget on unrealistic targets, like the latter stages of the Ramsdens Cup.

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Just finished reading the late night session.

Read the rangers fans opinions on what the SFA/SPL should have done in the case of whyte.

Thought of the council sink parents blaming the teaching profession for the lack of discipline instilled in their little Johnny when he was caught by the police.

"Our Johnny is such a quiet little lad"

"Johnny is just misunderstood"

"Why do you lot keep picking on Johnny. Away and catch real criminals"

"It's the teachers fault that Johnny turned out the way he did"

"The teachers should have done more to stop johnny going down the wrong path"

Man up, take some responsibility, stop blaming everybody else for your own shortcomings.

Get one of your famous petitions together and start asking questions of the present owners of the club/company/team whatever it is this week. Also, like on here (tedi/benny), ask for the evidence/proof of their answers in writing.

To stop the plebs of Rome rioting the Senate gave them bread and games. The plebs stopped asking questions and accepted their lot. Spot the similarity?

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If they laid evidence in front of you like the bbc did with Craig Whyte, what do you think the general response from Rangers fans would be?

Generally, concern. Rangers fans in general shouldn't be confused with certain elements.

And yet again someone tries to change the focus to Rangers fans. Seems they're not concerned with how well the footballing authorities do their job.

What should/could the SFA do if the major stakeholders in the problem are only "generally concerned"?

I would suggest that unless there was genuine fan movement against the individual they could do nothing directly and only warn other members to be vigilant when dealing with.

If the SFA removed Green and it killed newco Rangers, do you think Rangers fans would thank them? Even if the SFA were 100% right?

Yip, i never got a straight answer to this. Expected a lie or deflection anyway. Edited by Double Jack D
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Bearwithme argues sensibly enough, but I think he knows he's struggling in landing the blame on authorities, rather than Rangers.

I'd have some sympthy in his charge that we're all lumping Rangers fans together, if an alternative voice could be heard. It's perfectly accurate to say that only a few dozen protested at the BBC building, but there was nothing to really indicate that they didn't speak for more. There may well have been genuine debate on FF, but the sane elements have not achieved a profile. The utterly ludicrous boycott was only picked up by Green after loads of fans groups - an alliance of the sane and the bonkers - called for it. In fact, the closest we've seen to wisdom or dignity emanated from the three or four hundred (including Tedi) who went to Tannadice.

I've said it before and I'll say it again - until more rational Rangers fans find a voice, we'll tend to bracket Rangers fans together in a negative way. Maybe that's unfair as there's good reasons why anyone would be reluctant to speak up in such an intimadatory environment. However, it's a club that needs to be re-claimed by some decent fans.

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Some folk seem to think there's only one type of Rangers fan and we all have the same opinion and do the same things.

Take the FF website for example. That could be seen as representing a particular section of the Rangers support. Yet even within that section there are clear differences. There's a poll on there about whether folk trust Charles Green. I looked in earlier on and there are hundreds of votes - which are fairly evenly split i.e. hundreds have voted that they don't trust Green.

every one a genuine rangers fan ?

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It's not vague. For example, the football authorities did things (which are well known). They should have done them sooner. They seemed to prefer to wait for others, such as HMRC, to take action then follow them. But when HMRC themselves don't take swift action....

It is vague. It's the definition of vague.

The football authorities should've "done things... sooner"? All the things the football authorities did, they were rabidly attacked by your fans for doing and we have graphic examples just today that show your fans are still psychotically raging about it.

What "things" should they have done? How would they have worked? How would they have tackled the fact that your fans would absolutely definitely have rallied round your corrupt chairman, just as they have done on every other occasion when somebody has tried to investigate your corrupt chairmen? How much would it have cost the SFA to put lawyers up against the best that the Rangers Fighting Fund could find to defend Whytey?

While it's true that the Rangers fans who protested the BBC in defence of Craig Whyte might not have represented the majority of Rangers fans, it's worth noting that they were the only ones who did anything at all.

And HMRC: Hector doesn't care whether you're a football club or a flute factory - his concern is that they believe that your former chief executive was a crook who was defrauding the taxpayer, who filled his pockets with your money then buggered off and let your club die.

And now, loads of you are openly hoping that the authorities who are trying to chase down the men who stole your money get totally f*cked in the process? Have you any idea how insane this sounds?

David Murray and Craig Whyte stole your lollipop, and the only Rangers fans who did anything about it fought like lunatics to protect them... and you're sitting here with empty hands, loudly complaining that the cops didn't protect you while laughing and joking that you hope Murray and Whyte also destroy the coppers at the same time.

This isn't even how children think - children understand morality in black and white terms. If you steal a child's lollipop, not even a kid would be stupid enough to blame the police, FFS. He blames the guy who stole the lollipop.

