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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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2 minutes ago, hellbhoy said:

:lol: Glad to have made your night, now how may I help you to a meltdown?


2 minutes ago, Henrik's tongue said:

Unbroken history since 1888.

 Leg hump the fuckety out of that :thumsup2

Cute to see the pair of you together.  Moon-howling is clearly a group activity.

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1 minute ago, The_Kincardine said:


Cute to see the pair of you together.  Moon-howling is clearly a group activity.

It cleary is. You, Boab and bunnett all started using the phrase at exactly the same time. :lol: 

PM Loyal.

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1 minute ago, The_Kincardine said:

:lol: are you still here? Still leg-humping my posts?  

Mind you tried to tell wee F_B what he should be posting and he told you to get to f**k? :lol: 

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1 minute ago, TheCelt67 said:

"Moon Howlers",  Berrz Bantz.

Things are bad for the grey and green dross when you're asked to give hauners.  All we need is a cameo performance from @Drew Breesto make my night complete.  I suspect, though, the idiot is still looking for a village.

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1 minute ago, The_Kincardine said:

Things are bad for the grey and green dross when you're asked to give hauners.  All we need is a cameo performance from @Drew Breesto make my night complete.  I suspect, though, the idiot is still looking for a village.

You must lead a dull life.

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11 hours ago, BobWilliamson said:

Helping hand? Like when the SFA went against a UEFA directive and closed a transfer window early so we missed out on signing players.

Like when the club were voted out the top flight?

The other clubs benefited financially to the TV deal that was only in place if Rangers were involved. Rangers received next to nothing.

Like withholding Rangers license to play so the club could play no pre season friendliest.

I am glad my club were punished the way they were as we , the support, can look back and say we did it on our own. We asked for nothing and we got nothing. 

It is utterly laughable supporters of the other clubs think they influenced this in any way. 

The SPL clubs wanted Rangers in the second tier for their own self interest. Did the SPL fans want that?

The SFL fans wanted a 16 team top division. Did they get that?

The TV companies are the people who were pulling the strings. They made it absolutely crystal clear that Rangers , in whatever form, had to be included in the deal.

At the end of the day the correct decision was reached. Other clubs that walked away from their debt were not punished in the same way which is shameful but I can live with that. I would hope in the future any club who runs up exorbitant debt then simply walks away from it receives the same punishment as Rangers but I doubt it very much 

WTF are you on about you deluded idiot? Third Lanark, Airdrie and Gretna ceased to exist after they "walked away from their debt" and weren't given a GOOJFC back into the league structure.

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18 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

:lol: You're posting here with your moon-howling pack, buddy.

:lol: You've just made my night now. :lol:

How does it feel being mauled by a pack of moon howlers? :1eye:lol:

Edited by hellbhoy
Edit to catch Kinky out ha ha.
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1 minute ago, The_Kincardine said:

Sorry to get all Denis Healey on you but it's like being savaged by a dead sheep:

Glorious stuff Kinky, you're on a roll now "savaged by a dead sheep" ffs?. :lol:

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