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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Ah right so this is just another case of you ignoring a court`s verdict and also ignoring the fact the man was cleared.

You have previous for this, who can forget your numerous meltdown`s with regards to the SPL tribunal, willing to accept some bits but only those that suited your slanted opinion.

Geezer, it's your club. I wouldn't let this blatantly obvious huckster within fifty light years of mine, but if you're easy with him shoving his big hooter into your season ticket money, that's up to you.

It's just odd that Some Guy With a Blog arouses more passion and forensic detection amongst you and your fellow fans than your own directors do, no matter how blatantly unsuitable they are for the job.

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Geezer, it's your club. I wouldn't let this blatantly obvious huckster within fifty light years of mine, but if you're easy with him shoving his big hooter into your season ticket money, that's up to you.

It's just odd that Some Guy With a Blog arouses more passion and forensic detection amongst you and your fellow fans than your own directors do, no matter how blatantly unsuitable they are for the job.

All hail the blog ........

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332 "contested" tax fraud cases still outstanding then ? And you're happy wae that ?


I hope he get what's left of the smoldering corpse. Youll make a lovely couple.

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It's just odd that Some Guy With a Blog arouses more passion and forensic detection amongst you and your fellow fans than your own directors do, no matter how blatantly unsuitable they are for the job.


The disgraced bungler is treated with richly deserved disdain because he has severe credibility problems. The sort of problems you are ever willing to set-aside provided they offer a negative slant on anything to do with Rangers.

Hence the previous (and regular) lionisation of said bungler, the runaway and the IRA writer with the ranks of the diddies and plastics. Have you conveniently forgotten their 'ground-breaking' revelations on Rangers and the predictions for the tax case and title stripping drive?

Do you really think a heartily appropriate dismissal of their nonsense means Rangers supporters don't have serious concerns - or debates issues - with the bams currently in charge at Ibrox?

Gies peace.

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The disgraced bungler is treated with richly deserved disdain because he has severe credibility problems. The sort of problems you are ever willing to set-aside provided they offer a negative slant on anything to do with Rangers.

Hence the previous (and regular) lionisation of said bungler, the runaway and the IRA writer with the ranks of the diddies and plastics. Have you conveniently forgotten their 'ground-breaking' revelations on Rangers and the predictions for the tax case and title stripping drive?

Do you really think a heartily appropriate dismissal of their nonsense means Rangers supporters don't have serious concerns - or debates issues - with the bams currently in charge at Ibrox?

Gies peace.

^^^ Permarage

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Ah right so this is just another case of you ignoring a court`s verdict and also ignoring the fact the man was cleared.

You have previous for this, who can forget your numerous meltdown`s with regards to the SPL tribunal, willing to accept some bits but only those that suited your slanted opinion.

I must be going soft in the head - only just noticed that you're pretending I'm "ignoring a court's verdict and also ignoring the fact the man was cleared".

Well, no. I'm saying that a court said this about him, in a judgement: "mendacious ... no respect for the truth... does not hesitate to lie... a glib and shameless liar".

The court did say that; it's still in the judgement and there has been no retraction, regardless of the status of his case. He'll remain the man who a panel of judges called a "shameless liar" right up until the court apologises and withdraws its comments.

And let's note that just this week, judges apologised profusely for calling some expert witnesses "quacks", despite having heard reams of evidence about the witnesses paddling in circles round a pond, while old ladies fed them handfuls of bread crusts.

No apology for Dave, though. I wonder why?

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The fact I have mentioned many times I cannot afford a fecking season ticket even though they £100 less now should have been blatantly obvious.

At a rough guess I'd say if this clusterfuck expands exponentially with more and more dodgy doings being revealed then Rangers will have to cease trading and shares suspended until the fraud squad has finished it's investigations if Craig Whyte has a valid claim on the assets which in itself must be a fraud of some sort.

This means Rangers may not be playing any league football at all after this season until the mess has been sorted out.

Companies that are under investigation for fraud always have their trading suspended and if the company cannot fund the club then the club cannot fulfil it's fixtures and then the club will be suspended from playing any fixtures by the associations possibly.

Rangers FC may fall under exceptional circumstances in this case and allowed to still trade if the fraud squad are certain the mess can be sorted out with the minimum of fuss to all concerned in the club.

And your legal backgorund is?

No one knows how this play out, so stop posting as if you're in the know. You read some pish on Celtic websites and blogs and think you're an expert.

In my opinion fraud has been committed, by whyte and quite possibly by D&P (though they'll have covered their tracks well) and Greenco. The implications may well affect us badly and several other factions in Scottish football.

Just stop this being in the know crap.

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The disgraced bungler is treated with richly deserved disdain because he has severe credibility problems. The sort of problems you are ever willing to set-aside provided they offer a negative slant on anything to do with Rangers.

Hence the previous (and regular) lionisation of said bungler, the runaway and the IRA writer with the ranks of the diddies and plastics. Have you conveniently forgotten their 'ground-breaking' revelations on Rangers and the predictions for the tax case and title stripping drive?