Edited by flyingrodent
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It is vague. It's the definition of vague.

The football authorities should've "done things... sooner"? All the things the football authorities did, they were rabidly attacked by your fans for doing and we have graphic examples just today that show your fans are still psychotically raging about it.

What "things" should they have done? How would they have worked? How would they have tackled the fact that your fans would absolutely definitely have rallied round your corrupt chairman, just as they have done on every other occasion when somebody has tried to investigate your corrupt chairmen? How much would it have cost the SFA to put lawyers up against the best that the Rangers Fighting Fund could find to defend Whytey?

While it's true that the Rangers fans who protested the BBC in defence of Craig Whyte might not have represented the majority of Rangers fans, it's worth noting that they were the only ones who did anything at all.

And HMRC: Hector doesn't care whether you're a football club or a flute factory - his concern is that they believe that your former chief executive was a crook who was defrauding the taxpayer, who filled his pockets with your money then buggered off and let your club die.

And now, loads of you are openly hoping that the authorities who are trying to chase down the men who stole your money get totally f*cked in the process? Have you any idea how insane this sounds?

David Murray and Craig Whyte stole your lollipop, and the only Rangers fans who did anything about it fought like lunatics to protect them... and you're sitting here with empty hands, loudly complaining that the cops didn't protect you while laughing and joking that you hope Murray and Whyte also destroy the coppers at the same time.

This isn't even how children think - children understand morality in black and white terms. If you steal a child's lollipop, not even a kid would be stupid enough to blame the police, FFS. He blames the guy who stole the lollipop.[/


I can just imagine if the SFA orSPL started an investigation into Rangers when Murray was still there .....there would have been riots in the streets.

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I can just imagine how it should have gone down at Hampden:

- "well we've got the smoking gun that confirms Craig Whyte is a bit of an unsavoury character. If we speak now we can save Ra Peepul from pain and anguish at the plight of there club"

- "aren't you scared of being labeled an enemy, you will receive threats and your other business interests might be boycotted?"

- "nah, thats just the minority, the silent majority of Rangers fans will rally round me and thank me for bringing this to their attention"

Aye right.

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I can just imagine how it should have gone down at Hampden:

- "well we've got the smoking gun that confirms Craig Whyte is a bit of an unsavoury character. If we speak now we can save Ra Peepul from pain and anguish at the plight of there club"

- "aren't you scared of being labeled an enemy, you will receive threats and your other business interests might be boycotted?"

- "nah, thats just the minority, the silent majority of Rangers fans will rally round me and thank me for bringing this to their attention"

Aye right.

Well, we have the example of what happened when the BBC proved beyond doubt that Craig Whyte was a bit of an unsavoury character.

Now, imagine that the SFA had acted on the information in that doc. They'd have to send the army in to clear the human shields around Whytey's office.

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It is vague. It's the definition of vague.

The football authorities should've "done things... sooner"? All the things the football authorities did, they were rabidly attacked by your fans for doing and we have graphic examples just today that show your fans are still psychotically raging about it.

What "things" should they have done? How would they have worked? How would they have tackled the fact that your fans would absolutely definitely have rallied round your corrupt chairman, just as they have done on every other occasion when somebody has tried to investigate your corrupt chairmen? How much would it have cost the SFA to put lawyers up against the best that the Rangers Fighting Fund could find to defend Whytey?

While it's true that the Rangers fans who protested the BBC in defence of Craig Whyte might not have represented the majority of Rangers fans, it's worth noting that they were the only ones who did anything at all.

And HMRC: Hector doesn't care whether you're a football club or a flute factory - his concern is that they believe that your former chief executive was a crook who was defrauding the taxpayer, who filled his pockets with your money then buggered off and let your club die.

And now, loads of you are openly hoping that the authorities who are trying to chase down the men who stole your money get totally f*cked in the process? Have you any idea how insane this sounds?

David Murray and Craig Whyte stole your lollipop, and the only Rangers fans who did anything about it fought like lunatics to protect them... and you're sitting here with empty hands, loudly complaining that the cops didn't protect you while laughing and joking that you hope Murray and Whyte also destroy the coppers at the same time.

This isn't even how children think - children understand morality in black and white terms. If you steal a child's lollipop, not even a kid would be stupid enough to blame the police, FFS. He blames the guy who stole the lollipop.

Absolutely spot on. What we're seeing is the Dick Dastardly school of thought - 'SFA .... Do something".

It is actually a shame for decent Rangers fans. They must feel, and in reality are, pretty powerless. The problem they face isn't external though, and the pretence that it is, simply exacerbates that problem.

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