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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Paul been busy writing emails.



Heroes and Villains (1996)

Trigger, Del, Rodders, Sid and Boycie chating in Sid's cafe. Trigger has just been presented with an award for saving the council money.


Trigger And that's what I've done. Maintained it for 20 years. This old brooms had 17 new heads and 14 new handles in its time.

Sid How the hell can it be the same bloody broom then?

Trigger Theres the picture. What more proof do you need?

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That is what i'm thinking



This makes me laugh! " No asset stripping " The assets involved are not worth a monkeys f*ck to these American guys. ( with apologies to MT for taking his name in vain )

No, it's as if someone said " See to take your mind off running a real business there's a crapshoot going on with a daft wee football club in Northern Europe , fancy a giggle ? "

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An interesting part of the article about The Rangers' latest saviour was the bit about how his son was being coached at football by ex Ranger David Robertson.

Now, clearly Davie boy managed to get an audience with the boys' Dad and must have spun a fine exciting tale of past glories, "world records" and Glesga Derbies full of "atmosphere" blah blah blah.... Followed by some impressive tears at the current plight of today's incarnation to get Sarver interested enough to ante up this 'offer' (yet to be formalised of course).

Wait until he gets properly involved and sees what ra peepul expect....

Edited by GreenockRover
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I wonder why he didn't mention Middlesbrough, Clydebank, Airdrie or Gretna.

Point still stands, if the company is struggling badly financially, why doesn't someone buy the club on its own without having to take on any of the debt

That's the bit I don't get.

Club and company being separate means the club could never go bust. There are no sanctions when a club is taken over by a different company so why did Rangers end up in league 2?

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I wonder why he didn't mention Middlesbrough, Clydebank, Airdrie or Gretna.

Point still stands, if the company is struggling badly financially, why doesn't someone buy the club on its own without having to take on any of the debt

Indeed. The whole thing does not make any sense. Except of course to the interested parties, who will naturally be willing to accept any old hokum if it helps them. Can't really blame them for that but the authorities are digging a big hole for themselves IMO.

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That's the bit I don't get.

Club and company being separate means the club could never go bust. There are no sanctions when a club is taken over by a different company so why did Rangers end up in league 2?

None of us get it, Jack, because it's bollox. One of the delicious ironies in this whole palaver is that the people required to maintain the web of contradictions, illogical timeline gaps/crossovers, definitions of clubs and companies, and so on are a section of society signally unable to summon the intellect for such mental gymnastics*.

For the rest of us it's simple - rangers died, all the other teams moved up one leaving a gap at the bottom, where a new team was admitted.

*Before the allegations of irrational prejudice start flying, I refer you to the posting history of Vicky, Five Stars, RedRob, The_Kincardine, No8., et al. **

** Unless, of course, they're not representative of the rangers family. ;)

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Just a thought, is leach being appointed part of ashleys end game?

Ensure his contracts are watertight, get his loans repaid as a priority and then sell up? Let llambias and leach negotiate their walk away deals as well? Ceo signs off FD and vice versa

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Rejection of Possible Offer

The Board of Rangers has considered the possible offer from Robert Sarver (or a vehicle to be established and controlled by him) ("Mr Sarver").

The proposal by Mr Sarver comprises a placing of 100 million shares at 18p ("Placing") which, if approved by shareholders at a general meeting, would be immediately followed by an unconditional offer at 18p pursuant to Rule 9 of the Code. The Placing would give Mr Sarver control of Rangers.

While the Directors welcome Mr Sarver's approach, they believe that, notwithstanding the current financial difficulties, the proposal does not adequately value a controlling interest in the Company and accordingly the resolution to approve the placing is unlikely to achieve the 75% majority required. The Directors do not intend to hold the General Meeting which would be necessary to implement the proposal.

The Company is managing its cash resources carefully and will require further funding before the end of January. The Directors are in discussions with Rangers' significant stakeholders with a view to arranging finance for the Club. This is likely to comprise loans in the short term and possibly equity in the medium term. The board has invited Mr Sarver to consider participating in a similar discussion alongside other supportive shareholders.

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Just a thought, is leach being appointed part of ashleys end game?

Ensure his contracts are watertight, get his loans repaid as a priority and then sell up? Let llambias and leach negotiate their walk away deals as well? Ceo signs off FD and vice versa

The ultimate "Lifeboat Option".

Quite simply, the best way to protect his loans if this particular ship shows signs of sinking.

Equally, holds the key positions to ensure particular contracts, onerous or otherwise, are under his control.

Sensible move from Ashley really. Options available if needed.

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Rejection of Possible Offer

The Board of Rangers has considered the possible offer from Robert Sarver (or a vehicle to be established and controlled by him) ("Mr Sarver").

The proposal by Mr Sarver comprises a placing of 100 million shares at 18p ("Placing") which, if approved by shareholders at a general meeting, would be immediately followed by an unconditional offer at 18p pursuant to Rule 9 of the Code. The Placing would give Mr Sarver control of Rangers.

While the Directors welcome Mr Sarver's approach, they believe that, notwithstanding the current financial difficulties, the proposal does not adequately value a controlling interest in the Company and accordingly the resolution to approve the placing is unlikely to achieve the 75% majority required. The Directors do not intend to hold the General Meeting which would be necessary to implement the proposal.

