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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Pretty strong evidence to provide if the accusation is that confidential information was leaked to the press. It would be foolish to not submit evidence, surely?

The new board haven't made it shy the love in they've had with the DR

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Fat Mikes lawyers now quoting posts from Rangers Media.........

How much is he paying these guys? minimum wage on zero hour contracts?

Must be more than the sevco lawyer as Sports Direct just won and have been granted an injunction


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Counsel for Sports Direct thanks judge for her decision, asks for legal costs to be paid by RFC

SD applying for costs. Judge says that the total asked for is "extraordinary"

Go on son, rape away :)

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:lol: how full of themselves can they be. Sevco First quote

attachicon.gifImageUploadedByPie & Bovril1434024358.236527.jpg

"Worldwide massive team"

Where have all the tops gone ??? if they were 2nd biggest sellers in the whole wide world how come all the refugees you see on telly are NEVER wearing a Sevco strip. Barcelona, AC Milan, Juve, Arsenal, Liverpool but never Sevco. I wonder where all these millions of Sevco tops go. I suspect given the tendency to make a rather large amount of them in sizes XXXL and upwards they may be more in demand for makeshift refugee camps rather than personal wear.

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so SD are upset that someone has leaked details of the contract (which is business sensitive information) that a rival can use when said contract is up for renewal.

think a certain company is about to get a bum feeling

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