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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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This is fantastic, even if this version of the club survives they have sold everything that the fans would consider to make up Rangers.

Even their fucking identity.

'Mon the spivs.

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I would say the club, however that will not stop the likes of dhen and philmcmadeupname inventing other possibilities, which will undoubtedly then sucker certain types in.

Suckering certain types. That has been the spivs business plan for the last couple of years. It's been like taking candy from a baby for them.

You certain types are soooo easy to fleece.

WATP and all that jazz :thumsup2

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I would say the club, however that will not stop the likes of dhen and philmcmadeupname inventing other possibilities, which will undoubtedly then sucker certain types in.

Ouch! Thats me told :lol:

Do you not think there is anything even remotely dodgy, under-hand or even just secret going on that might affect the future of your club?

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Like a secret pact with Peter L, Charlie Green, Craigy White and the RTC blogger, all underwritten by the vatican?

Entirely plausible Mr X.

No. Like a bunch of men mainly in it for what they can get out personally irrespective of what happens to the club.

Its serious deja vu time here. Things are happening at your club, yet its the fans of the other clubs asking questions and hypothesising whats going on that no-one knows about. All the while, the Rangers fans sit with their fingers in their ears going "la la la la"


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You would have to provide an plausible example.

For 2 days you have been speculating about 'image and brand' ownership based purely on rumours started by a mad blogger who does not even know his own name and a poster on P & B who suckered you in just a few days ago with non existent SPFL rules.

The IP is clearly owned by Rangers, this is not a rumour, it is fact clearly shown in the link I provided, now if you wish to speculate on what happens to that IP in the event of an insolvency event then I would from personal experience suggest that any lawyer worth their salt would recommend that the IP ownership is transferred when the contract is drawn up and that Rangers would be able to continue to use that IP, this if course would prevent these contracts being ripped up in the event of liquidation, the fact that this has not been done makes the whole scenario seem improbable. You may also note (if you have read Phil`s blog) that he suggests that the IP is owned by CG, again the link I provided clearly shows that this is total bullshit, I also believe the prospectus made it clear who owner the IP.

So, what you're saying is that until something actually real happens you dont want to discuss it? Of course, by that time its happened and its too late to do anything about it. Much like liquidation and Green buying the club.

If you seriously arent interested in discussing what Ashley, or King, the Rangers BoD or the mysterious backers end game is and what implications that might have on your club, fair enough. But you could, at least, be gracious enough not to try and mock those who are.

Oh, and maybe you should check the status of those IPs you provided a link to ;)

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We are discussing it.

If I was not interested in discussing it then I would simply ignore you, instead of providing genuine links and arguments based on what might happen, it is a shame you seem intent on ignoring this.

I did, on the important (ownership) part, 1 is disputed and will probably have something to do with the publicised case with the R.F.C. case.

Your first response was to cite some ludicrous conspiracy theory. You gave the distinct impression that you werent interested in discussing it.

This might be a stupid question, but whats the point of owning a dead IP?

ETA - the link you posted to was for Rangers plc, who own a bunch of dead IPs. The owners now, would appear to be Rangers Ltd. I genuinely dont remember which is what

Edited by Mr X
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Why are rangers fans being urged not to shop in sports direct? Because green sold the naming rights for a pound?

That's hardly mike Ashley's fault, he's a businessman after all.

As if the average knuckledragging Rangers fans could last five minutes without multi-packs of white sports socks and their unique range in Kappa tracksuit bottoms anyway.

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Perhaps Philmcmadeupname would have been wise to do an IP search


LMFAO Tedi's proof backfires again, the patent office says Rangers are DEAD

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Yes, it may have been ludicrous but with some simple checking these IP rumours seem to have no more foundation.

What dead IP?

Sorry. I clicked on DBs link, instead of yours. My mistake.

But, going back to my follow up question, what is the Ltd company? Is that the club or the holding company?

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I was looking at Craid Whyte's wikipedia page and found that this link leads to 'page not found' within the Stock Exchange website.

Is history being obliterated?

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Sorry Tedi, you are correct, I should have said intellectual property office. Who was the other club who owned the intellectual property first and registered it?

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As far as I am aware, it is a wholly owned subsidiary.

Which owns the club. So thats a good thing then, the IPs are owned by the club, at the moment anyway.

See, its good to talk about these things :)

So, if Ashleys games isnt connected to the IPs, what do you think he is up to? Or do you think the retail arm moving to SD is part of normal business practice?

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