Do you really think a heartily appropriate dismissal of their nonsense means Rangers supporters don't have serious concerns - or debates issues - with the bams currently in charge at Ibrox?

Gies peace.

Vastly more interested in bleating about Diddies, Plastic Paddies and bloggers than the neverending string of shysters, crooks and conmen fleecing his club.

Diagnosis: Permarage.

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Tedi said "won his battle"..... thieving orc is getting evicted in January and having to flog several companies with all the proceeds going to the claimants...

The preservation orders, made final by the North Gauteng High Court on Tuesday, will see several South African assets belonging to Mr King and the companies that are associated with him sold, including Metlika Trading, Talacar Holdings, Gaius Atticus and Ben Nevis.

Mr King will be allowed to continue living in his Sandhurst property in Johannesburg until January 7 next year. The property will then be transferred to Sechaba Trust director Cloete Murray, who was appointed as curator in the first preservation order.

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Geezer, it's your club. I wouldn't let this blatantly obvious huckster within fifty light years of mine, but if you're easy with him shoving his big hooter into your season ticket money, that's up to you.

It's just odd that Some Guy With a Blog arouses more passion and forensic detection amongst you and your fellow fans than your own directors do, no matter how blatantly unsuitable they are for the job.

Beautifully put. It is beyond belief that even now Rangers fans are still looking for scapegoats and "outside enemies" and "fifth columnists" whilst the latest crowd of shysters that got them into this mess carry on regardless.

Glasgow of all places should be wary of businessman who sells their wares by appealing to the mob. But such is the desperation for the return of the "good old days" they're happy to trust people that they wouldn't buy pots & pans from at The Barras with far greater sums of their money in game tickets & shares.

They would be better served working amongst themselves for either a future fan buyout, or if the worst came to the worst & Rangers go bust again having in place the same sort of scheme the Gretna Supporters Society did whereupon the club continued the second the old version collapsed when its array of dubious potential suitors walked away, rather than awaiting disaster to strike first as is the case now.

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Vastly more interested in bleating about Diddies, Plastic Paddies and bloggers than the neverending string of shysters, crooks and conmen fleecing his club.

Diagnosis: Permarage.

Believes everything that the legal beagle says.

Diagnosis -- F**ktard.

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Uh oh....bears starting to worry....

Remember Naismith tweeted a week or so ago "The truth will out" or something.

Just having a look around and noticed that the players were actually in negotiations to transfer to Sevco 5088, not Sevco Scotland, according to STV. Now this may just be a misprint by STV, I don't know.

Most probably nothing but it proves that Sevco 5088 wasn't a "nothing" company.



Also note that Sevco Scotland was already formed at the time of those articles.

Can anyone remind me of Greens reason why Sevco Scotland had to be set up instead of 5088? I'm sure he gave some story about how Rangers had to be owned by a Scottish Ltd company.

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Lord Glennie confirmed this rule existed long before then guys confirmed it, in fact go visit Bayerns website, they make clear separation too.

I am going to get my yearly SPL fix on Saturday stoney, will be watching Saints do a number on some highland outfit.

Ha Ha Ha

Are you serious? Just went on to Bayerns website to see this separation that you speak off and see that it is actually the member's club that own the company. How does this relate to the Rangers situation? Where are the members of the Rangers Football Club?

Bayern Munich Company Shareholders:

Bayern Munich Club 81.8%

Adidas 9.1%

Audi 9.1%

So this is actually a community football club. Surely makes them the best diddy team in Europe.

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Over the decades, I've learned that nearly all of the suits in fitba are wankers.

None of them will keep me from supporting my team.

Which team though, Rangers ?...Sevco 5088?....Sevco scotland ?.....Newco?....The Rangers?.....Rangers international ?

My head hurts. :unsure:

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I had to switch off Radio Scotland. Brown is way out of his depth.

What do you know john..?


Yes but specifically what did you know?

JB...I know everything. I was proven 100% correct.

Yes John but what were you correct about?

JB...Itold you....EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!

And so on and so on

I know I'm a day behind here, but I'm usually further out than that, so I'll press on anyway.

I just listened to the Brown/English thing on the Podcast. I'm a huge fan of Tom English - I think he's pretty measured, writes well and is usually correct. I also consider John Brown to be a bit of a moronic tool whose comments last month about how Scotland should deal with Gareth Bale were disgraceful.

However, I'd actually say that Brown emerged from last night's exchange with more credit. He had obviously been stung by English's comments at the time of his Dundee appointment and I thought English should probably have offered an apology for the snidey tone he'd adopted at the time. Instead he continued with the cheap shots, saying at one point "I don't imagine you'll read my paper". I thought it was bullying and unpleasant.

Obviously, Brown's vindication for last summer's Ibrox performance is, as yet, less total than he's claiming, but there's no doubt that his claims are looking ever less ridiculous.

I listened in expecting to cringe every time Brown spoke, but found myself doing it more often when hearing from English.

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