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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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If he dlists Rangers I can't see that ending well. He's basically shitting all over organisations like Rangers First and the normal supporters who bought shares in the club to get him into power.

Is he going to turn round and say "yeah thanks for that but now kindly f**k off cause I'm in charge and your not involved".

Also how is he going to get funds for a league challenge without share capital?

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Where does everyone see this going? Genuinely, without all the dead in two weeks stuff and Champions League music in two years stuff.

What`s the end game?

I reckon admin before the start of next season. Whether or not that's before the end of this season I think will depend on the next couple of weeks points tally.

I can`t see any other plan for D. King other than just pumping lots of his own money into the club/company, which if he was going to do, why hasn`t he done it by now?

I`m no expert on business, but if he truly wants control of the club in it`s entirety then surely this would be his best option?

If they don't do a deal with MASH for that second £5M in the next couple of days, it could be liquidation before the end of the month. All it needs is one of their creditors (the polis, SSEB, HMRC) to say they want their money NOW, and they're gubbed. Even if they get the loan, I'm assuming it will be secured against Ibrox, at which point another 10,000 punters walk away.

I don't believe they will put ANY of their own money in.

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Where does everyone see this going? Genuinely, without all the dead in two weeks stuff and Champions League music in two years stuff.

What`s the end game?

I reckon admin before the start of next season. Whether or not that's before the end of this season I think will depend on the next couple of weeks points tally.

I can`t see any other plan for D. King other than just pumping lots of his own money into the club/company, which if he was going to do, why hasn`t he done it by now?

I`m no expert on business, but if he truly wants control of the club in it`s entirety then surely this would be his best option?

If admin IS on the cards (and I have no idea if it is or not) surely it would be better this season? Seeing as they are unlikely to go up through the playoffs, a points deduction that takes them out of the playoff places won't really seen them any worse off, effectively.

However, admin in the close season or during next season would see them having to do really really well next season if it isnt to be a write-off as well.

I reckon that if we don't admin before the end of the season, we won't see it next season either.

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If admin IS on the cards (and I have no idea if it is or not) surely it would be better this season? Seeing as they are unlikely to go up through the playoffs, a points deduction that takes them out of the playoff places won't really seen them any worse off, effectively.

However, admin in the close season or during next season would see them having to do really really well next season if it isnt to be a write-off as well.

I reckon that if we don't admin before the end of the season, we won't see it next season either.

I'm not sure that admin fixes anything. They'll lose their assets to MASH, they'll still have a number of onerous contracts and, crucially, no extra money coming in. They'll still be losing a couple of hundred thousand a month.

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Barry Ferguson in the Record planting the 'propagandist hymn sheet' about another season in the Championship being the right thing for the club.

Ra bearz are waking up to the fact that the journey of 'steamrollering' through the divisions whilst winning the diddy cups is well and truly busted.

By time the season is over they will have spent the best part of 100 million to win a couple of lower league titles ... that is all they will have to show for it.

No repairs to a dilapidated stadium.

No wonder team to take into the Premiership ...

No money in bank

No players worth selling

But they do have an abundance of gardeners.

Left with a shell of a club in hock to Ashley and no visible means of getting out of debt.

They've pinned all their hopes on King, let's hope he's not a glib and shameles .... oh ...haud on .. what was it that guy in South Africa said ?

:lol::lol::lol::lol:BRILLIANT :lol::lol::lol::lol:

That's cheered me up.

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The reality is no matter how many they have coming through the door and the more they have the more they will want in terms of quality on the park (not Douglas of course). The overheads have to come down but can they ? to make the thing viable. The previous regime carried out a review of the business and were in the process of carrying that out, however that plan accelerated the opposition to their actions, so if those changes are necessary do they have some Orwellian double take ? Those changes were necessary to fulfill WH Irelands continued status as NOMAD so if that plan to reduce costs are no longer on the agenda will any NOMAD be willing to take up responsibility to the shareholders and AIM.

So how do you get more in while tempering ambition and reducing overheads. OK King could return from SA with a suitcase stuffed with Rands he "found' on the way to the airport then short term things would tick along but the problems have been there since the previous clubs existed throughout the Minty years so this is not news but a truth that no one speaks as it upsets the hordes. Given they seem incapable of accepting that they are a financial disaster and the Bill Murray guy who said they had a £30 million blackhole in the accounts was the last honest guy who went through the door of the Big Hoos.

I do believe a level of brinkmanship between the various factions exists in terms of investment with King leading the charge you would think the onus should be on him to pony up first and with the largest slice since he will be steering the ship, even if he hasn't got his hands on the wheel he is still there as the leading name. Will the SFA not have an issue with this if MA by owning shares in two clubs broke the rules, a previous director of defunct Rangers and convictions for tax evasion would also be a concern, not that this bothers King just as the NOMAD appointment, thats how he rolls.

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Voluntary delisting (albeit from a regulation breach by way of no NOMAD) on AIM is highly likely IMO.

Glib & Shameless has mentioned this as something he considers of "little consequence to him or the club". (Note careful use of the word CLUB).

He expands on this by chucking in: "In a perfect world my personal preference would be not to be listed..."

