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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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And there's your problem right there. The old club won a European trophy* in those "dark days", for fúck's sake.

They can continue banging on about celtic, and rightful places, and European football, and global brands, all they want.

They are a (new) football club. In the place where a football club can measure success, they've just been humped twice in a week, in the biggest games in their history. They've won two lower-league championships, and spent enough to put their new club staring down the same gun-barrel as the old one faced before dying.

Great, isn't it ?


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I think you are clutching at straws. Rangers have 30,000 people that year on year extend credit to the club on the basis of being able to watch their team on a regular basis, this involves an element of trust that isn't in a Landlord/Tenant arrangement.

Ok.....my analogy wasn't a perfect fit..........They pay for a season ticket which grants them entry into the stadium for the home league matches......nothing more.

Edited by sjc
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so what if it was, does it matter?.

but i have yet to see any critisism of Dave King from any of the support for the sake of balancing the argument

The "support" stopped listening when King said he'd invest £30-50m......

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I think this is reasonable. They are asking for security over assets that will diminish in direct proportion to the "benefit" that they gain from watching their club. What the combined supporters are doing is no different from the Easdales who have provided a fraction of the money and have security. I am not sure of the last time that they paid to get in to Ibrox though!

ETA: In financial terms, the supporters are creditors of the club and therefore it is not unreasonable for them to request some form of security prior to "lending" the club their money.

Further ETA: In terms of financial responsibility, I think that this is surely the first time that the supporters have shown any.

Its totally different to what the Easdales, or any other investor, has done. They have invested money into the club, either directly or through share purchases. That isnt, in any way, the same as the commercial transaction of paying for a season ticket. In what way would the diminishing of the assets of the club impact the benefit of the season ticket?

The season ticket holders may be creditors of the club but theyre not lending the club their money, any more than I lend mine to Sky every month by paying my subscription in advance.

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Its totally different to what the Easdales, or any other investor, has done. They have invested money into the club, either directly or through share purchases. That isnt, in any way, the same as the commercial transaction of paying for a season ticket. 1. In what way would the diminishing of the assets of the club impact the benefit of the season ticket?

2. The season ticket holders may be creditors of the club but theyre not lending the club their money, any more than I lend mine to Sky every month by paying my subscription in advance.

1. In the same way as people that had paid money to Fairpack lost out.

2.That is exactly what they and you are doing. Just the same way as you lend the lecky company your money if you pay by DD and you are in credit.

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Its a mind set you quite clearly fail to fathom.

for a club the size of Rangers why would settling for second best be good enough?

good enough for Kilmarnock to play the bit part and look at 7th place as a success but not for a globally famous club like Rangers.

Spoilt child.

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And there's your problem right there. The old club won a European trophy* in those "dark days", for fúck's sake.

They can continue banging on about celtic, and rightful places, and European football, and global brands, all they want.

They are a (new) football club. In the place where a football club can measure success, they've just been humped twice in a week, in the biggest games in their history. They've won two lower-league championships, and spent enough to put their new club staring down the same gun-barrel as the old one faced before dying.

It's the absolute refusal to accept the position they find themselves in I find breath-taking. Dave King takes a contatry stance to the existing BoD so he must be the new Messsiah. Nevermind that he is as trustworthy as John Leslie in a convent, he promised us a quick fix-it path out of the wilderness. He doesn't say exactly how; he hasn't actually commited a penny (why should he when the masses have already said they will do it for him). Follow that dream lads! We musn't lose the title of 'Most Successful Club in the World' and the world-wide respect this epithet brings (stop sniggering at the back).

'Those that forget the past are destined to repeat it' maybe but FFS it was only a couple of monthes ago they were being led to the Pomised Land by the last Camel Coatted shyster ~ ARRA PEEPUL goldfish?

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had to post this absolutely spot on.

A Plea to the Rangers Board
By Stephstar

– Posted on April 15, 2014Posted in: Rangers News


Written by Morethanaclub

Please please keep your rallying calls to yourself I’m sick and tired of being patronised with the plaudits you shower upon me of being one of the best group of supporters in the world as if this is going to make everything alright not only is it patronising it’s also pretentious and condescending.

In times gone by this old fool (and that’s how you make me feel these days)beamed with pride when professing my allegiance to the bears in red white and blue, even in the dark days of the 60′s and 70′s when we had to play second fiddle to Celtic as they won title after title.now I see an unstoppable pandemic starting at the top right down to the players who stroll around the pitch like the overpaid prima donna’s they are, and I add to that playing the worst style of football I have ever seen in all my years watching my beloved Rangers.

