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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Our manager has done the same. Left me raging. As someone said earlier, if you aint got anything bad to say about em, shut the fucking hell up..

What's wrong with these guys.:angry:

Under no circumstances think I'm defending the guy, because he's pissing me off more and more, but the Sun totally twisted what he actually said into the 'Deluded' headline and introduction. Look further down the article and you'll see exactly what he said. It was actually correct, although he could have phrased it slightly better. That of course doesn't stop the Sun...

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Yup, and I'd also say the use of 'vindictive' was just a tad loaded.

I hate the 'bus fare' phrase as it gets thrown at all diddy fans from time to time, but there seem to be a couple of Well fans not joining the rest of us in condemning The Rangers.

To be fair T_S_A_R just loves to be P&B's Mr Contrary. From backing up Rangers to Colonel Gaddafi: if everyone else says it's day he'll find a convoluted way of showing that it is, and always has been, night.

Edited by vikingTON
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White was on the verge of saying: "c'mon tae f**k Brian, gonnae just dip into your deep pockets and bail us out, mate?"

Did ye see Kennedys face when Shytie said....you are worth £600,000,000.....priceless!!!

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Surely that's where Harry and Lloyd have fucked up about then if they value ibrox, Murray park etc at £110m?

The difference between what a stadium is worth and what the land is worth. Ibrox has no value to anyone but Rangers as a stadium. If Ibrox burned down it would probably take that amount of money to built an equivalent replacement.

I think they've been told to take this stance by the chairmen. Tryin to soften us up. Little do they realise we don't give a f**k and want the rangers dead.

I think most managers are at the stage where they have been trying to get their squads in shape for next season and are running up against budget constraints and chairmen unwilling to spend. I'm sure Danny doesn't want a situation where Rangers go bust and he has to go and tell his mate that they no longer have jobs because of it.

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What he is saying is that the size of debt is irrelevant to a CVA as long as the money in the pot for a CVA is greater than the money raised by liquidating the company. Even if Rangers win the BTC the CVA amount would remain unchanged. So as long as the taxman is pragmatic and not vindictive then the amount owed shouldn't matter.

His reply of "well, that would just be cruel" to the question of whether the HMRC would use Rangers as an example, suggest to me that he knows fine well that HMRC won't be pragmatic. They'll go for the throat.

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The difference between what a stadium is worth and what the land is worth. Ibrox has no value to anyone but Rangers as a stadium. If Ibrox burned down it would probably take that amount of money to built an equivalent replacement.

Bit of a bugger if Craigy didn't get the 'new for old' policy last year 'cos it was £25 a month dearer :D

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Would Jim Mr Exclusive White stop saying H&D "will have blood on their hands". He's as bad as Fat Sally in inciting a riot. Boo-fucking-hoo!!

Well, that really depends on how things pan out. It's clear that White is already boaby-sucking the Blue Shites as the anointed leaders of the FC Govan 1690 phoenix club. But if D+P choose a preferred bidder, who attempts to set up their own phoenix club instead, we may well have a highly amusing, mutually harmful battle on our hands.

Fans turning on the administrators rarely works out well for the club either.

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To be fair T_S_A_R just loves to be P&B's Mr Contrary. From backing up Rangers to Colonel Gaddafi: if everyone else says it's day he'll find a convoluted way of showing that it is, and always has been, night.

What if people say it's lunchtime?

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Why are Rang*rs fans so in love with Kennedy? He was clearly raging in that interview with Mr Exclusive on SSN. He is a self confessed Hibee, so what is his game? He is allegedly worth 600 million but is only prepared to be involved up to about half what The American was offering. He comes across as a self publicist with absolutely no intention of buying them. But the orcs are hanging off his every word. It is now beyond farce and even the comic value is wearing off. By the way, Danny Lennon, you have dropped considerably in my estimation, if those comments are accurate.:angry:

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From Alex Thomson (Channel 4) http://blogs.channel...it-boss-me/1469

"… as a result of the discussion and the perceptions of both Mr John McClelland and Mr John Greig arising from the absence of any management accounts or financial information about Rangers FC being provided to them, the failure to convene any Board meetings and Mr McClelland's exclusion from the offices..."

But did they do anything? Did they tell anyone? Did they inform the Scottish Football Association or the Scottish Premier League? Did they inform the media? No. no, no and no. The Tribunal damns them as individuals who could and should have acted but they did not act.

They walked away.

"Mr John McClelland and Mr John Greig resigned in October because they knew that they were being excluded and marginalised at the same time as they had great concerns for the governance of Rangers FC and were deeply suspicious of Mr Craig Whyte… Other than resignation there was no evidence that either of these directors took any steps with any person or authority to do anything about what they knew was happening."

" …individual directors and employees must have known that what was happening within Rangers FC was entirely wrong and illegitimate but they chose to do nothing to bring it to the attention of the public. That may be matter for their long term reflection but it does reduce the mitigatory impact of the suggestion that Rangers FC were innocent victims. "

For anybody requiring this last bit in black and white – if anybody at Ibrox dares to whine that it's wrong to blame Rangers FC for Craig Whyte's craziness – they should be ashamed. Are you listening, Ally McCoist?

He engaged in a disingenuous correspondence in which he claimed to be anxious to put his case to the tribunal face to face but had singularly failed to do so, citing safety issues. This was the same man who was regularly spotted in public in Scotland and elsewhere.

He engaged in a campaign of derogatory, ill founded and ill judged criticism of the integrity of the Judicial Panel Protocol, its members and the Scottish FA itself. He alleged bias and a lack of fairness.

The tribunal could come to no other conclusion that his conduct was scandalous and disgraceful and in each case represented a contempt of the proceedings of the most serious kind.


The above statements about Greig and McClelland are clear invitations for the Fraud Squad to be hauling in the 2 named individuals asap.

Given the makeup of the appeal panel, it is very well chosen. People who know what proper corporate governance is like, with experience of dealing with people and organisations who did not come up to scratch. Who will not be afraid to make tough calls and stand by them.

Whatever the current penalties on Rangers are, expect them to be much worse come next Wednesday evening.

Edited by thelegendthatis
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Can't help thinking if CVA dead and liquidation the route, then why f**k about with a Newco, buy an existing club over the summer, do a deal with Whyte on the assets and left the old club die off.

In the end this is what will happen. In the meantime however the crackpots will continue to say wibble.


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