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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I know the majority of Sevconians are a bit thick and slow on the uptake, but is it too difficult for even you just to hit the link?? You want my view.....Waddell is totally spot on, on everything he says in his column!!

Yet you can't tell me why the article is spot on, it just is lol

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Yet you can't tell me why the article is spot on, it just is lol

Not my fault if you can't read! However if you can read and you are just being plain stupid, have a wee look at it and tell me what you disagree with. I have told you I agree with everything, bar the Salary is a great guy bit. I can understand you guys getting upset over the potential 2nd demise of a team playing at Ibrox, but don't take it out on us...haha!

Edited by Sting777
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I can t understand how it has come to this again after starting a fresh

No need to understand, just enjoy.

Yet you can't tell me why the article is spot on, it just is lol

You're not very good. Your manager is a clown, he's under a bit of pressure and appears to be relying on the tried and tested method of signing himself out of jail. You don't have any money, which makes signing a 5th goalkeeper seem like a fairly unusual decision and perhaps indicative of it not really mattering how long and expensive his contract is.

Just you wait, when they bring the face painter back in, that's the sign ;)

THEY sold their road back to the top of the game as ‘The Journey’.

It would appear Rangers have arrived at a destination many financial experts predicted for them long ago. The edge of a cliff.

As the directors sit there like Thelma and Louise, with the engine revving, you wonder if the question was not whether the club would end up being driven over the edge but more a matter of when the crash would occur.

How else do you explain it?

No sane person would surely run a business the way they’ve run theirs. It’s as if they have committed commercial suicide.

An example? It didn’t make a headline. Barely registered a mention.

But if you want even a tiny indication of exactly how dysfunctional Rangers are, then look no further than the signing of Lee Robinson last week.

A 28-year-old back-up keeper to a 35-year-old back-up. When they already have the Scotland Under-19 No.1 AND the Scotland Under-17 No.1 on their books?

Another wage? Aye, why not, eh? We’ve been splashing money needlessly for two and a half years on players we don’t need and can’t afford – another won’t kill us.

Their share offering on Friday was like taking a tube of Savlon to a cremation.

They’ve admitted to the stock exchange that if they don’t get at least £3m, they’re knackered.

And even if they do, they’ve openly shifted the problem a couple of months further down the line.

Yet still they sign players like autograph hunters? They act as if they don’t give a monkey’s.

Other clubs coming back from the brink, the first thing they attacked was their cost base. Trimmed all the fat and started from the ground up. Live within your means. New club motto? Numquam Iterum. Never Again.

Yet here we are, back at square one. Ally on the back pages, pleading: ‘Don’t sell my stars’.

Why not? Truth is you should never have been allowed to sign most of them in the first place. This whole ‘We’re Rangers and until someone tells me otherwise, we’ll continue to behave like Rangers’ schtick?

McCoist is a bright, articulate, likeable guy. I refuse to believe he’s so gullible. That he never sat there and thought ‘This can’t be right’.I’m not saying anything I haven’t said to him in a dozen different press conferences.

I’ve asked him why they weren’t hunkering down, signing players for their level, saving cash.

He always replied: “The fans deserve better.”

Damn right they do. But they also deserve their club to survive after what they’ve put in over the years.

In a football sense, I haven’t yet met a Rangers fan who didn’t think the club would have been better bleeding half a dozen youngsters into their line-up back on day one and developing them properly than going down the road they did.

I haven’t yet met a fan who wouldn’t have put up with the odd defeat to see some genuine progress and fiscal responsibility rather than watching the likes of Richard Foster, Stevie Smith, Ian Black, Dean Shiels or Jon Daly.

Or Lee Robinson. Nice lad, decent gloves – but what about Liam Kelly and Robby McCrorie, two of the highest-rated teenagers in their position in Scotland?

Every other club in the country is giving youth a chance and reaping the rewards.

Not The Rangers. Sorry lads. Can’t trust you, even on the bench. No time to have faith in you.

Other diddy clubs might get away with playing teenagers. They may even excel.

Hell, look at Conor McGrandles – 82 senior games by the age of 18 and a £1million move from Falkirk to Norwich. Rangers are too good for that, though. Listen, the dysfunctional management of the club’s affairs runs a million miles deeper than the team.

These are just examples of how a total breakdown in management manifests itself in public.

What goes on behind closed doors or up marble staircases? We may never know.

But the fact they’re putting out the begging bowl in such a humiliating manner suggests none of it is good.

And then we have the ever-hovering presence of Dave King .

King has been criticised for his silence but don’t let anyone kid you that he hasn’t been waiting for this exact moment.

The lowest ebb. The final wheezing breaths of a regime someone as long in the tooth as he is always thought would arrive.

Sure, he’s a Rangers fan. Sure, his intentions for the club will be more honourable than the current incumbents.

But spare me the idea his timing suggests anything other than his own benefit being served too.

In the meantime, the Rangers fans are once again left with what they call Morton’s Fork – two choices, both undesirable.

Take up the share option, keep a shambolic regime functioning a little longer. Or not a penny more. Flush them out and suffer the consequences. I don’t envy them their decision.

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Yet you can't tell me why the article is spot on, it just is lol

Rangers won the Scottish League Division 3 title by 24 points.
Staff costs: £17,943,000
Other operating charges: £13,317,000
"No sane person would surely run a business the way they’ve run theirs." seems pretty spot on (although the syntax is poor)
Edited by topcat(The most tip top)
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Wow whoever this Waddell chap is, he sure could give Scottish Phil a run for his money when it comes to being a tit.

£70m squandered in 18 months, does this Waddell chap mentions this?

Huge bonuses and wages, as well various fees and other assorted payouts at boardroom level. Does this Waddell chap mention it?