The Company is managing its cash resources carefully and will require further funding before the end of January. The Directors are in discussions with Rangers' significant stakeholders with a view to arranging finance for the Club. This is likely to comprise loans in the short term and possibly equity in the medium term. The board has invited Mr Sarver to consider participating in a similar discussion alongside other supportive shareholders.


"Roon Ye, ya cheeky basturt! Ye urny a pyure Ranjurs man like and it's oor toy so... get tae !"

"If he want tae just chip in some of yon dosh you have, we'll gie ye a braw tie but..."

(Mike Ashley smiles and leans back in his chair...)

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Rejection of Possible Offer

The Board of Rangers has considered the possible offer from Robert Sarver (or a vehicle to be established and controlled by him) ("Mr Sarver").

The proposal by Mr Sarver comprises a placing of 100 million shares at 18p ("Placing") which, if approved by shareholders at a general meeting, would be immediately followed by an unconditional offer at 18p pursuant to Rule 9 of the Code. The Placing would give Mr Sarver control of Rangers.

While the Directors welcome Mr Sarver's approach, they believe that, notwithstanding the current financial difficulties, the proposal does not adequately value a controlling interest in the Company and accordingly the resolution to approve the placing is unlikely to achieve the 75% majority required. The Directors do not intend to hold the General Meeting which would be necessary to implement the proposal.

The Company is managing its cash resources carefully and will require further funding before the end of January. The Directors are in discussions with Rangers' significant stakeholders with a view to arranging finance for the Club. This is likely to comprise loans in the short term and possibly equity in the medium term. The board has invited Mr Sarver to consider participating in a similar discussion alongside other supportive shareholders.

Yankee go home.

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It was always going to get rejected so there's no surprise there. 75% would never have accepted 18p a share, when they paid more for them and the current value is sitting at 26p.

The end game is nigh for the spivs. King will make his move offering debt for equity. Sarver will also get the chance to work along side King and co which he's thinking about.

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It was always going to get rejected so there's no surprise there. 75% would never have accepted 18p a share, when they paid more for them and the current value is sitting at 26p.

The end game is nigh for the spivs. King will make his move offering debt for equity. Sarver will also get the chance to work along side King and co which he's thinking about.

:lol::lol::lol::lol:WELCOME :lol::lol::lol::lol:

How dae you pronounce yir name ? ;)

Edited by shull
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The latter, it ran its course for me a while ago. Had plenty of laughs along the 'journey' and I have no ill feelings towards anyone who insulted me, I knew that just came with the territory apart from AWRA who's a cnut and I'm still waiting on him to pan my windaes in after Tannadice in 2012. ;)

Some good people on here even the Rangers fans. Some people on here a little unbalanced with too much bias in the brain from both sides especially Norman, but who wants everyone to be the same it would be boring? :cheers

I ran a parallel joke between Rangers and Inverness CT using the blue and red in my text that represent both clubs, then there was the sig which was ''nearly winning trophies 'against all odds'. Which ICT did last season in both cups and the 'against all odds' referred to Charles Bannerman's book about the beginnings of the merged club and the years after. This could easily be mistaken on this thread to refer to Rangers. Then there's my avatar which surprisingly no one picked up on, that deformed skull wasn't random weirdness it was a light hearted dig at Rangers fans with the skull belonging to a certain ancient tribal person of eastern European origin who were well known to the Romans and Germans.

Been a Caley Jaggy for about 20 years and Caley fan pre merger born and brought up in Inverness and I'm an occasional poster on CTO.

I'll miss the coloured text, the mispelling, the broken caps lock and supporting 'the world most successful club', but all good things come to an end. :P

Fucking bravo :lol:

I had an argument with you on the Rangers vs Saints League Cup match thread and had you pegged as one of the angry ones.

Well played Snafu.

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Sarver clearly didn't come up with enough loot to tempt the spivs to walk away. Will be interesting to see if he makes a fresh offer or realises through this bizarre action how he might lose a substantial part of his fortune, and walk away. I doubt a businessman like he appears to be (there seems a lot more substance to Sarvar than Bill "Juggernaut" Miller) will be happy playing second fiddle to Dave King.

What an utter shambles from start to finish. When you look at the chancers, shysters and sociopaths involved in this story since it began when Craig Whyte "took over"; Bill Miller, Oddball Kennedy, Dave King, (the "3 Bears" :D ) Chuckie Cheese, Paul "anxious face of concern but no that much cash" Murray, the current board of Easdales, Haudit and Daudit, Ashley, Llambias...dear me. It's difficult to credit that such business "acumen" can be concentrated in one boardroom. It make's Livingston's boardroom history look whiter than white by comparison.

I know it's not a popular view but actually now I feel a bit sorry for the ordinary punter who has nothing to do with all the bigoted /triumphalism shite who just enjoys a game at Ibrox once a fortnight. For that type of supporter it's perhaps best to let the next of the thousand cuts be the death blow for this Sevco vehicle, and to start again next season in the Lowland League. A supporter run club using their own money for the long haul to try and rebuild Rangers. But the fan base seems so divided and riven with factional egos and downright roasters that that seems a pipe dream I'm afraid.

Extraordinary stuff.

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