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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I've deleted the rest of your post as you're dishing up the usual diddy fare of ignorance, platitudes and playing to the gallery.

Do the P&B contingent of Rangers fans have a "playing to the gallery" quota that they have to fill?

The notion that 'Scottish fitbaw needs Rangers' is a pretty simple one: Football needs arses on seats** and needs fans to support/admire/buy replica shite/go to pubs etc. You acknowledge that this is true. You said so much in the paragraph that I quoted.

As others have stated, attendances are on the rise throughout the top league, and where they're not (i.e. Kilmarnock) it's down to years of mismanagement from boardroom level that is keeping people away rather than a lack of Rangers.

Do you think that less Aberdeen fans e.g. are going to buy a replica shirt or scarf because Rangers aren't in the league? How can Rangers' absence have any correllation to another clubs' merchandise sales?

I acknowledge that Rangers fans attending games at a lower level regularly would be beneficial to those clubs that didn't see that money as often, yes. I did not acknowledge what you're claiming.

As to your italicised 'need' well you're again doing the diddy thing of thinking Scottish football would be much better off if we took most fans out of the equation***.

In sum, you want fewer teams and fewer fans so that Scottish football's geegaws can be shared around an ever-smaller number of teams with an ever-reducing income.

Here is a post (below) that I made on the Roy thread on the Premiership forum, which should pretty much negate any point you're trying to make about whether I think Scottish football should get rid of Rangers and Celtic.

What a moronic statement to make. So the teams are on a "much more level playing field and the competition has been much improved over the past couple of years" whilst Celtic are in the top league, so we should just chuck them out to achieve what, exactly? Make it easier for your side to win the league?

People bitch and moan about the Scottish Premiership being "uncompetitive", yet the English Premier League is only likely to be won by one of two clubs for the foreseeable future. The German Bundesliga is likely to be won by only one club in the foreseeable future. Those two leagues are still entertaining (to some) as there are battles going on all over the division. It's no different in Scotland, and to suggest that things would be any more entertaining if Celtic were no longer in it is ridiculous.

Kilmarnock won the League Cup in 2012 after beating Celtic in the final. I wouldn't swap that day for anything, and it was made all the sweeter because of who we beat in the final. If Celtic weren't in Scottish football any longer than that day wouldn't be quite as special.

My original point being a simple one - we don't need you to survive per se, but getting rid of Rangers and Celtic wouldn't be beneficial to the league.

Nice to see that you're doing what Bennett so hates though and putting words in someone's mouth. I imagine he'll be along in a minute to tell you off for it.

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Ofcourse you put words in my mouth, it's clear enough in your posts and i never posted my views on the subject - you dived right in assuming that i did.

If you care to go back, Vicky, you'll find that what QLP actually posted was "rangers fans like bennett". While those of you who have experienced your inclusive and tolerant attitude would willingly take up religion if the god of choice could guarantee you're a Darwinian dead-end, in context he's referring to a general group who happen to share some of your characteristics.

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Bennett, if you're not willing to stick by your clear as day sarcasm, just don't bother with it in the first place.

What sarcasam?

For years we've heard on sportsound that everything is basically booming, now yet another chairman has claimed the exact opposite.

I gave no views and i wasn't being sarcy.

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bennett, on 13 Feb 2015 - 18:43, said:

What sarcasam?

For years we've heard on sportsound that everything is basically booming, now yet another chairman has claimed the exact opposite.

I gave no views and i wasn't being sarcy.

Okay, so since you clearly take McGregor's views seriously, what do you make of his comments about Rangers' behaviour being a factor in the SPFL not getting a sponsor?

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Where is the match thread?

Looks like its kicking off according to the swamp...

Hibs scum in Dows at Queen St

Scum of the earth singing songs about Ibrox disaster and all the rest, bouncers doing nothing. Without a word of a lie, 1 bear went to town on 3 of the Hibs scum in toilet, never seen anything like it, 3 of them copped it big time.

Polis all over the shop now.

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If you care to go back, Vicky, you'll find that what QLP actually posted was "rangers fans like bennett". While those of you who have experienced your inclusive and tolerant attitude would willingly take up religion if the god of choice could guarantee you're a Darwinian dead-end, in context he's referring to a general group who happen to share some of your characteristics.

Do we need to go through the whole 'implied' thing every single day Norman?

As we can see from this small snippet below (i'm using a small screen so i apologise for not posting his quote in full) it's clear what Peggy is implying here.

