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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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So where are we at with the cheating beggars ?, what's their master plan to be unfolded over the coming weeks or months to stay sort of solvent ?

What are we looking at ?, survive until the ST's are ready to be sold for the next season ?, will the fans rebel and a sizeable chunk/wedge will be abstained from the coffers throwing them into insolvency sooner than later ?

What's King's master plan ?, is he actually forcing the club into insolvency so he can buy the club on the cheap ?, will the spivs counteract by taking out more Wonga loans secured on the rest of the assets so if the club goes into administration the club loses it's assets and King is left with fcuk all other than pieces of paper should he seize control ?

Is this King's best chance of making a fast buck out of the club going into the Championship to seize control before it possibly reaches the Premier division where the revenue streams will increase dramatically ?, surely King knows if he takes control before the Premiership he will definitely making a killing out of the thick fuckers known as Rangers fans in the Premiership,"Let's stop them Bassas getting 10 in a row,so throw yer money at me" ?

How will King finance the club should he take over ?, like last time ?, secure his investment by loaning his cash to the club to be paid back plus interest through some dodgy financial offshore arrangement attached to the assets ?

Are the spivs holding out till the new season and then have a fire sale of their best players ?, this would allow them to bring in more mercenaries but will the fans be happy at losing their best players in the championship meaning less chance of promotion ?, is there another share issue around Christmas to limp on into the top tier ?

Why won't they just keel over and die ffs :lol:

Utterly obsessed with the Rangers...lol

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Coincidence ?

The week they clinch the title King continues his change of tune, cue countless quotes of everyone coming together, positive talks, bright future all very positive.

McCoist comes out with his usual quote to the press about how he supports King and the Board.

The orcs fall for it.

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See the big brave Record is putting the boot into Jack Irvine today. Funny how they didn't do that when the previous PR bloke left. Maybe they were lenient on him because his new equipment hadn't arrived.

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Nah !, it will probably cost the Govan Globetrotters more money in the replay than they will receive from it with luxury hotels,clean sheet,scoring,appearance money and win bonuses (should they win).

This could be bad for The Clone Rangers financially :lol:

Where are they staying this time? The Dakota? Even though it involves going past Coatbridge on the M8/A8, it is nicer than The Hilton at Bellshill, and a wee bit further away.

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f**k's sakes AWRA. This is your poorest alias yet, you stupid servile little fucker :lol:

I've made no effort with it. I'm bored with it all now so it's my last one. The only stupid people here is all the people who bit at everything I posted, it used to be funny but it's became a chore now.

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You're mum, I hear she's a very expensive hooker who makes a lot.

I've made no effort with it. I'm bored with it all now so it's my last one. The only stupid people here is all the people who bit at everything I posted, it used to be funny but it's became a chore now.

........and so modest and self-effacing too.......you'll be a great loss.

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Nice to see a manager showing other teams respect, very refreshing.

Benny, the redtops just adore jizz-guzzlers like you. :P

In actual fact it's called sophistry.

Or in Alastair's case, deflection.

Deflection from the Orcs who want his head on a spike and deflection to give the Weegie scribblers something to 'write' about.

The same scribblers who are also turning against him in order to get on the starting grid for the next game of musical chairs in the boardroom.

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I've made no effort with it. I'm bored with it all now so it's my last one. The only stupid people here is all the people who bit at everything I posted, it used to be funny but it's became a chore now.


50+ aliases is a clear indication of lack of effort. You'll be sorely missed by absolutely no one at all. Of course this clearly won't be your last one because your desperate need for this place has been painfully obvious for months. You stupid, servile little fucker.

I'm one in a million, what can I say.

Nah, there are plenty of idiotic racists in the world, although a fair few of them are your alias accounts.

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