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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Rangers own financial statement shows they are losing £1m per month........at the current rate the £22m raised in the stock market float will be gone by the time Rangers hit the first division!

When guys like Bill Ng talked about a "£10m black hole" in the accounts without Champions league football.....this is what he was on about.

Rangers lost money due to a lot of one off out goings. £1m per month is pretty misleading.

We no longer have the same team or outgoings as then if NG's comments are to be taken as factual, another point debunked.

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Currently 33% less than last season, I expect them rise by around 10%

I think they will hold up just fine, as long as threads like this exist alongside all the anti Rangers bloggers then defiance will take the place of decent football in Rangers fans motivation to buy, the worst thing that could happen for Rangers is that people stopped talking about them, indeed the anti Rangers haters are actually playing their part in making sure my club survives.

I think Black, Temps, Shiels hell even Sandaza all can play much better football than they are currently displaying, this has to be down to management.

Who are these peepol?

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Question for the folk that go to home games.

Any sign of redevelopment/repairs being done? It was a fair chunk if the share cash that was earmarked for that, be nice to think it wasn't propping up the holding company......

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Who are these peepol?

Haw Norman he's not showing which club he supports, gonnae sort him out :lol:

I think we'll need a wee bit more than that to work out whether he actually supports a club per se. Taking the piss out of your mob and their predecessors and acolytes is a national pastime, after all, so I don't think he/she has really shown any hidden allegiance yet.

Oh, hang on, taking the piss out of ra gers? You're right - must be wan ae thame. Obvious really.

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Question for the folk that go to home games.

Any sign of redevelopment/repairs being done? It was a fair chunk if the share cash that was earmarked for that, be nice to think it wasn't propping up the holding company......

I wouldn't set foot insid the place ( shudder ) but I do drive past from time to time and the outside is looking a bit tatty and dilapidated.

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The Rangers are real financial experts on here with their "I think" and "I'm not sure but"

Bottom line is that Rangers the club on it's incoming revenue generated by the club is vastly outweighed by it's actually operating costs for running the club and stood at an operating loss of £7 million back in December 2012.This does not include the inherited debts from the oldco or the money paid for transfers but is the actual cash flow for running Ibrox and it's in a deficit at a projected loss for this season alone at £7 million plus for the moment as we know it.

Yes we could throw in some negative goodwill but it is not money in the bank and is the amount slashed of the value of the assets when Green bought them.

Next up is the deferred income and this is basically the money Ibrox will generate for the coming season ie sponsor money,ST's and merchandise and is a smoke screen to enhance the balance sheet this side of the tax year.Deferred income is an offsetting method to make the current accounts look much better than they actually are.It is next seasons revenue the club will generate and should realistically be included in next years accounts only for running the club that season.

So if we remove the gloss and the smoke screen and mirrors The Clone Rangers will be left with less than ten million of all the money generated through this season including the IPO money.Rangers actually generated over £31 million pounds in actual cash this season including the IPO and will pay out over £22 million of that money including everything ie inherited debts transfers and operating costs leaving them with less than ten million and that's the actual figures as stated in the interim accounts.The Clone Rangers are operating on losses of £7 million and that needs to be plugged or next season they will still be operating at a loss of millions next season.

Enjoy the impending admin fuckos if Green can't fleece you to save your beloved baby of a club 8)

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here is one of your earlier predictions.


OH ! it's all bullshit Tedi but you have never once posted anything other than what you think and not what you actually know.

I see you have a new party piece ! bringing up my old posts :lol: feck me Tedi if you keep that party piece up then I'll do the same and you have had many a meltdown on here :)

Now if you seriously want to make my arithmetic look pathetic then post your figures ! OH ! but you don't have any it's all "I think" or "I'm not sure but" and like if you say all is well at Ibrox then post this amazing information that is not propaganda spin from Mordhor.

Operating costs at Ibrox £16+ million without any inherited debts or transfer costs and money actually generated by the club itself without the IPO money quoted in the interim accounts was £9 million and that was back in December 2012.Rubbish that post Tedi :lol:

And if it is as some say that Ibrox is running at an operating loss of £1 million a month then this is going to be hilarious with reconstruction.

Post your facts and figures Tedi instead of trying to deflect because you probably don't actually know,see me your accounting skills instead of a smart arsed approach to deflecting.

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my arithmetic your figures amazing information Operating costs £16+ million inherited debts transfer costs money actually generated IPO money interim accounts £9 million operating loss of £1 million a month accounting skills deflecting.

Church jannie and free financial advice.

I'm convinced.


