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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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From the Traynor article:

This doesn't follow from his premise. It's not HMRC's job to prevent that conflict of interest. The HMRC could well be playing the long game here.

When HMRC applied to have Rangers put in administration they wanted their own administrators appointed. The judge gave Whyte a 3:30pm deadline and D&P arrived just in the nick of time.

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Just sent my tuppence worth to the FIFA site, I now have the opposite of a guilty conscience :D

It's a 2 minute job, if you ain't done it, do so now fellow P&Bers.

The url is http://www.fifa.com/contact/form.html

BTW - does anybody else have the word Cockwomble buzzing through their heads to the tune of the B52s Rock Lobster? Cockwomble, Cockwomble........Cockwomble

Got cut off in the car about an hour ago and shouted at the idiot driver that he was a f*****g cockwomble. Wife just looked at me. It`s all your bloody fault, the lot of you! I never used language like that before.

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They'll all be down the lodge tonight having a laugh and a few drinks over the stupidity if the governing body here.

Don't be so bloody stupid.

It's the summertime, they'll all be down the bowling club :rolleyes:

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Jim Traynors column today

I'm not one of the Jim bashers, however. His column today cast a wee bit of doubt over some of Daly's findings in his BBC programme. As you know Daly questioned Grier/D&P/Ticketus/Whyte and the evidence that suggested D&P knew about the Ticketus deal as Grier was employed by them.

Daly worked for the BBC, Jim works for the Record......and the BBC. Is he asking us to believe he didn't know what Daly was investigating and couldn't have offered his view. He says at the end he wasn't asked. He's not usually shy.

Why on earth would anyone ask Traynor? What could he add to the programme, especially one dealing in detailed facts?

He doesn't do journalism, he merely rehashes what he is told to write by people like Murray and various'friendly' agents. He will however protest he is 'the man' just like Chic will. Just a right pair of mouthy chancers.

Hopefully when Rangers goes, they both go too.

Time for the Scottish sports media to grow up.

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Aidan O'Neil QC crabflute.gif

That's just blatant trolling. It's almost as if they looked around for the QC with the name most likely to wind up Rangers fans. Can't wait for Leggo to use that one tomorrow.

Jim Traynors column today

I'm not one of the Jim bashers, however. His column today cast a wee bit of doubt over some of Daly's findings in his BBC programme. As you know Daly questioned Grier/D&P/Ticketus/Whyte and the evidence that suggested D&P knew about the Ticketus deal as Grier was employed by them.

Daly worked for the BBC, Jim works for the Record......and the BBC. Is he asking us to believe he didn't know what Daly was investigating and couldn't have offered his view. He says at the end he wasn't asked. He's not usually shy.

The bit at the end looks more like a dig at Graham "Odious Creep" Spiers. I note he had to defend himself on Twitter today as people were accusing him of wearing a Rangers tie on the documentary :lol:

Someone worked out that the debt to the Inland Revenue equated to £20 each per resident of Scotland. Think it was Alex Thomson.

Aye, it was Thomson the night he was doing his very entertaining report about Bill Miller having been given the go ahead.

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Far too many people here giving Whyte and Death and Phelps to much credit for elaborate conspiracy theories that see them rise anew, free of sanctions. They haven't been playing that game, because it seems to me that their vision hasn't extended beyond the next few days at any given time. That has been clear throughout, surely?

Today's actions seem to me a last throw of the dice, banking on a long shot coming up as it's all that will save them. They can't wait for the CAS because they need an answer this week, hence the Court of Session. They know they won't win, but if the ban is suspended for a few months that'll do it for them to at least get the club sold. They can't wait because the money runs out next week and then they're buying the farm. My guess is that Green will pull out the moment he has to finance the ongoing cashflow - i.e. a week today. And with no credible buyer waiting, it's bye bye Rangers.

And, again, given the complete lack of foresight from the start by all concerned - from Murray, to Whyte, to the administrators, to Miller, to Green, to the Blue Knights, to the SFA and SPL - I would put little money on any of them having a coherent plan that will get them in any league in two months time.

This new action isn't a grand cunning plan...it's grabbing at a fraying rope. It's blowing a whistle on a liferaft in the ocean. It's trying to outrun the tiger.

The pennies are about to be placed on their eyes. Let's hope they declare them.

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When HMRC applied to have Rangers put in administration they wanted their own administrators appointed. The judge gave Whyte a 3:30pm deadline and D&P arrived just in the nick of time.

I think JT's point was that HMRC could have objected to that appointment if they wanted to - that was my understanding of it. I.e. after 3:30pm HMRC could have said "eh, naw." Is that not the case?

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Aye, it was Thomson the night he was doing his very entertaining report about Bill Miller having been given the go ahead.

Bill Miller....................:unsure: who was he again............?

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Why on earth would anyone ask Traynor? What could he add to the programme, especially one dealing in detailed facts?

He doesn't do journalism, he merely rehashes what he is told to write by people like Murray and various'friendly' agents. He will however protest he is 'the man' just like Chic will. Just a right pair of mouthy chancers.

Hopefully when Rangers goes, they both go too.

Time for the Scottish sports media to grow up.

I've mentioned this before and I'll say it again. I'd bet my last dollar that all The Succulent Lambs knew about Murray's corruption and kept schtumm to ensure they go to stay "inside the tent".

