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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I think they should be forced to decide if they are going to die or not , ive had enough of long drawn out deaths

I see there are a few folk still kicking about claiming to support teams but only posting in the rangers subforum :lol::lol:

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Imagine you're a football fan and the best hope for your club is someone like Dave King.

How fucking depressing must that be.

I thought we were the Kings of Dubious Ownership - The Rangers make Dundee look like a paragon of virtue by comparison. Edited by DeeTillEhDeh
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I'm astonished, quite frankly. And amazed. Oh, and utterly befuddled by the actions of the Union of Struth Fans Son's Council of Reactionary Feckwits of Govan International (plc) (llp)(ltd).com, as shoorely even they must realise that if Graham Wallace keeps having to spend precious time in concocting "offishul" statements in response to scurrilous meeja tittle-tattle and unfounded rumour on interweb bampot forums, then he will never complete his 120 month day review of post-IPO-wasting procedures. Mr. McCoist must be absolutely seetho with frustratio.

Dave King Addresses The Multitude


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DJ is correct, Wallace and King need to come to some agreement, King wants to invest more money in Rangers, Rangers need the cash.

King is going to be hard to ignore especially when the fans groups are backing him.

Define "invest".

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DJ is correct, Wallace and King need to come to some agreement, King wants to invest more money in Rangers, Rangers need the cash.

King is going to be hard to ignore especially when the fans groups are backing him.

Snuffles, do you own one of these ? :huh:


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Snuffles clearly backing the Sugar Daddy Gonna Spend Spend Spend model of "investing" and therefore highly representative of the Orc Hordes.

What an absolute pile of dog whistling shite Kings' statement is. genuine and plausible investors will run a mile from this reckless approach so it's down to the non-existent "wealth off the radar chaps" to simply GIVE their cash to "the cause" Laughable in the extreme.

That this particular Pied Piper can open his deceitful gob and incite copious drool volumes from the most gullible fan base in the universe (new record by the way) is simply astounding.

Wallace should walk away while he can. This reincarnation is as badly infected as the last one and this time the powers that be in the SFA should apply a Do Not Resuscitate to the patient.

They (All things SevCo) have no desire to operate prudently if it means being dominated by other clubs, let alone their other half.

Edited by GreenockRover
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