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How long can they hold them back?

3 months.................

Half-yearly reports

18. An AIM company must prepare a half-yearly report in respect of the six month period from

the end of the financial period for which financial information has been disclosed in its

admission document and at least every subsequent six months thereafter (apart from the

final period of six months preceding its accounting reference date for its annual audited

accounts). All such reports must be notified without delay and in any event not later than

three months after the end of the relevant period.

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How long can they hold them back?

3 months.................

Half-yearly reports

18. An AIM company must prepare a half-yearly report in respect of the six month period from

the end of the financial period for which financial information has been disclosed in its

admission document and at least every subsequent six months thereafter (apart from the

final period of six months preceding its accounting reference date for its annual audited

accounts). All such reports must be notified without delay and in any event not later than

three months after the end of the relevant period.

Their accounts are overdue, they should be filed no more than nine months after the end of their financial year end. The photo that EA has posted actually says 'OVERDUE'.

Given all that's been happening there surely that's cause for concern.

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Why would they incur a financial penalty for late returns given the cost of their accountants .. weird.

Given everything that has happened with Rangers this is not insignificant. Yet it's picked up on a football forum (credit to EA) and yet no-one in the MSM seems to have noticed it.

As I said earlier a company has nine months following the end of their financial year to lodge their accounts with Companies House. However big the company and however complicated the accounts nine months is more than adequate for the preparation of accounts. It is not uncommon for companies in serious financial difficulty not to file on time, indeed it is often the first key indicator that something is wrong.

Why have the accounts not been filed?

Why has no-one in the MSM noticed?

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Civll War, tee hee :)


THE Ibrox shareholder made the move to contact his lawyers after Sons of Struth founder Craig Houston confronted him in the main stand during Wednesday's League One title celebrations.

Houston, right, confronts Easdale at Ibrox
RANGERS last night declared war on their own fans as Sandy Easdale’s lawyers revealed they are planning to sue rebel supporters.

The latest move came as the Union of Fans group unveiled plans for a mass protest at Ibrox on Saturday.

Record Sport revealed on Wednesday how club investor Easdale and the under-fire Ibrox regime have aimed legal big guns at some high-profile critics such as Sons of Struth founder Craig Houston.

We told how a flurry of warning shots had already been fired and how PR guru Jack Irvine had become a casualty – leaving Ibrox by mutual consent – after being caught up in the battle.

But the situation further deteriorated yesterday when Houston was told Easdale would take him to court.

Record Sport understands the move was made just hours after Houston confronted Easdale in the main stand at Ibrox during Wednesday night’s League One title celebrations.

The lawyers are not acting for the club itself but have been instructed by Easdale.

Houston revealed: “I’ve received a letter which makes it clear solicitors are preparing proceedings against myself and other named individuals at the Court of Session.

“To say I am shocked is an understatement, especially after the conversation I had with Easdale on Wednesday.

“The letter does not make clear the nature of the charges. But it does make clear that, even though Jack Irvine has now left the club, this board continues to turn on its own.”

But last night Easdale defended his stance. He said: “This is action I am taking personally for libellous comments about me.

“It’s not about taking a fan to court for being critical of the board. Some of the remarks are personal slurs.

“I have sent several nice lawyers’ letters asking to stop and we’ll forget about it.

“I don’t have a problem with people criticising me if I’ve done something wrong at Rangers. But taking it to a personal level has to stop.

“I told him at the game lawyers were involved and he’d brought it on himself.

“Tonight the lawyers have told him to sign something saying he won’t do it again and we’ll call the action off.

“If he says no I’ll take him to the Court of Session. I don’t want to take any fan to court but, on a personal level, I’m not having it anymore.”

Meanwhile, the Union of Fans are to hand out 30,000 blue cards at Ibrox on Saturday calling for the board to accept Dave King’s plan to inject fresh share capital into the club.

The South African tycoon last night flew into Scotland and plans to meet with fans’ groups as he looks to ramp up his bid to force through boardroom change.

And I see WhiteKillieCelt is dishing out Helens.... :rolleyes:

  1. WhiteKillieCelt
    Joined on Yesterday, 22:36
    Gold Members · 5 posts
Edited by phasma ex machina
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Civll War, tee hee :)


THE Ibrox shareholder made the move to contact his lawyers after Sons of Struth founder Craig Houston confronted him in the main stand during Wednesday's League One title celebrations.

Houston, right, confronts Easdale at Ibrox

RANGERS last night declared war on their own fans as Sandy Easdale’s lawyers revealed they are planning to sue rebel supporters.

The latest move came as the Union of Fans group unveiled plans for a mass protest at Ibrox on Saturday.

Record Sport revealed on Wednesday how club investor Easdale and the under-fire Ibrox regime have aimed legal big guns at some high-profile critics such as Sons of Struth founder Craig Houston.

We told how a flurry of warning shots had already been fired and how PR guru Jack Irvine had become a casualty – leaving Ibrox by mutual consent – after being caught up in the battle.

But the situation further deteriorated yesterday when Houston was told Easdale would take him to court.

Record Sport understands the move was made just hours after Houston confronted Easdale in the main stand at Ibrox during Wednesday night’s League One title celebrations.

The lawyers are not acting for the club itself but have been instructed by Easdale.

Houston revealed: “I’ve received a letter which makes it clear solicitors are preparing proceedings against myself and other named individuals at the Court of Session.

“To say I am shocked is an understatement, especially after the conversation I had with Easdale on Wednesday.

