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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Wee violins out for the fans at the end, leaving at half time, peepul no longer turning up now that they aren't vastly over powering teams on a fraction of the budget.

They had a chance, they didn't learn the lesson and take it.

Boo hoo.

And no, its not there by the grace of god goes another team as they learn lessons and cut cloth accordingly (well, maybe not Dundee and Livingston).

Entertaining to note that the death of Rangers meets all the basic requirements of a tragedy, in the original Greek sense - that the protagonist's downfall was always inevitable due to his various flaws, and that the audience take great enjoyment from the catharsis of his destruction. While we might feel sorry for the protagonist, nobody can deny that he brought disaster upon himself.

Compounding the comparison, we've also had a chorus and, with the ludicrous club/company nonsense, a real modern example of the deus ex machina.

Some real boohoo, woe-is-us stuff from the supporters in that Speirs article, too. Actual tears of despair.

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It appears the Rangers saga is boring even the P&B keyboard warriers into submission.

Here we are at 11.30am on a Sunday and there isn't a link up to article in Scotland on Sunday yet http://www.scotsman.com/sport/football/spfl-lower-divisions/rangers-dave-king-s-move-faces-taxing-questions-1-3664643

Some bias shown but he does tackle the Dave King and Paul Murray issues. Issues of integrity, honesty and competence.

It is a shame we no longer have a vigorous and significant Rangers presence on this forum any longer. Even Tedi has hunkered down after the shameful scenes at Ibrox on Friday night.

Rangers need the voices of sensible supporters to be heard and it might be best to start here, long before they ever get close to the boardroom at Ibrox and then become tongue tied. (Just listen to some of the intellectually challenged making their case on Friday on behalf of the Rangers support on Sky. Worrying :( )

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Aye I read it and didn't link it ... considered me rebuked ... I'll pick my game up.

Edit: Most of that info could have been lifted from here though .... since when did we need SMSM to back us up? :lol:

Maybe we don't need the MSM, but every little helps get a realistic version out there.

Otherwise we may have to depend on the Bears Den to gain insightful interpretations of what is happening. :thumbsdown:o

Heard Tom English on BBC radio on Sat pm, and his biggest concern was that Mike Ashley has him (and the rest of the paid journos) on ignore. Keep it up big man. :)

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What a shit article. Not one single reference to jelly & ice cream, popcorn, Cockwomble or Haudit & Daudit. But apparently Fat Sally is looking 10 years younger - so that will just be 70 then?

Ju suis Craig White.

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I've only just realised the number of "Rangerses" that currently 'exist'

After Cockwombles recent pronouncement it dawned on me that we have

'RIFC plc' the public limited company, which has a subsidiary called,

'RFC Ltd', the private limited company, which in turn apparently runs

'The Rangers FC', the ethereal, intangible club.

Add to these,'Rangers 2012' and 'Sevco5088' and we have 5 entities.

Is that what the five stars refer to?

4 entities and 1 nonentity, surely?

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What a shit article. Not one single reference to jelly & ice cream, popcorn, Cockwomble or Haudit & Daudit. But apparently Fat Sally is looking 10 years younger - so that will just be 70 then?

Ju suis Craig White.

Also: "There is no other way of putting it: many view the recent fate of Rangers as the ultimate comeuppance for the great, ugly beast. A ribald, black humour has emerged about Rangers, but it has also led to deep social divisions, online enmity, and an unpleasant atmosphere in Scottish football."

Enmity and an unpleasant atmosphere, no less. Spiers claims to have been watching Rangers for 40 years. Had he never noticed that before?

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Sure that article is going to go down incredibly well with the horde.

"This could happen to any other club."

Hmm, I smell shite. No doubt other clubs will suffer financial difficulties, hell some might even get liquidated, but I can't ever see another clusterfuck of this proportion with it's outrageous combination of comedy, drama and tragedy.

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Sevco need the voices of sensible supporters to be heard and it might be best to start here, long before they ever get close to the boardroom at Ibrox and then become tongue tied. (Just listen to some of the intellectually challenged making their case on Friday on behalf of the Sevco support on Sky. Worrying :( )

Spot the flaw in your argument?

Sensible Sevco supporters are now in the vast minority, what you saw on Sky is representative of the majority of what is left of the Sevco support.

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Aye I read it and didn't link it ... considered me rebuked ... I'll pick my game up.

Edit: Most of that info could have been lifted from here though .... since when did we need SMSM to back us up? :lol:

It actually reads as if the author has picked up the info from here re: Dave 'GASL' King and Paul Murray being unable to sit on board.
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Acht as a summary it's not that bad considering he is/was one of them. Most of the stuff written in the press up here is just shite dusted with red, white and blue glitter but I think this comes pretty close to a reasonable if necessarily abbreviated recounting of events. He does blame Murray, he does touch upon the death and re-incarnation debate and some of the criticism is for the quotes from sad little bears and their heart-breaking delusions, so that's not really fair (but as a bonus, is really funny).

Also: "There is no other way of putting it: many view the recent fate of Rangers as the ultimate comeuppance for the great, ugly beast. A ribald, black humour has emerged about Rangers, but it has also led to deep social divisions, online enmity, and an unpleasant atmosphere in Scottish football."

Enmity and an unpleasant atmosphere, no less. Spiers claims to have been watching Rangers for 40 years. Had he never noticed that before?

It would be better if he had written "but it has also led to the continued deep social divisions"

An opportunity has been missed to cut out some of the cancer and division in this game and I'd be of a mind to let them keep their trade-able tupperware full of history, if only they'd left behind the shoebox marked "being c***s".

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