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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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It's seems the fans of the new club actually want what most others want. For them to be led around by the nose by some crook that is no better than anyone else they've had in that position.

And pay for the privilege.

Glib & Shameless will run the club using everyone else's cash & keep the club in a retarded state.

I want King to get the gig. They will be controlled by spivs & shysters for years to come.

I actually want them to fold, but this is certainly next best outcome.

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Which just proves the point Gaz, 'My Club' is/are the football team I support, its your bitterness in that post alone that speaks volumes, don't you see that?

You don't know nothing about me at all, yet willing to judge solely on where I watch a game of football !?

Again don't you see that?

What did they say that was bitter? Looks like you're projecting.

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What did they say that was bitter? Looks like you're projecting.

This is what will never cease to amuse me about the fans of rangers, the rangers, or whatever their next incarnation chooses to call themselves. Anyone who doesn't buy into the delusion is automatically labelled as "bitter", "jealous", or "envious". Yet there is a simple solution, open to all, to make our lives better and enrich our existence.

We simply declare ourselves as rangers fans* (obviously, you'd have to buy into the continuation nonsense). Job done. No more bitterness or envy, we can spend the rest of our lives up to our knees in rainbows, basking in Mr G&S's reflected glory.

I wonder why we don't do this?

*Or, in some cases, declare an allegiance to their Ugly Sister. There you go, diddies, two options to make your life so much better!

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Posts like this really piss me off. Doncaster is carrying out SPFL policy, any blame lies with the policy makers not Doncaster. The policy makers in both the SPFL and the SFA are responsible to the clubs. When the SFA was given the opportunity to adopt a policy of strict liability on this issue there was near unanimous rejection. That means that most likely your club and mine crapped out of tackling this issue.

IMO Doncaster is an arse but on this issue we should be pointing the finger of blame at the clubs who have refused to deal with this issue and adopt the sort of policy that UEFA has.

What a heap of bull. Both clubs and players can be brought up on disrepute charges for posting shite on twitter and facebook, the lack of will to tackle this is nothing to do with not being able to get the clubs to agree on strict liability. Classing this as a breach of rule H33.3 (that any incidents of Unacceptable Conduct are effectively dealt with,) would be one route.

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This is what will never cease to amuse me about the fans of rangers, the rangers, or whatever their next incarnation chooses to call themselves. Anyone who doesn't buy into the delusion is automatically labelled as "bitter", "jealous", or "envious". Yet there is a simple solution, open to all, to make our lives better and enrich our existence.

We simply declare ourselves as rangers fans* (obviously, you'd have to buy into the continuation nonsense). Job done. No more bitterness or envy, we can spend the rest of our lives up to our knees in rainbows, basking in Mr G&S's reflected glory.

I wonder why we don't do this?

*Or, in some cases, declare an allegiance to their Ugly Sister. There you go, diddies, two options to make your life so much better!

Can I choose the did dies please? Went for the green mob once, did not work out for me.

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The Scottish FA can confirm that the Compliance Officer has appealed against the sanction imposed on Steve Simonsen (Rangers FC) at a disciplinary hearing on February 12, 2015An Appellate Tribunal will convene in due course to consider the appeal, which the Compliance Officer has stated under paragraph 14.3 of the Judicial Panel Protocol, on the basis that the sanction imposed was unduly lenient.

Original determination

Alleged Party in Breach: Steve Simonsen (Rangers FC)

Disciplinary Rule(s) allegedly breached:

1) Disciplinary Rule 33 (Season 2013/14): In that between 15th January 2014 and 22nd June 2014, both dates inclusive, you bet upon 13 football matches.

2) Disciplinary Rule 31 (Season 2014/15): In that between 6th September 2014 and 13th January 2015, both dates inclusive, you bet upon 37 matches.

Outcome: Breach proved.

Sanction: Two-match suspension (one match to be served immediately and one match suspended until the end of season 2014/15).

GO SFA, we are all behind you

He'll not play for us again anyway, Robinson has took his place and Bells back in training. Never seen a worse keeper than him at Ibrox.
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