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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Smearing the tops of our socks in Catholic haemoglobin, obviously.

Now haven't you a charity do to go to?

I'm starting to believe you've had a mental breakdown recently

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Can I just point out that fans of The Rangers should remember for future reference that you wanted king in and were warned he was a conman.

Do not, i repeat do NOT, say you weren't warned.

I'm looking forward to seeing the fella with the rat mask standing outside Ibrox wearing the rat mask and a wee plastic crown on his head.

Edited by Johnny van Axeldongen
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Dave King is not on the board and i cannot see him or any of the other directors accepting those nominations and even if they did they still have no power. Murray, Park and Gilligan would just veto every move they make while they enjoy free reign to make whatever changes they see fit.

The old regime is finished.

I'm not sure that is quite true.

While the form is that the board can reject. The substance of the transaction is that if they do reject, they run the risk of Mike Ashley taking his ball home and calling in the £5m/£10m (depending on how much has been drawn down).

Even though some of the investors have deep pockets, I'm not sure they'll want (although they might have to) sink that sum of cash into a previously filled hole.

G&S is already talking about £20m+ investment, and that's without having seen what is under the covers!

A spirit of detente may be required in the short term.



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@No8 et al. Is this really what it has come to? Your biggest victory in years (on or off the park) is replacing a VAT fraduster with a Tax fraudster?

Enjoy your celebration :1eye

Celebrating 2 individuals who sat on the old club board during its years of financial mismanagement, administration and eventual liquidation.

You couldn't make it up. Almost

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Tbf a lot of questions can't be answered until they find out what state the clubs in and what's in the contracts.

You only ask two questions? Should be three....

A: The club is in perfectly rude health and always will be.

B: The company running the club is a fcuking basket case, but who cares, it isn't the club.

C: There's horrible nasty stuff in the contracts.

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Visigoths once again showing they are incapable of celebrating a victory (although it's hard to see how this qualifies as one) quietly and amongst themselves, but rather their immediate reaction is to try and GIRU everybody else.

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You do understand you support a "diddy" club?

Course he does. Also pretty sure people's fascination with the slow motion ibrox car crash has also been thoroughly explained. He may have been "celebrating" so much that he is now "tired and emotional". That, or as others have said, he's lost the plot.

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Could Ally come back to see out his contract in some form or other with the club rather than 'gardening leave'?

What about Ally?

Posted at


Asked whether Ibrox legend and former manager Ally McCoist had a future at the club, Mr King says: "In terms of the new manager, you want to take your time and get it right. We'll now need to sit down with Ally McCoist and see what his plans are."

Surely Ally's plans are 2 for 1 Wednesday at Dobbies, leaf raking, scarifying, a bit of top soil dressing and turning over the borders in time for Spring planting - before phoning Sue Barker to ask if she's managed to slip that weedkiller sachet he sent her into Tuffers' coffee yet?

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Wee question to the diddies: Why does a simple procedural transaction get the lot of you so agitated?

whereas Rangers are the did dies......

I can't anyone being agitated. Just continued pointing and laughing at the shambles your club / company / ethereal entity is in.

But you knew that.

Edited by Ken Fitlike
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King "SD will have to sit down and negotiate with the board" ..

I think you'll find they have a contract that needs to be honoured Dave and don't have to do anything of the sort.

Now, now apart from Ashley and his pals no one what's in the contracts.

Chances are the contracts are pretty tight but until they are checked over and made public......

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