I would also go as far to say that "good guys" in the Weegia e.g. Richard Gordon, Pat Nevin, MUST have known as well, given the rampant incestuousness of the Glasgow sports "journo" mafia and the BBC clique. How do these guys sleep at night ?

f**k them all.

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My favourite quote of the day from a website of blue persuassion, " This just shows you why anonymous blogs are dangerous. RTC blogger can end this speculation today and tell us who he is. Or he can keep hiding and put others safety at risk"Hmmmmm... And they wonder why we are all enjoying watching their struggles.

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I'd understand the Rangers Media tools' attitude - "Magic, intae they SFA Rangers-hating scum", basically - if this action would do their club any good, any good at all.

It won't. They were at death's door before, and this is the final nail in their coffin. It turns everone against them. Even RFC must have thousands of fans who can see this plain as day. It's mental, incomprehensible stuff.

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I've mentioned this before and I'll say it again. I'd bet my last dollar that all The Succulent Lambs knew about Murray's corruption and kept schtumm to ensure they go to stay "inside the tent".

I would also go as far to say that "good guys" in the Weegia e.g. Richard Gordon, Pat Nevin, MUST have known as well, given the rampant incestuousness of the Glasgow sports "journo" mafia and the BBC clique. How do these guys sleep at night ?

f**k them all.

I highly doubt this. It's a very convoluted case - I doubt I'm alone when I say that it took me several readings to understand even the basics of it even partially. Financial journalism in the sports pages mainly revolves around high transfer fees or imminent administration - for a Scottish audience there just wasn't much call to go delving into the books. I really, really doubt that any of the big names did so, or if they'd have understood if it they did, without an expert (e.g. RTC blog) to help them out. I know I wouldn't have.

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My favourite quote of the day from a website of blue persuassion, " This just shows you why anonymous blogs are dangerous. RTC blogger can end this speculation today and tell us who he is. Or he can keep hiding and put others safety at risk"Hmmmmm... And they wonder why we are all enjoying watching their struggles.

I've enjoyed a lot of pointing and laughing in this thread but that quote actually made me feel a bit sick. Like, pit-of-the-stomach stuff. Absolutely disgusting.

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My favourite quote of the day from a website of blue persuassion, " This just shows you why anonymous blogs are dangerous. RTC blogger can end this speculation today and tell us who he is. Or he can keep hiding and put others safety at risk"Hmmmmm... And they wonder why we are all enjoying watching their struggles.

Aye - that's the most crucial question facing Scottish football tonight, eh? Who blew the whistle? Delusional.....

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Aye - that's the most crucial question facing Scottish football tonight, eh? Who blew the whistle? Delusional.....

The very idea that a perfectly civil blogger is putting either him/herself or others in "danger" simply by exercising their right to publish is outrageous. Whoever wrote that needs to be fucking ashamed of themselves but I doubt they have that capacity.

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I'm struggling to get my head around this court case tactic from the dynamic administration duo. They must know the FC Sion precedent, they must know if they push the SFA into a corner, the SFA will lash out to protect themselves, and Rangers will be toast. They also must know that this move will alert UEFA and/or FIFA. They also must know that it will be expensive, could be time-consuming, and they will not win. Of course, all of this only matters if H&D are even half-bothered about Rangers surviving and emerging 'fitter and stronger'. I have never believed for one moment Whyte and his two lapdogs are interested in Rangers well-being one bit.

All along, many of us have said that Whyte and his lackeys H&D have but one objective - to see Rangers liquidated, which could position Whyte with his floating charge, in a position to make money. In turn, H&D make a bomb by their massive fees being racked up since Feb 14, and following liquidation, their fees being the first to be paid out from the fire-sale of players, assets, and Sandy Jardine's cadaver to medical science. Once Rangers are dead - they slink away quietly with a massive wedge in their hip pocket. I wouldn't even blink an eyelid if some papparazi had photographed Whyte, Clark, and Whitehouse on a yacht in Monaco, quaffing champagne in six months time.

I wonder if H&D and Whyte are actually scunnered with the inactivity of the SFA and SPL in regard to actually wiping Rangers from the Scottish football scene, and are indulging in a kamikaze act to ensure liquidation now happens.

If i had a greenie sir you would have it. Unfortunately the only one i have is up my nose, and i'm feeling a bit peckish!

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I highly doubt this. It's a very convoluted case - I doubt I'm alone when I say that it took me several readings to understand even the basics of it even partially. Financial journalism in the sports pages mainly revolves around high transfer fees or imminent administration - for a Scottish audience there just wasn't much call to go delving into the books. I really, really doubt that any of the big names did so, or if they'd have understood if it they did, without an expert (e.g. RTC blog) to help them out. I know I wouldn't have.

I think you may have missed my point. What I'm saying is that I believe (and I'm just putting 2 and 2 together - it may make 7 !) that the vast majority of West Coast (and some East Coast) sports journos pretty much knew what was going on at Ibrox but their desire to stay in the loop ensured that no-one broke the omerta. Think about it, someone like Chick Faeces might join Richard Gordon for lunch in the BBC canteen and they chat about this and that......you get the picture.

This is why The RTC Blogger should get the Nobel Prize for Service to Humanity. :rolleyes: He / she has succeeded in bringing down an organisation that The Vatican, the SFA and the Scottish Govt. couldn't touch.

(Ooh, rambling now.........)

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