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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Put down the cheap booze and stop posting FFS, it's for your own good.

If you had posted something about the game first before going into meltdown mode you'd have been safe. First thing you done was reply to a post of mine to Stan and got shot down immediately by the Dundee fans.

Standfree03 is an Aberdeen fan ?, wow !, you learn something everyday. I thought he was the Celtic troll on P&B.


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Who are they sharing their new training ground with in Glasgow?

What places are the likely candidates?

Could they be about to do a Wimbledon and start training on public parks?

Anniesland !, Maryhill !, it can only be Partick Thistle. Sevco should be honoured to train along side a big team from the Premiership. 8)

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Who are they sharing their new training ground with in Glasgow?

What places are the likely candidates?

Could they be about to do a Wimbledon and start training on public parks?

I assume it's the rugby grounds right at Anniesland Cross. If true, it's a helluva come down from MP. Sadly these things happens when you are a Diddy club with no money, plying your trade in the 2nd tier of Scottish football!!

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^ ^ ^

Am I getting this right here ?, is that actually a threat to SD ?, give us back our IP when the £5 million is paid or else, or is it an ambiguous statement dressed up in waffle speak to appease the orcs but actually means they have lost their IP but it's OK ra peeps.

The two paragraphs above that statement look like a lead up for deception in the dark arts of "spin doctoring", it happens elsewhere in England BUT !, you can't do it in Scotland BUT !, it's common practice with banks & commercial lenders ??? EH !, Is Sports Direct now a bank or a lending company ?

I smell shite.

I think this is spot on

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Anniesland !, Maryhill !, it can only be Partick Thistle. Sevco should be honoured to train along side a big team from the Premiership. 8)

We train at Garscube Sports Complex, which is owned by Glasgow Uni. So if it's Anniesland it will be one of the rugby clubs, GHK?

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“Accordingly a practice has developed of lenders taking absolute transfers subject to a back letter setting out that the transfer is in security and the property will be returned when the facility has been repaid.

Where have we heard that before?

“In return for the loan, Sports Direct took security over all Rangers assets - but not Ibrox - including intellectual property owned by the club.

Don't remember that being in the terms and conditions that were released to the stockmarket.

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Right, so does this mean that because Ashley's not getting his money back, Rangers will lose Murray Park and are looking at alternative facilities?

Or have I just fallen for Mad Phil's ramblings, while I should really know better?

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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As much as i like pointing and laughing at the Orcs surely it should be quite easy to find out who owns Ibrokes?

Surely the Registers of Scotland or Land Registry or whatever muct have a record of who owns title over all property.

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I would find that hard to believe and it would be the new boards first real defeat since taking over and would also put them on the back foot with the Rangers fans when they really need the supporters to get on their side.

It has been known that the Rangers board are in talks with Sports Direct on how to deal with the loan. My guess is Rangers will pay back the loan in instalments.

A Fiver a week till it's paid off seems like a stretch for them unless the Glib and Shameless one's digs deep :1eye

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Could the mystery over the ownership of Ibrox and MA/SD being unable to secure loans against it be something to do with the legal arguments about Craig White/Ticketus holding a standing charge over it?

Or has this been resolved and I missed it?

Edited by sjc
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This is it and it looks like everyone is going to be kept waiting for a while befor that happens. Keith Jackson today asking does Dave King have a masterplan?. Maybe he does, but the club has been left in such a mess any money he or anyone else currently involved puts in is just going straight out of the club. It must rank bitter having to use your own money to clean up someone elses debts and financial fuckwittery.

At the moment the only digging deep is into the books and contracts at the club and until most of this has been unraveled not much is going to happen and Rangers are going to live hand to mouth for a few months yet.

This is where I get (more)confused about the whole situation, they have appeared to be living hand to mouth for a very long time and that was with the then incumbent boards, who you have to imagine, had done the fullest of digging into the books and contracts.

This would lead you to assume they couldn't rather than wouldn't do something about the situation, so what does the new board hope to find that the previous board(s) missed that is going to allow them to significantly change the way that Rangers burn through cash ? :1eye

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Without the slightest hint of irony, Dave King tells the media...

“In previous regimes the board has spent more time in the media than the football team. I think we’ve got to reverse that, we’ve got to become professionals."

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I thought of all who were in charge especially those post Mather were completely out of their depth to run a football club of this size with the internal problems they inherited. Each one making it more and more difficult for the next one to sort out, its a conveyor belt of incompetence that began with Charles Green and who ever was pulling his strings. I say Green because he and his associates had the opportunity to start afresh and build the club up, creating and sustaining growth, but then every one knows what he did instead.

Is the suspicio/allegation not that most of the previous boards were 'on the take' and paying themselves amounts far in excess of the work they actually did for the club? Therefore now that the current board will act differently, the outgoings will reduce?

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