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Church jannie and free financial advice.

I'm convinced.


Well I haven't seen any Rangers fans posting anything about their finances other than Chucky says they are healthy ! even the MSM caught on how bad it is at Ibrox.

Once again ragers fans are blinded to the truth because they are winning titles and trophies and that's all that matters :lol:

I'm not an accountant but I've managed mine for donkeys years and works like this subtract your yearly outgoings from your yearly incomings and what's left is yours even if it is debt and the wee bit in between is that you try to limit your outgoings by using some method or other.

I'm glad Tedi brought up my old post there because what Tedi omitted from it is what the experts say how much it is to run Ibrox alone for the whole year,and that was quoted at £1.1 million a month.Costs don't come down because Rangers are playing in the third division although ST prices did :) Ibrox costs just over £13 million a year,and add in the players wages at just under £7 million and you get £20 million alone just to play a team at Ibrox for a year and that's without the boards wages and bonuses :lol:.How much did Rangers generate without the IPO ? a measly £9 million as stated in the accounts that the club itself actually made from sponsors and ST's.

Rangers made £9 million this season as of December 2012 although could have generated another few hundred thousand from on the day ticket sales up till now but facts are that it cost Ibrox £20 million plus to field a team all season without players bonuses :lol: you'd better hope Chucky gets top dollar out of next years sponsors plugging that fucking wide chasm £11 million pounds worth.

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Give me an exact breakdown of that £16+ million clearly showing that their are no exceptional items included, clearly showing that the football debts are not included, clearly showing the IPO costs are not included, clearly showing the historical wage issues are not included, clearly showing transfer fees are not included.

Give me an exact breakdown of the £8.1M deferred income cleary showing that it does include ST for this season, tv money for this season, sponsership for this season.

If you cannot do this then I say you are a bullshitter, someone who has frequently been found out by posting shite that its impossible for you to know, Interim accounts simply do not give you the detail you need to post the bullshit you came out with above.

I bring stuff up from the past because it shows how you have a history of just making stuff up and passing it off as facts.

Like your claim the IPO money was negative goodwill, prior to this you also claimed the IPO money was profit and the shareholders could draw a dividend from this, two spectacular f**k ups from you, but you are the gift that keeps on giving with your predictions and as you put it FACTAMUNDO`s

What about the time you claimed that if the SFA memership was transferred then all the honours and achievments would go with it to the newco, not seen you bring that one up again recently have we?

How about this example of HB posting about something he rattles off

How the f**k did this work out for you? :lol::lol: :lol:

8) what a pile of shite you posted there Tedi

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I think we'll need a wee bit more than that to work out whether he actually supports a club per se. Taking the piss out of your mob and their predecessors and acolytes is a national pastime, after all, so I don't think he/she has really shown any hidden allegiance yet.

Oh, hang on, taking the piss out of ra gers? You're right - must be wan ae thame. Obvious really.

that wee list of teams ye get on the thing diznae have ma preffered team on it. and av never heard of club perse. no sure aboot them acolytes either, do they play in the same league as the spartans?

bennet must be one of them there anti rangers haters then. . they're everywhere them lot.


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No Norris, just you.

Let me rephrase that:

Is anybody else that's been on the forum for more than a couple of months, and therefore has witnessed how stupid Tedi has the potential to be when he switches off his reason circuit, thinking......

* * * * * :lol:

ETA: Hideous new avatar, btw. I reckon Hamburg would find it even more embarrassing then last weekend's result. ;)

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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that wee list of teams ye get on the thing diznae have ma preffered team on it. and av never heard of club perse. no sure aboot them acolytes either, do they play in the same league as the spartans?

bennet must be one of them there anti rangers haters then. . they're everywhere them lot.


Club Perse are the Dutch junior mob that produced yon Reliant fella Robin Van.

The Acolytes play in the Greek Third division, and if they get at least a point in their final two games will be allowed to form the next government. :egypt*

* I take it we're playing "get the obscure smilies out for an airing", then?

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Let me rephrase that:

Is anybody else that's been on the forum for more than a couple of months, and therefore has witnessed how stupid Tedi has the potential to be when he switches off his reason circuit, thinking......

* * * * * :lol:

I've only witnessed the sheer seethe like posts from you Norris. You're a miserable old man.

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I've only witnessed the sheer seethe like posts from you Norris. You're a miserable old man.

I think you've got me confused with one of your mob. Life is actually looking pretty fucking sweet at the moment.

That's maybe because I have more to validate my life than allegiance to a discredited football team. Who knows?

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