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Rangers International Football Club plc - Is it breaching the Companies Act? Is its Nomad a cretin or worse?

Rangers (RFC) has announced agreements with SportsDirect for the provision of a £5 million credit facility, with a further £5 million available subject to due diligence by SportsDirect prior to drawn down. However, with the company having admitted to a number of options, the deal now announced has been criticised as not being in the companys best interests We really question whether it breaches section 994 of the 2006 Companies Act. We shall be contacting AIM Regulation asking for a formal investigation. Since they are chocolate teapots, we will also be contacting the Scottish FA asking it to launch a formal probe as it appears a watchdog with some teeth.

In particular, for the duration of the initial facility, SportsDirect will have transferred to it 26% of Rangers Retail Ltd (a retail joint venture which in the period ending 27th April 2014 made a pre-tax profit of £1.17 million and which from the 2017/8 season will incorporate any future shirt sponsorship proceeds). A consortium with a 20% shareholding in Rangers and which offered a rival £6.5 million facility noted that the agreement now announced equates to an annual interest rate significantly higher than our offer and probably in double digits. Additionally, it added that;

Security for the SportsDirect facility involves the club's registered trademarks and a floating charge over the club's assets. This is disadvantageous to the club compared to the security required under our offer. We fail to see how the SportsDirect facility can be described as better for the club than the funding offer we made. It isn't and should not have been accepted if the best interests of all the shareholders were considered. Acceptance of the SportsDirect facility will do nothing to repair relationships with the fans which is critical in improving the revenue streams of the club.

The consortium also noted that it was advised by Derek Llambias (CEO) that our funding offer would be difficult for the board to accept if we did not provide irrevocable undertakings to vote against General Meeting resolutions to remove certain existing board members. We felt this was completely inappropriate and advised that our current funding offer was not affected by the GM process.

Sports Direct founder and majority shareholder Mike Ashley has already had rejected by the Scottish Football Association an attempt to raise his shareholding in Rangers to 10%+ while he remains the owner of Newcastle United, but still has Llambias (previously MD of Newcastle) and Barry Leach (previously of Sports Direct) as respectively CEO and FD of Rangers and now has the right to nominate two directors to the board for the duration of the new loan facility. This is despite Ashley already facing Scottish FA charges of being able to influence the management or administration of the club, whilst being involved in another club, and not acting in the best interests of the game.

There must also be the question now of whether the newly announced finance facilities are in the best interests of shareholders. Section 994 of the Companies Act covers agreements where one shareholder is treated differently to others.

We believe that merely taking a loan from Ashley is NOT in the best interests of Rangers in that it does not put up enough capital to fundamentally repair a broken balance sheet or to give the club the cash it needs to be able to retain its better players to ensure promotion and ultimately European football which would offer the hope of financial salvation. Quite simply, the current squad might get back into the top flight but it might well not. If it does, it is hard to see it faring well enough to secure European football the year after.

Other proposals of loans from Rangers fans (who does Ashley actually support, by the way?) were rejected as was the equity financing proposed by US tycoon Robert Sarver. Did the Ashley dominated board seek independent financial advice as to what offer was in the best interests of ALL shareholders before deciding what to do as they were duty bound to?

Was that advice from Paul Shackleton, the Nomad at retained financial adviser WH Ireland? Since WH Ireland is paid a fixed retainer to act for Rangers it cannot be seen as an impartial adviser on a proposal that might lead to boardroom change. Mr Shackleton is noted in the City for his track record of acting for and floating fraudulent Chinese companies on AIM. Whilst he may be an expert in that field, does he know anything about a sport which at the sort of school people like him attend they were unlikely to play?

We have seen correspondence between Mr Shackleton and angry Rangers fans where he arrogantly dismisses concerns about how price sensitive information appears to be being leaked to the press - not announced via RNS - in clear breach of AIM Rule 17. His approach is not that of an independent financial adviser to the company seeking to protect the interests of ALL of its owners, i.e. shareholders, but of a man who is batting for the board.

The question for the Rangers board which they have refused to answer when we gave the opportunity is what truly independent financial advice did you seek when reflecting two refinancing proposals and accepting a third to ensure that you were acting in the best interests of ALL shareholders on an equal basis?