The tight (and costly) regulatory environment of the Markets clearly grates heavily against Kings' philosophy of using his(?) and more importantly, other peoples' money to persue some ego driven trip to become... well, quite, become WHAT exactly? The saviour of a scottish football club he (and a large number of it's supporter base) thinks should ALWAYS be the best ? Really Dave ? Really ? It's a sporting competition Dave, not a reflective statement of worth....... ah.

The acute similarities between him and David Murray lead me to ask if they were ever seen in the same room at the same time, such is their fiscal symbiocity. The main difference being that, this time, there are NO friendly contacts within the now disgraced banks willing to lend a shell company ludricous amounts of cash that briefly glances off it's books before heading into the pockets of expensive marquee, trophy and title winning show ponies for the SPFL.

So, if delisting occurs, Dave not only has to reach deep into his own (or his kids') pockets, he also has to convince private "investors" ( :lol: that word!) to stump up the kind of cash it takes to realise his personal remeniscenses of the "Rangers I grew up with...".

Are there, I wonder, enough business owning individuals with such a strong personal leaning towards all things "Rangers" that they would be prepared to ante up the not insignificant amounts required to have Scottish Football dragged back to the duplicitous duopoly it used to be ?

What would be their incentive ? Financial returns ? Business related tie ins? "The good of the club" ? Recognition amongst their folk ?

And.... the BIG question...

How much and how often ??

It worked for a while under David Murray and the bankers. Different field now....... 8)

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Is the rumoured board room bust up between Murray and King over the likely event that Rangers will be delisted?

King has shafted them as much as he has shafted the fans. Will Murray and Park go when this happens?

King is a very rich man though so I'm sure he can fund Rangers himself. McCall's £20 million warchest will be here soon.

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Barry Ferguson's fear of Rangers finishing outside the top 6 next season if they go up in the play off. http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/barry-ferguson-rangers-could-struggle-5367575

So 6th or 7th is good enough for every other promoted team in their first season up into the Premiership but not for Rangers?. :lol:

An example of the Rangers winning mentality right there Barry. :lol:

Rangers must stay in the Championship until they get it right. Indeed, how much will it cost to escape the Championship next season, 20m ? :lol:

Pressure is on Stuart McCall to get Rangers up first time or he is out. Failure to win the play offs will be failure of the manager and players which will be unacceptable to some Rangers fans (the glory hunting element) who will always demand success. :lol:

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What we really need is how the P&Bs pet bears view this. I think they are broken men and have all buggered off to RM where they won't get the piss taken out of them(maybe). If only they had been warned about King they might have been able to make a rational choice. Why did no one tell them he was a G&S LIAR, a tax cheat and a convicted fraudster. Still he's an all round staunch Rangers man. It could all have been so different for them. Oh well, GIRFU them.

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Barry Ferguson's fear of Rangers finishing outside the top 6 next season if they go up in the play off. http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/barry-ferguson-rangers-could-struggle-5367575

"do Rangers really want to go up into a league where they could be struggling in fourth or fifth spot?" says Barry.

In other words "If we're no' gonnae win something and we might get beat a few times then we're no' wantin tae play"

Rangers fans are always telling us how magnificent their support has been this last few years. Coincidentally, of course, they were enjoying bumper attendances in the seasons they were winning the leagues they were in. Now they have no chance of 1st, their crowds are down markedly. Funny that. And now Barry reckons they have no chance of winning the SPL next season, he doesn't want them to go up. Funny that.

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The silence since then re funding suggests he's expecting someone else to stump up some cash. My guess just now is some sort of bluff going on between him and the other friendly investors, see who can wait the longest before stumping up.

You're not expecting another appearance from SDM are you?

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Oh dear STV.... :lol:

The South African-based businessman, who gained control of the club's board at a vote of shareholders two weeks ago, requires approval under a section of the Insolvency Act relating to his involvement in the Rangers oldco.

King was a director of the company when it went into administration, and subsequently liquidation, in 2011.

The court must give permission for the 59-year-old to take up a formal post as the Insolvency Act forbids directors from taking up a post with a phoenix company which has the same or a similar name to its predecessor.

Never gonna get off the list with this type of accuracy.. :lol:


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So... King ropes the fans into a boycott, says he has plans to remove the existing NOMAD and get his own appointed, convinces various fan groups with shareholding to vote for him/place pressure on the existing directors to the extent they resign before the EGM - and now there's a chance he's going to go "Thanks for the support, guys! By the way, I'm delisting the company because I can't get a NOMAD. Don't worry though, I'm a "real Ranjurz Man" so even though there's far less scrutiny after the stocks are delisted, I'll be really transparent with you guys, honest!"

This, after the club emotionally blackmails the fans into carrying out free labour for maintenance and repairs? This, after the fans representative had to leave his post as director because it turned out he'd made some incredibly stupid remarks publically in an online post after the Charlie Hebdo shootings? This, after some absolutely garbage results on the football pitch, with the players generally looking like they don't give a shit anymore (that is, if they ever gave a shit about anything other than their payslips)

I mean I could go further back, but here's the thing; all of the above is in the space of a matter of *days*.

Just fucking pull the plug on this cold, dead *thing*. The longer this farce goes on, the more likely it is to rope other fans and clubs into it.

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