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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Why are you asking me ?, shouldn't you be getting out your old enigma machine to decode it for you ???

It is pretty clear cut and concise, the club breached the SFA's rules and regulations and got fined, what's more to understand ?, other than it has depleted Sevco's finances by £5,500. :)

Cheers mate that really cleared it all up, you really know your stuff right enough.

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The Scottish Football Association is still waiting for evidence from Dave King to prove he passes the "fit and proper" test to become Rangers chairman, says SFA chief Stewart Regan.


So it appears that it is now down to dodgy Dave to prove he is fit and proper to be The Rangers CEO, it appears the G&SL hasn't produced anything at all ?

I'm going to get extra popcorn in for the possible upcoming insolvency event about to take place at the end of the season that will see the club being sold off to pay for the RIFC's accumulated debts. This will see Ashley holding every asset the club owned when the holding company goes tits up.

So what will be left of the club come such an event ?, the club will be reduced to relevant association licences, players registrations & contracts and a shit load of paperwork of accounting and such, and that is it. This is what the club will be reduced to should the holding company go into administration, not worth much is it ? :lol:

Anyone willing to buy what is left of Rangers FC will have to do a deal with Ashley to still be The Rangers FC. :) Or has Ashley devised a master plan through some offshore method to own the club by proxy that no one can find who owns which company through the offshore maze of holding companies owned by holding companies through many offshore havens hindering any chance of knowing who owns what. :)

Well that's what I think anyhoo. :lol:

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Fighting confused the analogy somewhat. If it was a fight it would have been stopped long ago. It's more like "King and Potless Paul look on as Ashley and Green enjoy the spoils". :lol:

Yeh that works better :)

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"Warchest timmy ..... warchest" ... :lol:

Be afraid Timmy, be very afraid.... we will return to the top and we'll see 10 IAR and the Champions League trophy coming back to Ibrox blah blah blah. :lol:

You two were claiming that the T word was sectarian not that long ago....

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someone posted a link to 'sevco media' somewhere was a tad bored so read a few threads... There was one about McCall not being the right manager to create a european challenging team :huh: wtf

its that thought pattern that they are just a whisker away from being above everyone but Celtic. I know its not exactly a great website to base opinion, but there is a general feel as someone has already pointed out of this dismissive attitude to other clubs bar the ugly sister. Sevco have made it to the play offs with and certainly i wouldn't part with a quid on them getting promoted. The concrete block of debt surrounds them again with so many haddies and hackers on the payroll, not to mention a club legend manager on 'gardening leave'. if they do scrape into the premiership top six looks like a mountain to far. There is plenty players out there that if well balanced could make a decent challange for top 6 but they are unlikely to be seen as 'good enough' for sevco. Sad for the real supporters but fun to laugh at the hangers on :rolleyes:

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So King is not really cooperating with the 'fit and proper' process, while wishing to project that he is and that all is in order.

'Glib and shameless" truly is the perfect description of the man. Hats off to the South African judge.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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I hardly think DhenBhoy's No. 1 source would quite have the brass neck to claim that as an exclusive. :lol:

FFS WRK, at times it's as if mad Phil reads the contributions to the BIG THREAD and then steals what we have already posted. We already knew months and months ago that Ashley would have the club/company by the balls eventually.

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Sports Direct force Rangers to 'launch' new kit early


The Rangers & Sports Direct saga took another twist today when Mike Ashley’s company forced Rangers to ‘launch’ their 2015/2016 kit significantly earlier than the Club would normally do so.
The Newcastle United tycoon and major Rangers shareholder’s website this morning put out next season’s Puma kit as a pre-order, forcing Rangers to similarly launch it on the Club’s official Twitter account, but it can only be pre-ordered through Sports Direct’s own site, rather than the Rangers Megastore.

The latter has been well and truly ‘trumped’ by this sneaky move, with links on the official site pertaining to the new kit, but only linking to the current season's gear.
Sports Direct have caught Rangers cold.
The only place to pre-order, ridiculously, is Ashley’s outlet.
Interim chairman Paul Murray has been on record as saying Rangers are happy to work with Ashley, but this move is yet another twist which suggests a partnership between the two bodies is astoundingly remote, not including the fact Ashley refuses to meet with the board on any level.

Posted by Ibrox Noise at 10:37

This is an outstanding development. It might all be making the evidence fit the crime in a fit of OF hyperbole, but the impression is that good ol' Mike is definitely calling the tune up there. Long may it remain the case if so.

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Has Tedi & No8's well and truly made complete cnuts out of themselves with their so many sleeps till the good guys win ?, only to find out that King really is a G&SL. :lol:

What a pair of knobs. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Only a few weeks a ago JigVanderTedi told us Ashley was OUT! And had no influence at Ibrox?!...what a fanny.

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