That is the question we shall now be putting to the relevant authorities in the hope that they can establish the truth

What a load of mince. :( Despite the regular use of both big and technical words this is clearly the attempt by some gormless clown trying to appear to be an expert. Surely amongst all the Rangers fans they could find one person who could proof read it. (apostrophes, punctuation, quotation marks, general grammar - pathetic).

Just give up guys, you just show yourselves up every time you open your mouths or take to a keyboard. :o:thumbsdown

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Mind when they used to boast about debt free? :lol:

Worth the recap:

Rangers will be financially stronger than Celtic in a year, claims Charles Green

"THE Ibrox club's supremo was bullish about Rangers' future after their opening vistory over Brechin City in the Ramsdens Cup.

RANGERS owner Charles Green last night insisted the Ibrox club would be in a stronger financial position than Celtic in a year.
The battered and bruised club began life as a newco with an edgy extra-time 2-1 Ramsdens Cup win at Brechin but the new chief executive was bullish about the club’s future and claimed within 12 months their balance sheet would be stronger than the SPL champions.
Green said: “If you look at the balance sheets at the end of next season you should see the strength of the two companies.
“We are in the Third Division and Celtic are in the SPL and what I’d like you to do is promise me at the end of this season, when all the games are played, examine the balance sheets of the clubs and tell me which one is the strongest?
“Then let’s see who has got the strongest balance sheet.
“We’ve not got the debt that any of these clubs have and on the last day of the season I would really enjoy some clever financial analyst looking at the balance sheets and debt-to-equity ratio of every club in Scotland.”
Green revealed he will jet to London today to start the process of bringing £20-30million investment into the club by floating them on the stock exchange.
He said: “We said we would raise between £20million and £30m but the reason we couldn’t put the season tickets on sale was the same reason we couldn’t go out and raise further money until we knew we had a football club that was going to be allowed to ply its trade.
“That’s why we got that signed off on Friday and we have a meeting at 8.45am on Monday so we are hardly letting the grass grow under our feet.
“This is the start of the process on Monday when we go to London to start the meeting with stockbrokers.
“That is when the fans can take up ownership. They can buy into the club.”
Green, who revealed the newco will change their name to “The Rangers Football Club” this week, said he had no intention of cashing in on Ibrox or Murray Park.
The chief executive said: “Ibrox and Murray Park are owned by Sevco who will be changing its name to The Rangers Football Club.
“All the assets are owned by the company and nobody is trying to do anything with the assets. Ibrox and Murray Park won’t be sold.”
Edited by Ned Nederlander
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Worth the recap:

Rangers will be financially stronger than Celtic in a year, claims Charles Green

"THE Ibrox club's supremo was bullish about Rangers' future after their opening vistory over Brechin City in the Ramsdens Cup.

RANGERS owner Charles Green last night insisted the Ibrox club would be in a stronger financial position than Celtic in a year.

The battered and bruised club began life as a newco with an edgy extra-time 2-1 Ramsdens Cup win at Brechin but the new chief executive was bullish about the club’s future and claimed within 12 months their balance sheet would be stronger than the SPL champions.

Green said: “If you look at the balance sheets at the end of next season you should see the strength of the two companies.

“We are in the Third Division and Celtic are in the SPL and what I’d like you to do is promise me at the end of this season, when all the games are played, examine the balance sheets of the clubs and tell me which one is the strongest?

“Then let’s see who has got the strongest balance sheet.

“We’ve not got the debt that any of these clubs have and on the last day of the season I would really enjoy some clever financial analyst looking at the balance sheets and debt-to-equity ratio of every club in Scotland.”

Green revealed he will jet to London today to start the process of bringing £20-30million investment into the club by floating them on the stock exchange.

He said: “We said we would raise between £20million and £30m but the reason we couldn’t put the season tickets on sale was the same reason we couldn’t go out and raise further money until we knew we had a football club that was going to be allowed to ply its trade.

“That’s why we got that signed off on Friday and we have a meeting at 8.45am on Monday so we are hardly letting the grass grow under our feet.

“This is the start of the process on Monday when we go to London to start the meeting with stockbrokers.

