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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Rangers FC was not "operated" by a company. Rangers football club "was" a limited company. It became a limited company when it incorporated in the 19th century. Rangers football club was the company. The company was the club. The company and the club were one and the same. When the club died, the company died. When the company died, the club died. Both at the same time and together simultaneously .

It's very straightforward.

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This from the fhud that can't get around his fat head around the fact his old club is dead and every fan in Scottish football is laughing at the joke reincarnation ... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Not only are we not dead, Dhense, we are officially Scotland's most successful club.

Lord Nimmo, UEFA, ASA, SFA and more - or some plastic fhanny with a chip on his shoulder on a messageboard? Who to believe.


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Vanguard Bears as classy as ever

attachicon.gifImageUploadedByPie & Bovril1386474908.518985.jpg

They gave a lengthy explanation about this yesterday: http://www.vanguardbears.co.uk/all-i-want-for-christmas.html

Was trying to keep my chortling down to a minimum as I was reading it at work but when I read this gem at the bottom tea nearly ended up being sprayed all over my screen:

"The original article highlighted those people and organisations (the logos of the BBC and ESPN featured on the original graphic - Is it even possible to 'kill' a company?) who, through their actions, we considered to be the enemies of Rangers FC."

Would have thought a Rangers fan was in the best position to answer that one...

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All that means is you've won more titles in the small pond that is Scotland.

Meanwhile Celtic is still the most successful Scottish club in the bigger pool that is European Champion's League football ...

Live with it ... you'll always be chasing us .. no matter how much you shout !!

The European Cup (Champion's League) has been, is and always will be a pipe dream for you chumps.


Whatever helps you sleep at night, petal.

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I love your acceptance that the company that operates our club is indeed a separate entity. 


Well done, fhud, you can now move on having freed that tiniest of minds.


Will your fellow diddies back you or can we expect more straw-clutching invention and fake outrage?

^^^^^^^^ tying himself in knots. :)

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The first warning you get when buying shares is that they can go up as well as down. Hope that clears it up.


But, you must admit that drop is pretty f*cking dramatic.

I thought, going on my shareholdings, they may have settled 10-15% below opening price and then after a year would start to climb slightly.

Obviously the gamblers on the stock markets don't like what they're seeing at the moment in the boardroom, and don't fancy the stocks to pick up in the mid term future.

Should've have put your money on the 2.20 at Newcastle today - Blue Sea of Ibrox ( three runs 4th, 4th, 6th).

Seen it at Hexham Kelso, bit of a young donkey at the moment but may improve as it gets older.

A bit like rangers really. :thumsup2

Edit: typo (again!). Got my race days mixed up.

Edited by Bookies Love Me
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