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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Seriously what is King's game here ?, he knows the spivs would rather run the club into the ground rather than allow King and a few dopey supporters handing over a wad of cash to him to wrestle the club from the spivs.

He probably knows that the assets will be sold off for leaseback as well should he and his Lemmings gain enough ST holders to joined in on his demented crusade. The club will be forced to sell on leaseback to gain enough cash to limp on and reach the Premiership for one last big payout bonanza.

Not gonnae happen ... the club may well sell to leaseback but I can't see them gaining enough cash to ensure promotion with the burn rate at the moment .. not happening.

It's just like the radio clyde super scoreboard panel tonight....

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1. What is the going rate? a stadium with a listed building in the middle of govan....having a look at previous sale history it fetched £5.5M when it was used to support a football club with thousands of paying customers alongside a training facility in Murray Park.

2. It does mean the money is protected though.

3. So they are only asking for significantly more, there is nothing to say they would get it, I would imagine an independent valuation would be sought and would take into account previous values in similar circumstances.

Nonsense, that wouldn't have left anything over to pay for the trophies.

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I think both phil mcmadeupname and legget are the biggest look at me dark side diddies this clusterfuck of a laugh can do without. At least most of the rockets on here don't come out with pish patter like I had to leave Scotland because of anti scots/irish rubbish or my bigoted granny would turn in her grave nonsense, both deserve a wide berth.

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Agreed, thank god we do not have a stream of fannies posting legget`s nonsense day after day.

Every day is liquidation day, he cries wolf too many times for me, not seen the pished stained jakey commenting lately has mcmurdo stole his thunder?

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Phil MacGiollaBhain ‏@Pmacgiollabhain

I am hearing that if Imran Ahmad gets that £500,000 Ring fenced tomorrow then things could get interesting...

Phil has a strong track record of writing unsubstantiated pish which turns out wrong, or (as in the example above) he just states the obvious - of course if Rangers have to park 500k they'd be in trouble.

The guy has no credibility. He makes claim after claim hoping one of them is true. He doesn't explain the dozens he gets wrong. If tweeting football inside info was a league contest, Mad Phil would be in the relegation zone.

His "source" is probably just winding him up. And in any case who inside Ibrox would talk to him?? It's like someone at Celtic Park giving Leggat exclusive inside info.

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Just a few of the exclusives provided by phil courtesy of our attentive Dhenbhoy.

Just you be very careful Tedi.......one of these days he'll be right! :P

ETA: Phil not Dhenbhoy that is.

Edited by sjc
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Mad Phil :lol:

Does anyone still listen to him? He's the very definition of 'hit and hope'

As a side note, I would like to wish Imran Ahmad all the very best in his endeavours today 8)

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Of course, he has to get something right eventually, would be good if he at least tried to explain why all his other predictions have not come true, I mean he is supposed to be a respectable, morally correct champion of the people type journalist who likes telling the world how all these other journalists keep getting it wrong...is he not?

Maybe Dhenbhoy can have a go at explaining for him.

Have you considered that maybe he's loosely following Churchill's mantra of "hiding a lie between two truths" except he seems to be "stating the obvious between a shitload of lies"..........

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I think there was a time when mad Phil's blogs were of merit. Maybe 2 years ago.

Now though there is nothing really there, he seems to be just filling space. Charlotte stole his thunder for a while and there's another blog, the long road or something that got the 5 way agreement stuff, which have been of much more value.

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As a side note, I would like to wish Imran Ahmad all the very best in his endeavours today 8)

Agreed. 'Mon the Imran ! :guns




CA131/13 Imran Ahmad v The Rangers Football Club Ltd

BBM Solicitors

No Law Lord named yet. And should that not read "Five-Starred Motion" ?

Edited by Florentine_Pogen
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Just a few of the exclusives provided by phil courtesy of our attentive Dhenbhoy.

Nicely summarised. No doubt he'll get something right one of these days, but even a blind squirrel finds a nut every now and then.

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Nicely summarised. No doubt he'll get something right one of these days, but even a blind squirrel finds a nut every now and then.

I'd be inclined to disagree with this as the chances of a blind squirrel climbing a tree to avoid predators or running across a road without getting squished by a bus are remote. Ergo, nut-finding might be the least of it's worries.


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There just HAS to be a joke in there but it's eluding me. Anyone?

ETA found this

' The Clit River is a tributary of the Solca River in Romania'


I think Tedi is wrong here (I know I know, not expecting any credit for stating the obvious) as I don't believe the collective term for Fannies is "stream"

Two Fannies doesnt constitute a herd or grouping and is described as a "cupla" - Tedi and Magoo are a cupla fannies

More often than not more than two Fannies are referred to as a "bunch-a" - Tedi, Magoo and bennett are a bunch-a fannies.

The singular Fannie (or more commonly Fanny) is often described in terms of his commitment to fannydom - Tedi is total fanny.

Or even in terms of his lack of non-fanny characteristics - Magoo is a pure fanny.

When fannies communicate with each other it is usually met with complete enthusiasm by other members of their "bunch" and non-fannies will often perceive this discourse as being similiar to urine. - That total fanny is talking pish

When a bunch is in full flow (ahem) this is referred to (rather confusingly) as solid urine. Bennet and Magoo are talking a pile of pish.

"Stream" is not therefore correct usage and seems to be the sole invention of a singular total fanny talking pish.

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I can exclusively reveal that somebody who cannot be named told me something which cannot be revealed will definitely happen today and if not today then almost certainly tomorrow and when it does happen lots of people may or may not be very interested

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