“That is when the fans can take up ownership. They can buy into the club.”

Green, who revealed the newco will change their name to “The Rangers Football Club” this week, said he had no intention of cashing in on Ibrox or Murray Park.

The chief executive said: “Ibrox and Murray Park are owned by Sevco who will be changing its name to The Rangers Football Club.

“All the assets are owned by the company and nobody is trying to do anything with the assets. Ibrox and Murray Park won’t be sold.”


Tbf, you should also post the couple of dozen pages following that comedy script to demonstrate how everyone BUT SevCo fans fell for such pish.

And obvious pish at that.


Edited by GreenockRover
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Tbf, you should also post the couple of dozen pages following that comedy script to demonstrate how everyone BUT SevCo fans fell for such pish.

And obvious pish at that.


Incredibly, the bit about raising £20-30million was accurate.

Look where it got them though.

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Incredibly, the bit about raising £20-30million was accurate.

Look where it got them though.

Doesn't the company that runs the club still owe the holding company that owns the company that runs the club £16m of this, after the balance had been used to buy the assets and line the spiv's pockets?

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Now, you see what has happened here don't you?

A "fan" of the troubled and forlorn outfit sees a statement that presents "his club" in a poor light. Rather than go to the bother of varifying or researching the veracity of the claim, it is easier to type out a wee smart arse reply in some weird attempt to discredit the initial statement.

The reflex condition of the beleagured berr in a fuckin' nutshell. Replicated almost daily by the people who are good at demanding answers rather than finding them.

No wonder the spivs love you.

Wind yer neck in, it was a straight question that was given a straight answer.
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“That is when the fans can take up ownership. They can buy into the club.”

Dearie Me Chuckie, did you not get the memo at your fantasy home, on day-dream island?

The fans can only 'buy into' the company than owns and operates the ethereal club. In this case they could only buy into the company, that owned the company that owned and operates the ethereal club.

Unless of course the ethereal club stuff, is a dose of made-up shyt to con the gullable.................. hmmmm, I wonder?



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Worth the recap:

Rangers will be financially stronger than Celtic in a year, claims Charles Green

"THE Ibrox club's supremo was bullish about Rangers' future after their opening vistory over Brechin City in the Ramsdens Cup.

RANGERS owner Charles Green last night insisted the Ibrox club would be in a stronger financial position than Celtic in a year.

The battered and bruised club began life as a newco with an edgy extra-time 2-1 Ramsdens Cup win at Brechin but the new chief executive was bullish about the club’s future and claimed within 12 months their balance sheet would be stronger than the SPL champions.

Green said: “If you look at the balance sheets at the end of next season you should see the strength of the two companies.

“We are in the Third Division and Celtic are in the SPL and what I’d like you to do is promise me at the end of this season, when all the games are played, examine the balance sheets of the clubs and tell me which one is the strongest?

“Then let’s see who has got the strongest balance sheet.

“We’ve not got the debt that any of these clubs have and on the last day of the season I would really enjoy some clever financial analyst looking at the balance sheets and debt-to-equity ratio of every club in Scotland.”

Green revealed he will jet to London today to start the process of bringing £20-30million investment into the club by floating them on the stock exchange.

He said: “We said we would raise between £20million and £30m but the reason we couldn’t put the season tickets on sale was the same reason we couldn’t go out and raise further money until we knew we had a football club that was going to be allowed to ply its trade.

“That’s why we got that signed off on Friday and we have a meeting at 8.45am on Monday so we are hardly letting the grass grow under our feet.

“This is the start of the process on Monday when we go to London to start the meeting with stockbrokers.

“That is when the fans can take up ownership. They can buy into the club.”

Green, who revealed the newco will change their name to “The Rangers Football Club” this week, said he had no intention of cashing in on Ibrox or Murray Park.

The chief executive said: “Ibrox and Murray Park are owned by Sevco who will be changing its name to The Rangers Football Club.

“All the assets are owned by the company and nobody is trying to do anything with the assets. Ibrox and Murray Park won’t be sold.”

Certainly is. :lol:

It was obvious this "journey" was going to be a disaster but they lapped it up.

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