Those are not my views and never have been, maybe Peggy should have to R McG's points rather than going down this road.

Here's my issue with Rangers fans like Bennett and their continued assertions about Scottish fitba' with or without Rangers.

. The same arrogance and pigheadedness that will see folk like Bennett claim that the rest of the country needs their cash to survive. There's only one Scottish team that needs Rangers' fans cash to survive, and that's Rangers themselves.

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Okay, so since you clearly take McGregor's views seriously, what do you make of his comments about Rangers' behaviour being a factor in the SPFL not getting a sponsor?

Good luck getting a response to a reasonable question out of Bennett, geezer. I'm still waiting months later for him to say exactly what other clubs and their fans should've done about Rangers going bust, aside from sticking to the rules.

And I notice that even if What's Left Of Scottish Football is going to the dogs because Rangers died then that is, you know, Rangers' fault, rather than anyone else's. .

Edit: So it does take some brazen brass balls for them to lecture other supporters about it.

Edited by flyingrodent
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Okay, so since you clearly take McGregor's views seriously, what do you make of his comments about Rangers' behaviour being a factor in the SPFL not getting a sponsor?

The bearz were very quick to get in with the Roy McGregor statement, but that's about the 10th time that particular 'Rangers behaviour' point has been asked. Still no answer...

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The bearz were very quick to get in with the Roy McGregor statement, but that's about the 10th time that particular 'Rangers behaviour' point has been asked. Still no answer...

How are you, Kennybhoy. I am half-aware of McGregor's comments and don't see them as a big deal. The bit that intrigues me is the linking of behaviour with sponsorship. Care to give me a quick precis?

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Do we need to go through the whole 'implied' thing every single day Norman?

As we can see from this small snippet below (i'm using a small screen so i apologise for not posting his quote in full) it's clear what Peggy is implying here.

Those are not my views and never have been, maybe Peggy should have to R McG's points rather than going down this road.

It's very clear what QLP is saying. He's talking about people like you. He's even done it twice - and you're thick enough to quote it twice in an attempt to bolster your own argument. Seriously, there must be things living in ponds telling their offspring to study and work hard or they'll end up like you.

I would have thought if you're using a small screen it would be easier just to quote the whole post - editing on phones/tablets can be a bit of a pain. Not attempting to cherry-pick again, surely?

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How are you, Kennybhoy. I am half-aware of McGregor's comments and don't see them as a big deal. The bit that intrigues me is the linking of behaviour with sponsorship. Care to give me a quick precis?

Allow me.

"Drink Coca-Cola/Eat McDonalds and you'll develop an anti-Catholic agenda and an unhealthy obsession with Irish history" is probably not the message a sponsor wants to get across.

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Okay, so since you clearly take McGregor's views seriously, what do you make of his comments about Rangers' behaviour being a factor in the SPFL not getting a sponsor?

I've thought about that and i'm kind of 50/50 on it, obviously the behaviour of Whyte/Green.Wallace/Somers/Easdales etc hasn't been good but you also have the ineptitude of Doncaster and co to contend with - while there is also a lack of competition to contend with too.

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bennett, on 13 Feb 2015 - 19:05, said:

I've thought about that and i'm kind of 50/50 on it, obviously the behaviour of Whyte/Green.Wallace/Somers/Easdales etc hasn't been good but you also have the ineptitude of Doncaster and co to contend with - while there is also a lack of competition to contend with too.

I'd say Doncaster and the ilk are 100% to blame myself.

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I've thought about that and i'm kind of 50/50 on it, obviously the behaviour of Whyte/Green.Wallace/Somers/Easdales etc hasn't been good but you also have the ineptitude of Doncaster and co to contend with - while there is also a lack of competition to contend with too.

He said "rangers", bennett. The whole kit and caboodle, and those acting in its borrowed name. In your own time.

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and Norman brings religion into it once again, what a bigoted scumbag.

Explain "****** Blood", then Tedi? Does fucking the Pope not have a tiny wee religious aspect to it? Both phrases heard loud and proud from your "magnificent" fans at Hampden the other week.

I didn't bring religion into it - your lot and their cousins did. The same fucking religion, btw - as they might find out were a few more to start actually attending a place of worship occasionally.

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I'd say Doncaster and the ilk are 100% to blame myself.

Maybe but i will say that Roy McG is probably privy to information regarding potential sponsors that we aren't. Rangers could well have played a part in it.

Edited by bennett
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