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I think it's fair to assume that every Club that has borrowed money/had access to a credit facility from a lender over the years has had this secured against their stadium or other assets.......I'd be willing to bet Ibrox has been used in this way under previous Owners down the years.

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Must say, whether you like him or not, you've got to admire Ashley's accumen.

He offers a £10 million loan in exchange for the securities over the remaining family jewels that Rangers have. That means his initial £3m loan can be paid back and he loses the security over the car park and the office block as a result. He enters in this note of interest at the court, which blocks any other party getting the security over either Murray Park or Ibrox. He knows the club needs the money before pay day because, if they don't, they'll default on wages and will likely face sanctions, probably a points deduction. He's got his own men on the board, including the Chief Exec and the chairman, who will likely bend over for him at any given opportunity, and he now has 35 days of exclusivity over the deal, which more or less rules out any other credible financing offers.

If it comes off, which it most likely will, he'll have the securities over Ibrox and Murray Park and be due £10 million from the club who have no prospect of paying him back, unless one of his rival factions stump up the cash and weakens their own finances as a result.

Kudos to you, Michael Ashley.

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Didn't David Murray use Ibrox as security?

Where was all the tear stained mewling back then?

Rangers fans didn't care as long as Wattie had a warchest to win the league.

If the team on the park wasn't so garbage they probably wouldn't care now.

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Rangers fans didn't care as long as Wattie had a warchest to win the league.

If the team on the park wasn't so garbage they probably wouldn't care now.

I suspect that if the timescale of events at Tynecastle had been different and a not particularly good Rangers side were sitting top but struggling to put clear water between them and the chasing pack then McCoist would still be in place and this security over Ibrox situation wouldn't upset anybody

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Rangers fans didn't care as long as Wattie had a warchest to win the league.

If the team on the park wasn't so garbage they probably wouldn't care now.

At the risk of offending fans of teams in the lower reaches of the league*, they didn't give a shit that the team was garbage from Okey Dokey Day onwards, as long as the teams they played against were of an even lower standard, i.e. part-time, and under-rersourced compared to the multi-millions spent on the Sevco Mercenaries. It's only thise season that the toys have really started cascading out of prams across BerrLand.

*And there is no offence meant - any one of the teams in the lower three divisions is in a different class morally than them, and all but one in the top tier.

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Were the finances under Murray's tenure any better than they are now? It sounds like Murray was shifting money about all over the place behind the scenes to keep the Big Hoose open. No one had the slightest idea who owned what.

So this whole thing really boils down to the fact that if Rangers had bulldozed their way through the leagues and had won a few major Cups on the way then Ibrox would be full tonight; and Sports Direct and Ashley would be the best thing since William of Orange.

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Were the finances under Murray's tenure any better than they are now? It sounds like Murray was shifting money about all over the place behind the scenes to keep the Big Hoose open. No one had the slightest idea who owned what.

So this whole thing really boils down to the fact that if Rangers had bulldozed their way through the leagues and had won a few major Cups on the way then Ibrox would be full tonight; and Sports Direct and Ashley would be the best thing since William of Orange.

Their finances were probably as bad, if not worse than now. The difference these days is that back then, information was mostly received from the media and we can see how bad they are at reporting the true nature of things at Ibrox. We have the internet now and information is much more accessible and it is now possible to get, if not the truth then at least both sides of a story.

TBH back in the Murray days who really knew or considered the financial state of their clubs to the extent we do now? I think being burnt has made some of them take more notice of all thats happening. I'm not sure that its all quite linked to performance on the pitch, though i don't doubt they'd be a bit less upset if it was much better.

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Their finances were probably as bad, if not worse than now. The difference these days is that back then, information was mostly received from the media and we can see how bad they are at reporting the true nature of things at Ibrox. We have the internet now and information is much more accessible and it is now possible to get, if not the truth then at least both sides of a story.