Our gallant pioneers, Mr Struth and the legends that graced Ibrox in the past must be spinning in their graves. My pride diminishes on a daily basis but I’m too tired to be angry.

I have tried really tried to put a positive spin on everything we have been through in the last few years.

But I’m sorry to say the positivity has run dry.

Let’s be honest you and previous custodians of our great club have frittered away millions of pounds to the extent that we have had to suffer the indignity of administration and the embarrassment of liquidation and we now find ourselves on the brink of financial meltdown again to the extent you are finding yourselves extending the begging bowl for short term loans to keep afloat almost on a month to month basis. (At least you got this bit right)

You say that you have the clubs best interests at heart, but at what level have you warranted any confidence in you from us, the fans? I am struggling to think of any decision made at the club in the last few years that could even remotely be described as a good one.You asked us for 120 days to come up with your plan for going forward and we have patiently stood by as you have drew it up.

But I will say this it will have to be good because during that time we have seen someone come in with an offer of large investment and it would appear you are unwilling to enter serious dialogue of accepting the offer.

Because of this our club is at present akin to a soap opera with statements and counter statements flying around like confetti. I would also like to add previous incumbents have shouted from the rooftops about plans they had that have come to nothing. Can you risk treating us like fools again?

Ally McCoist has arguably the toughest management job in British if not European football because as a support we demand success no excuses that’s the way we were brought up its in our DNA and that is why we are the most successful club in the world. As the present custodians it is your DUTY to ensure that doesn’t change.

Hold another board meeting, look around the table and ask yourself how many if any of the guys you are looking at truly love the club like the fans that turn up week in week out do.

Then take a run up to Auchenhowie and watch the players train and ask yourself how many you see that have the balls or more importantly the ability to become Rangers greats like the legends of the past including the present manager.

To both questions I think the answer will be very few if any.

Once again it is your DUTY to change that.

Rangers board members I beg you please make our club great again, rid yourselves of hedge funds that only see us as a cash cow and do what needs to be done.

You know it makes sense.

Yours sincerely

A Loyal Rangers Dave King Fan


Pretty eloquent for a bear.....

....But still pish.

"...demand success no excuses..." :lol:

"...it's in our DNA..." :lol:

"...the most successful club in the world. As the present custodians it is your DUTY to ensure that doesn’t change..." :lol:

He could simply have written:


Gorp. :1eye

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why do rangers fans keep saying they are the most successful club in the world ? that title belongs to al ahly of Egypt who have won a lot more trophies than rangers did.or perhaps real madrid who have won 9 European cups where as rangers reached 1 semi final 54 years ago and lost 12-4 to a team that lost 7-3 in the final.

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All that the majority of supporters want to do is watch and support their team playing football.

Well that majority are very quiet. Because all plastics and diddies hear is the rabble minority demanding success and their rightful place at the top.

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Its a mind set you quite clearly fail to fathom.

for a club the size of Rangers why would settling for second best be good enough?

good enough for Kilmarnock to play the bit part and look at 7th place as a success but not for a globally famous club like Rangers.

Classic attitude from a person who has no comprehension of the term 'Doing a Leeds'.

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1. In the same way as people that had paid money to Fairpack lost out.

2.That is exactly what they and you are doing. Just the same way as you lend the lecky company your money if you pay by DD and you are in credit.

1. By diminishing value I took you to mean that the value of the asset would reduce but still exist. Thats not really the same thing as the company no longer being able to fulfil its obligation as part of the commercial agreement its entered into, is it? So how do you think the Board of Scottish Power, or one of Fairpacks replacements would react if I decided it was my right to have company assets transferred to me before I parted with my money?

2. I disagree. But lets assume youre right and it is a loan. The "terms" of the loan are that I continue to receive my electricity, admission to games etc. Theres no scope in that agreement for me to expect to receive additional assets of the company.

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Found this blog and its interesting where the blogger polled the fans on whether they would renew their season tickets and it came up 3 to 1 in favour. http://www.ibroxnoise.co.uk/2014/04/why-rangers-legends-should-stay-out-of.html

My point is there are a lot of 'squeaky wheels' on the internet who get the all the attention and misdirect the opinion of others.

popular opinion on this being what the majority of BRALT posters say, which isn't always right. Example, isn't Rangers supposed to be dead by now what happened there?