“The letter does not make clear the nature of the charges. But it does make clear that, even though Jack Irvine has now left the club, this board continues to turn on its own.”

But last night Easdale defended his stance. He said: “This is action I am taking personally for libellous comments about me.

“It’s not about taking a fan to court for being critical of the board. Some of the remarks are personal slurs.

“I have sent several nice lawyers’ letters asking to stop and we’ll forget about it.

“I don’t have a problem with people criticising me if I’ve done something wrong at Rangers. But taking it to a personal level has to stop.

“I told him at the game lawyers were involved and he’d brought it on himself.

“Tonight the lawyers have told him to sign something saying he won’t do it again and we’ll call the action off.

“If he says no I’ll take him to the Court of Session. I don’t want to take any fan to court but, on a personal level, I’m not having it anymore.”

Meanwhile, the Union of Fans are to hand out 30,000 blue cards at Ibrox on Saturday calling for the board to accept Dave King’s plan to inject fresh share capital into the club.

The South African tycoon last night flew into Scotland and plans to meet with fans’ groups as he looks to ramp up his bid to force through boardroom change.

And I see WhiteKillieCelt is dishing out Helens.... :rolleyes:

  1. WhiteKillieCelt
    Joined on Yesterday, 22:36

    Gold Members · 5 posts

The self-importance of some of these fans fuckwits knows no bounds. The Sons of Struth guy said a few months ago they had two members, yet because he runs a website he thinks that gives him the right to go into the director's box and confront Easdale?

He's lucky big Sandy hasn't got a few of his pals to take care of the situation.

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The self-importance of some of these fans fuckwits knows no bounds. The Sons of Struth guy said a few months ago they had two members, yet because he runs a website he thinks that gives him the right to go into the director's box and confront Easdale?

He's lucky big Sandy hasn't got a few of his pals to take care of the situation.

You sound like your a fan of this clown.

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I am. I don't know him personally but you can't knock the grand job he and his fellow Directors are doing in keeping us all entertained. :lol:

I wouldn't say I'm a fan of anyone involved in any club or company attached to the whole rangers saga over the last couple of years, but while they're fúcking each other over they're leaving decent people alone.

Long may it continue.

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I am. I don't know him personally but you can't knock the grand job he and his fellow Directors are doing in keeping us all entertained. :lol:

He's not a patch on Sir Dave King. I can't wait till Dave is back at Ibrox fucking the Rangers up for good taking Rangers to their deserved position in Scottish football.

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OK, so it's Twitter and from a 'Thimmy' source but it seems the Easedale loan was not 'free'.

Easdale showing great faith in the financial future of the company there........................................................not

Edited by Bloomogganners
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"Dave King wants Ibrox to be signed over to the fans as collateral for ST cash."


Really ?.........I think Hell will freeze over before the owner(s) of the stadium agree to that. On that point, just who owns the stadium ? Is this King's attempt to flush out the owner(s)?....."show us the deeds !"

And let's not forget what the South African justiciary think of Mr. King.........................

“The court are unanimous in finding that he [King] is a mendacious witness whose evidence should not be accepted on any issue unless it is supported by documents and other objective evidence. It was remarkable that King showed no sign of embarrassment or any emotion when he conceded that he had lied to the (SARS) commissioner in a number of his income tax returns. In our assessment, he is a glib and shameless liar.”

Be careful berrz......be very careful............... 8)

Statement from Onion of Fannies :-

"The Union of Fans are today urging every Rangers supporter to put their season ticket money into a trust where it will be held until certain assurances are received by the current board. These assurances will include the club providing supporters with a security over Ibrox stadium and the Auchenhowie training ground before season ticket money is released. This will ensure that the club’s most prized assets are not at risk if another funding crisis ensues.

This initiative is the result of a detailed meeting between Union of Fans representatives and Dave King in Glasgow today. There is now a firm commitment from all parties to move forward. More details of the setup of the trust, trustees and how fans can take part will be released in the coming days. It is our intention to ensure that fans have full transparency of how the trust will work and we will keep them updated on a regular basis.

We believe that if the board are happy to hand over security for the Albion car park and Edmiston House, in return for a high interest loan, then they should be happy to secure Ibrox and Auchenhowie for the supporters. The board have already publicly stated that they have no plans to use these assets to raise finance and we therefore see no reason why they would not comply with this request.

It is clear from today’s meeting that Dave King shares the concerns of supporters with regard to the desperate need for investment in the club. He has indicated that he is willing to provide that investment by taking a lead role in a fan based initiative and we are fully supportive of the terms on which he wishes to do so. We have arranged to meet again early next week to move the plans forward once he has completed a series of further meetings over the weekend. We would hope to then be in a position to release specific details.

We are extremely happy with what we see as a clear path forward to return Rangers to health and put the club on a secure footing, where it can challenge for the league and in Europe in the years to come. Without the investment being offered by Dave King and others, and with the current board planning to slash costs across the club, which could even delay our return to the top league, we fear that Rangers could be left in the wilderness for years to come.

We would reiterate that our fans have an opportunity to play a major role in holding this board to account, securing our most prized assets for generations to come and ensuring that much needed investment is brought in for the benefit of the club and not others. We hope supporters will show their backing for this initiative, and Dave King, by taking part in the Union of Fans Blue Card display at Ibrox on Saturday."

Death of a Thousand Cuts, methinks.

Edited by Florentine_Pogen
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