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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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You're sick in the head, no doubt you'll have a little chuckle about it.

You're sick in the head, no doubt you'll have a little chuckle about it.

For once can you not just deal with the facts, rather than your usual bullying name calling?

I don't have a chuckle about it. I would have preferred to have seen a strong Rangers operating. The recent history of the club is full of directors who were in it purely for their own personal gain. From Murray onwards. All the talk about traditions or "respecting" the loyal supporters any sensible person sees as merely a technique to generate increased income and an unquestioning following.

If you cannot challenge the guilty ones so they can be flushed out properly, then nothing will change for the better.

So grow up and face up to the position Rangers are in and who contributed to getting them here. And who is still milking it for their personal gain Unfortunately (and I mean unfortunately) John Greig is one of those.

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Re bad day and the press release this morning.

Why was 5088 a subsidiary at all ?

The press release doesn't say one thing. How much clarity would have been achieved with a "well I've just did the phone banking bit, and our balance is as expected".....

How hard would that be ? It stinks.

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Has there ever been anyone involved with Rangers who hasn't been a bit of a c**t?

Has there ever been anyone involved with Rangers who hasn't been a (bit of) a crook?

Probably there is, but I can't just think of that person's name at the minute.

I am sure the Sevco loyal will educate me.

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Chris Graham (or someone like him) to represent Fans interest on the board would be an excellent move.

You really don't want him or someone like him, the guy is obsessed with Celtic.

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and.....in more than a few of the bus routes they operate to the outer housing schemes, they have the last bus at around 7:00 pm so everyone has to walk or........take a taxi. Cynical or just sharp practice?

You will have noticed there is taxi ranks at the bus stops as well in the outer reaches of society :whistle

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They still are. What they are not is daft and this is why i can't see why they would want the publicity. It just seems strange and especially at this time as they are about to start a taxi firm in Renfrewshire in direct opposition to Stevie Malcolm. That will undoubtedly end in tears.

FAO waffen...i choose not to work for gangsters even though i would probably earn more. I do have principals and i will not support Rangers if these guys have control.

Don't know that much about those two but what i've read doesn't make good reading. I wouldn't stop supporting the team if they get control but they wouldn't recieve a penny from me.

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if these people really are that dodgy, I wonder if its a good idea for you to be talking them down on the Internet? Would be a shame if you we're paid a little visit.

:lol: OOOOO am dead scared now Ally :lol: just as well I have Papal protection 8)

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Leggo on the sauce early....oh, and in case you miss it, Keith Jackson is on 90k a year...


Has he done so? And was he satisfied by what he saw?

If the answer to both questions is yes, then Malcolm Murray should now be instructing Rangers lawyers to take action against the Daily Record and its £90,000 chief sports writer Keith Jackson for writing something which was not merely factually incorrect, but deeply damaging to those who have invested in Rangers.

If the answer to the first question is yes, but he was then not satisfied by what he saw, Malcolm Murray should still be taking action, for the Record and Keith Jackson were only half right and he has been defamed.



So says Leggo who is actively defaming anyone and everyone without any real substance most of the time :1eye:lol:

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Don't know that much about those two but what i've read doesn't make good reading. I wouldn't stop supporting the team if they get control but they wouldn't recieve a penny from me.

The suits come, the suits go...we stay.

Was ever thus and ever will be.


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You can discount the past of anyone who comes into Rangers. As Charles Green proved, all they have to do is make a few pronouncements on the "anti Rangers conspiracy" front, chuck in a couple of "No Surrender's" and before long, they're the new messiah.

As Charles Green proved aye?

What a load of rubbish. All Green did was say a few words to win over the fans. Aye you've got your finger on the pulse...

P&B is the worst for misinformation being repeated as fact. It seems to be what some of you sad c***s live on.

I can't even comprehend what you are on about here.

I state that Charles Green only had to say a few things to win over the Rangers fans, and you say that's rubbish because all he did was say a few words to win over the Rangers fans???.........

Just a wild guess here, but you're not a member of Mensa are you?

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During the course of the Company's due diligence process, relating to its purchase of a stake in Law Financial, information has been discovered relating to the conduct of Mr Charles Green and Mr Imran Ahmad, this has today been reported to the Serious Fraud Office.

Tattie bye suckers....

Anybody have a list of places you can't get extradited from ?

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