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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Drama Queen bullshit.

And you and others know it.

Don't give me that faux-offended crap.

which of my points do you disagree with?

and no im not faux offended. i am really offended by what your club has done and is doing, and generally im not a 'i hate ****' sort of celtic fan. im not disgusted coz its rangers, im disgusted because your club has done so much wrong and yet still you are revelling in the harm you are causing scottish football.

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1338333735[/url]' post='6285941']

I represent myself.

All I know is all these bitter, small-minded, jealous calls for sanctions, from SPL fans...

These will not result in the death of Rangers, as they'd hoped. Rangers will be fine....I'm sorry it so sickens some but they will.

You had you moment in the sun...it's gone.You've achieved next to nothing with all the bile.

In fact, many will just have helped achieve the end of their own clubs.

Irony eh? It's the truth.

So laugh and point away...mark my words...some of you royally fucked up on this one.

I wish to see an end to no Scottish club but all you've done is help cripple your own.

I don't expect an iota of intelligence from you to even slightly acknoweledge this...but when it comes...

...you called for it.

If you hadn't been hiding for the last couple of hundred pages you would know that all of the fans of other teams have been crunching the numbers on how Rangers impacts their clubs finances. Most of them have concluded that the argument that Rangers are such an economic boon to the game tht they need to be kpt in at all costs is bollocks. With the current split the TV money is not enough to be critical to Celtic at the top and not enough to outweigh the possibility of better things when the tiny shares get allocated at the bottom.

In particular, if Rangers somehow stays in the SPL nobody is quaking in their boots at the thought of your away support not showing up in righteous wrath. There are good arguments that attendance at Old Firm in attendence home games is artificially depressed by the combination of unpleasant behavior and frequent TV showings.

Nothing your lot can say or do will hurt fans of the other clubs. What may hurt them if you stay is apathy and disgust at being part of a rigged game, but naught to do with the fearsome hordes of ever loyal, who struggled to keep pace with a Rugby League club when asked to put money in their pocket for the fighting fund.

BTW the hope of you (or, to be fair, us) leaving for any other league died in Manchester, but this train wreck will make sure nobody in Europe ever thinks about Rangers without laughing. You'll die or survive, but either way it will be in Scotland.

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what i find amazing is that sir walter and sally didnt recieve any money through ebts. that seems awfully funny as they were both key figures over the last 20 years for rangers.

I also would like to know if that list is final or if there are some missing people who's names if they were to appear on that list would bring the house down. I've got a sneaky feeling that it may be the case......

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I represent myself.

All I know is all these bitter, small-minded, jealous calls for sanctions, from SPL fans...

These will not result in the death of Rangers, as they'd hoped. Rangers will be fine....I'm sorry it so sickens some but they will.

You had you moment in the sun...it's gone.You've achieved next to nothing with all the bile.

In fact, many will just have helped achieve the end of their own clubs.

Irony eh? It's the truth.

So laugh and point away...mark my words...some of you royally fucked up on this one.

I wish to see an end to no Scottish club but all you've done is help cripple your own.

I don't expect an iota of intelligence from you to even slightly acknoweledge this...but when it comes...

...you called for it.

YEH YEH I've said all along there will be a Rangers but you've gone overboard celebrating at the mo.

From what Greenbacks background is you should worry ! a lot.

Yes you'll field a team next year ! but what kind of team ?.

Will you get pumped off Ross County if the first opening fixture is that and may well be !.Gers have a habit of an easy start to the season.

Do not assume next year your club will carry on as normal as you may well still be in admin from day one.

Your wage structure ain't gonna be much more than Aberdeen's or Hearts so don't expect massive signings.Debts and stuff will still haunt the club.

You don't even know what or who the investors are ? what percentage of profit will they take ? or how much to service running costs.

Each penny your club make will go somewhere else and not on the park as players.

Come January and Rangers are in mid table fighting for a top six place ! are you gonna be happy really ? you may have a club yes ! but probably the embarrassment to come on the park is about make you wish your club went to the 3rd division or liquidated.

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Forgot to add. Your team has no money. Will not have any money. The bank will no longer bank roll you.

You are never going to be able to cheat your way to another title.

Due to your history you will never be able to leave Scottish football. Uefa will never touch you.

And I fuckin love it.

Rangers: cheats

Rangers: Scotland's shame

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When I read your posts, I read them out loud in the style of a movie trailer announcer with a gravelly, deep portentous voice. Because that is clearly how you want them to be read, full of drama and vengeance.

Then I read it in the voice of Chorlton from Chorlton and the Wheelies, and I think that probably sounds closer to how you actually talk.

Desperate times. Desperate measures.

Read them as you will...mock them...

I fully expect (you all) to.

All I've said is the truth.

I'm not surprised you all react so to what I've said for many the truth is not what you want to hear.

Sometimes you can only mock it.

I won't apologise for that.

To reaffirm:

Rangers aren't in trouble with FIFA....the SFA are.

Rangers will not get a suspension or explusion lol.

A CVA will be agreed.

No SPL sanctions will even be required to be voted on, far less implemented.

Rangers fans will boycott some clubs.

1 maybe 2 SPL clubs (not Rangers) will go into admin next year.

This will all happen. I'm not mystic Meg. Just reasonably intelligent and informed.

As such....all your moaning for sanctions and punishment will have achieved is killing the next club.

Which could be yours.

Food for thought eh?

Good Night People.

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Hitchcock, Allen, Speilberg etc could not make this saga up, even if they snorted some of Colombia's finest.

It's truly fucked up.



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1338334296[/url]' post='6285965']

If a liquidation is definitely imminent, why would another Club offer a £2m transfer fee to a liquidator when they could wait a week and either avoid that cost entirely or else add it to the player's inducement package

They wouldn't, but might pay a non-trivial fire sale price to beat out other bidders and avoid waiting for the likes of McGregor to play the out of contract game all summer. Paying for certainty when you're getting a £5 keeper for £250k might make some sense.

Just seems that assuming the non CVA route equals no player revenue is an absolute is a bit of stretch,

The RTC point about treatment of post admin mounts is much more interesting though.

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They wouldn't, but might pay a non-trivial fire sale price to beat out other bidders and avoid waiting for the likes of McGregor to play the out of contract game all summer. Paying for certainty when you're getting a £5 keeper for £250k might make some sense.

Just seems that assuming the non CVA route equals no player revenue is an absolute is a bit of stretch,

The RTC point about treatment of post admin mounts is much more interesting though.

Yes indeed - the insolvency expert on Newsnight Scotland seemed to be hinting at exactly what was said on RTC - she said that once you start digging at the figures used by H&D in the CVA proposal you could well find that the amount available to Unsecured Creditors is actually "less than nothing"

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