TBH back in the Murray days who really knew or considered the financial state of their clubs to the extent we do now? I think being burnt has made some of them take more notice of all thats happening. I'm not sure that its all quite linked to performance on the pitch, though i don't doubt they'd be a bit less upset if it was much better.

Their finances were every bit as bad. Minty just had more control over the whole thing because he had all the various companies under the MIH umbrella, a pals network of willing bankers - sorry wankers - at RBS BOS and a fully malliable and well fed press corps ready to spout any amount of bullshit and spin he could deliver.

All the shiny silverware distracted ra peepul sufficiently to even consider how it could be afforded.

In fact, they STILL don't know how much their "rightful place" will cost them year in and year out, but it doesn't matter so long as someone is prepared to just GIVE them the funds to be able to brag and boast about titles and trophies.

Their idiocy knows no bounds - honestly.

It is also what makes them the perfect cash cow :thumsup2

Edited by GreenockRover
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Their finances were every bit as bad. Minty just had more control over the whole thing because he had all the various companies under the MIH umbrella, a pals network of willing bankers - sorry wankers - at RBS and a fully malliable and well fed press corps ready to spout any amount of bullshit and spin he could deliver.

All the shiny silverware distracted ra peepul sufficiently to even consider how it could be afforded.

In fact, they STILL don't know how much their "rightful place" will cost them year in and year out, but it doesn't matter so long as someone is prepared to just GIVE them the funds to be able to brag and boast about titles and trophies.

Their idiocy knows no bounds - honestly.

It is also what makes them the perfect cash cow :thumsup2

It was the Bank of Scotland & Gavin Masterton in particular you are alluding to....

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You're so right. Just me, and the posters you stalk, the other posters who point it out and the other mods.

Just me

...and as if to confirm the lunacy...Tedi greenied him for that sentence... :lol:

If StandFree is 13 or something then fair enough, stupidity is part of teenage angst.

If he's a grown adult then frankly the lad needs a shrink 8)

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You would think Ashley more than knows what he is doing with his offer to make sure it will go through,if he wants it to that is....The 3B's were put on the spot to quickly react with a counter,or prove they are not in this game after all. The fact they say they will match it without security (If this is what they have done) is scary. Ashley could decide to say ok,go with their deal and run the clubs finances into the ground...3B's would get nothing while Ashley still has his hold over Edmiston House and the Albion Carpark. I doubt that King or Bears would have anything left in their pot to prevent administration.

Ashley still gets his return,while running the competition of out town due to having no more finances.

Edited by Forever Diamond
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I greenied him because he is correct, I have not seen anyone else complaining about SF pointing out that dhense spends his entire life hiding in the BRALT talking about Rangers, he is just pointing out a fact. Dhense is free to do as he wishes, SF is free to point it out, you also have to remember it was dhense that went away and analysed SF`s posting behaviour and broke down how many posts he made here and there over the years....stalking you say?

Rangers fan? Whaboutery? Surely not?

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It's like watching the movie Titanic.

You know how it's going to end, and I think we've just got to the bit where you see Kate Winslet's tits

The scene where Kate necks a pint is far, far better. ^_^

Anyhoo, back on topic, didn't a certain businessman from Yorkshire get his paws on a certain asset from a distressed business (insert club or holding company here) for a mere 1.5 million of Her Majesty's pounds? :unsure2: Ten million on ... ahem ... tick seems like a fair deal.

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I greenied him because he is correct, I have not seen anyone else complaining about SF pointing out that dhense spends his entire life hiding in the BRALT talking about Rangers, he is just pointing out a fact. Dhense is free to do as he wishes, SF is free to point it out, you also have to remember it was dhense that went away and analysed SF`s posting behaviour and broke down how many posts he made here and there over the years....stalking you say?

Poor wee Tedi - spent all last night like a wanking scarecrow, trying to convince himself everything will be OK. Now that's not working, we'll go for the tried and tested "man not the ball" deflection.


How much is it for a ST at gayfield, anyway?

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