All that the majority of supporters want to do is watch and support their team playing football.

Not dead yet but eventually all victims of Persistent Vegetative State succumb to the inevitable.

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Found this blog and its interesting where the blogger polled the fans on whether they would renew their season tickets and it came up 3 to 1 in favour. http://www.ibroxnoise.co.uk/2014/04/why-rangers-legends-should-stay-out-of.html

My point is there are a lot of 'squeaky wheels' on the internet who get the all the attention and misdirect the opinion of others.

popular opinion on this being what the majority of BRALT posters say, which isn't always right. Example, isn't Rangers supposed to be dead by now what happened there?

All that the majority of supporters want to do is watch and support their team playing football stopping Celtic winning titles and cups.

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1. By diminishing value I took you to mean that the value of the asset would reduce but still exist. Thats not really the same thing as the company no longer being able to fulfil its obligation as part of the commercial agreement its entered into, is it? So how do you think the Board of Scottish Power, or one of Fairpacks replacements would react if I decided it was my right to have company assets transferred to me before I parted with my money?

2. I disagree. But lets assume youre right and it is a loan. The "terms" of the loan are that I continue to receive my electricity, admission to games etc. Theres no scope in that agreement for me to expect to receive additional assets of the company.

I think we are speaking at cross purposes here.

The diminishing element is the security over the assets, not the assets themselves. Therefore once the Rangers fans have watched 1/4 of the games, the security would be reduced by 1/4. The security would be completely released once the season had completed.

If your electricity company relied upon you to provide it the cashflow to continue to operate then I expect that you may wish to negotiate the terms of your relationship with said company.

ETA: The Rangers supporters are not asking to receive additional assets for their money. They are asking to securitise existing club assets until the club has discharged their contracted rights (provide a seasons worth of football that the fans would normally have pre-paid with no conditions attached).

As I posted earlier, there is continual "why don't you do something about it then" or similar statements made. The supporters are now trying to do this and the general consensus appears to be that they don't have a right to do so!

Edited by strichener
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cant see how this plan is going to work out (1) how will giving Dave the season ticket ££ get anyone into the stadium unless they they pay at the gate- giving the club the ££ as well (2) what happens to £££ if say the club cut costs and completely ignore Dave (3) what happens if a deal of sorts happens and the fund££ is given to the club, eg- heres 3million quid - its fae Boab, Rab , wullie etc how do they then get S/Ts (4) its going to take a fair bit of ££ to administer all this , how much S/T money will be short IF/WHEN the ££ is handed over , and who will make up the shortfall , or not get a S/T. . just a few things off the top of the head , bound to be more , but you get the idea

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McCoist is a severe hindrance to ' Rangers ' past, present and future.

Shambles that a team spending that much money couldn't even win a cup competition. Even the Diddy cup. :D

Your new avatar is pleasssing me :D

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I think we are speaking at cross purposes here.

The diminishing element is the security over the assets, not the assets themselves. Therefore once the Rangers fans have watched 1/4 of the games, the security would be reduced by 1/4. The security would be completely released once the season had completed.

Yes, I think we were, sorry about that.

If your electricity company relied upon you to provide it the cashflow to continue to operate then I expect that you may wish to negotiate the terms of your relationship with said company.

Well, it does, doesnt it?

ETA: The Rangers supporters are not asking to receive additional assets for their money. They are asking to securitise existing club assets until the club has discharged their contracted rights (provide a seasons worth of football that the fans would normally have pre-paid with no conditions attached).

As I posted earlier, there is continual "why don't you do something about it then" or similar statements made. The supporters are now trying to do this and the general consensus appears to be that they don't have a right to do so!

Again, that makes sense. However, again, that isnt what the supporters groups are saying. Maybe its just semantics, but they talk about the assets being "in good hands" should the club go under. To me, that implies that they want their season tickets and control over the assets, not just security that the club will be able to fulfill its commitment. I would describe that as something over and above what they're entitled to as part of a season ticket purchase.

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I suspect that a significant number of The Rangers supporters will go ahead and purchase their STs regardless. Its in their DNA, after all....aherm.

They will be pretty much like any other supporter who has a season ticket and is hugely possessive of their seat, beside their mates, and with the view of the game they've come to expect.

The vast majority of efforts to galvanise an entire support base to demonstrate, boycott, or otherwise express a multilateral position in respect of the position/predicament of their club fall squarely on their arses.

I predict an ignominious shambles.


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