Onerous contracts left, right and centre, i'm sure that this Waddeller chap will mention that....

No it's all down to the signing of a journeyman keeper.

...and we don't play any youngsters, jesus wept it is really too much to ask for some level headed journalism...

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This thread, for all the derision aimed towards it at times, is testament to everything that rangers have done wrong.

Although I don't quite get the shtick that has the fans as innocent victims. They were loving it when they signed SPL players they couldn't afford. It's the rangers way.

Edited by AberdeenBud
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Wow whoever this Waddell chap is, he sure could give Scottish Phil a run for his money when it comes to being a tit.

£70m squandered in 18 months, does this Waddell chap mentions this?

Huge bonuses and wages, as well various fees and other assorted payouts at boardroom level. Does this Waddell chap mention it?

Onerous contracts left, right and centre, i'm sure that this Waddeller chap will mention that....

No it's all down to the signing of a journeyman keeper.

...and we don't play any youngsters, jesus wept it is really too much to ask for some level headed journalism...

Don't be daft Bennett.

He's not putting it all down to the signing of Robinson.

He is however suggesting that the signing is indicative of something badly wrong and damaging at the club.

The fact that there are other things wrong, doesn't make him wrong.

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This thread, for all the derision aimed towards it at times, is testament to everything that rangers have done wrong.

You are half right. In terms of financial incompetence we deserve all the pelters we have had, I haven't an issue with that. I have said it before: this thread has been a real testament to how fans of other clubs view Rangers and it is one reason I love P&B rather than single-team forums.

You missed the second good point of The Big Thread., though. It serves as a cathartic vehicle for the Plastics and Diddies. This has been spleen-venting central.

In sum I love The Big Thread and am amused each day about how posting about Rangers make folk feel important.

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Wow whoever this Waddell chap is, he sure could give Scottish Phil a run for his money when it comes to being a tit.

£70m squandered in 18 months, does this Waddell chap mentions this?

Huge bonuses and wages, as well various fees and other assorted payouts at boardroom level. Does this Waddell chap mention it?

Onerous contracts left, right and centre, i'm sure that this Waddeller chap will mention that....

No it's all down to the signing of a journeyman keeper.

...and we don't play any youngsters, jesus wept it is really too much to ask for some level headed journalism...

I think its more aimed at the part that you have the Scotland under 21 and under 19 goalkeepers on your books yet would rather add another salary to a far too bloated wage structure when you then come out with the cap firmly in hand.

It is worrying that despite the awareness you are struggling for cash that the board would ok another signing. Its like they are trying to accelerate the process whilst looking like they are doing all they can to salvage the company/club.

Seems fishy to me but then again none of this seems to have straight forward

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I think its more aimed at the part that you have the Scotland under 21 and under 19 goalkeepers on your books yet would rather add another salary to a far too bloated wage structure when you then come out with the cap firmly in hand.

It is worrying that despite the awareness you are struggling for cash that the board would ok another signing. Its like they are trying to accelerate the process whilst looking like they are doing all they can to salvage the company/club.

Seems fishy to me but then again none of this seems to have straight forward

They are indeed but for this Waddell chap to completely miss out the main reasons for the clubs financial troubles is ludicrous.

Don't be daft Bennett. He's not putting it all down to the signing of Robinson. He is however suggesting that the signing is indicative of something badly wrong and damaging at the club. The fact that there are other things wrong, doesn't make him wrong.

He is trying to distort the facts and set an agenda, otherwise he'd have told it straight and not omitted the main reasons for the financial woes.

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Bonuses due have not paid, nor the loans .. but the payroll has been met.

However to meet the payroll 32RED have paid upfront sponsorship monies that would be due later in the year and Mike Ashley has paid the difference (rumour has it, he now has full control of the Superstore) ...

They really are running on fumes ...

The other rumour is that ST is being withheld until this share issue is taken up in full ... and another share issue is still required and will need to be launched in October.

However .. who the hell will subscribe to it with the current state of the club and the onerous contacts.

The 'most likely' scenario is that they will go breests up again ...

Dave King will not buy into this company while onerous contracts exist to line other folks pockets.

Is this confirmed?

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Bonuses due have not paid, nor the loans .. but the payroll has been met.

However to meet the payroll 32RED have paid upfront sponsorship monies that would be due later in the year and Mike Ashley has paid the difference (rumour has it, he now has full control of the Superstore) ...

They really are running on fumes ...

The other rumour is that ST is being withheld until this share issue is taken up in full ... and another share issue is still required and will need to be launched in October.

However .. who the hell will subscribe to it with the current state of the club and the onerous contacts.

The 'most likely' scenario is that they will go breests up again ...

Dave King will not buy into this company while onerous contracts exist to line other folks pockets.

Is there not a bit of a conflict there? I thought an individual could only have interests in one football club. What if (pie in the sky) SEVCO and Newcastle made it into the same competition. Would there not be a danger of Ashley tipping the scales?

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I believe the Superstore has a separate company and any funds he coughed up came as an investment through that vehicle. It has nothing to do with the share issue .. though that's just conjecture based on the rumours flying around.

Yeah. But he still owns 2.5mill in the commercial rights. Which is a pretty big lever. Especially when they only. Have 4mill and the other 1.5 is tick to be paid this month. Pretty much means he owns Ragers and the car park-bus park and the pub are owned by the unmentionables, bless em.

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You missed the second good point of The Big Thread., though. It serves as a cathartic vehicle for the Plastics and Diddies. This has been spleen-venting central.

In sum I love The Big Thread and am amused each day about how posting about Rangers make folk feel important.

Good God.

You, of all posters, reduced to pretending the obsession of others amuses you in some detached, superior way.

You are struggling.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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