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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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But but but Jim supports Ayr :unsure: or Airdrie :blink:

nah..definitely the buns. :D

You obviously never listened to the Sportsound phone-in a few weeks back when Traynor was 'outed'.

A female caller came on and spoke about Traynor's teenage days and the conversation was going spiffingly well until the caller mentioned a friend of hers who used to date Traynor in his teenage days.

As soon as she reminded him he was a CELTIC fan at that time, Traynor immediately backtracked as only he can, said he couldn't remember/don't know what you're talking about/don't remember her etc etc and cut the woman off short. You could hear the panic in his voice. He had well and truly been outed.

Traynor knew it and he spouted his usual pish about being an Airdrie fan, and rushed on to the next caller. And as everyone knows, you do not change the football team you support.

Which explains the animosity between Fat Boy Traynor and Wee Chick. Tim v Bun.

We should have known all along.

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You'd think from Traynor's pronouncements that nobody had ever lost a job before, that no company had ever gone under, that no business had ever suffered at the hands of one man. Witness the redundancies at the Glasgow shipyards, the miners, witness British Leyland, witness Lehman Brothers, witness the effects of Fred Goodwin on RBS, and people will still suffer because of RBS for years to come.My mate's brother worked for the bank for 30 years, and when it went tits up he was 6 months away from retirement, and had 80% of his savings in RBS shares. He'll never recover financially. So on the great scale of things, the effects are minor, it's the situation that was allowed to create the current state of play that was the major issue. The punishment must fit the crime.

Great Post, I remember statements from the time declaring that if Ravenscraig were to close it would be the end of Scottish Engineering. It did, and surprise, surprise Engineering has survived, it will be the same with Football.

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"Understand that I care passionately about what I'm doing with Rangers and believe that in 10 years time we will still be setting the pace.

"Too many of us have put too much into this club and we won't let someone come along and take it all away.

"What I'm saying here is that no matter who buys Celtic from Fergus, they will need to have the deepest of pockets imaginable.

"The fresh challenge would be good for the Scottish game and lift the profile, but Celtic's new owners had better be prepared to spend.

"In the past, Celtic's people maybe just haven't fancied trying to take Rangers on financially, but if I have to go in deeper to keep my club up there then I will. I have done it too many times to be frightened now."

From anyone else such talk could be dismissed as no more than empty rhetoric, but with Murray you just feel it is more than bluster and besides, he does have a track record as a spender.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Fast forward February 2012


Rangers Football Club has entered administration - meaning it has been docked 10 points, effectively ending its Scottish Premier League challenge.


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Wrong. The phrase dates from an article by Jim Traynor providing massive arslikhan to SDM in 1998, in the Succulent Ranger. It's easy enough to find.

Spiers subsequently lifted the phrase from the article and used it as a mild piss take of sycophantic pro-Rangers journalism. Given the low level spat between the two, it was a joke that hasn't gone down well at all with the fat, egomaniacal, cantankerous "Airdrie supporter", and the two have been having bitchy little snipes at one another ever since. Spiers actually has a brain though, so is winning.

If Rangers are really going to sink with the loss of all hands then the little bottom-feeding tugboat that bobs along in the wake of the once great ship will be pulled down in the vortex, taking the careers of Traynor, Young, Dodds et al with them. No Old Firm= instant obscurity for these lazy, press-release regurgitating clowns, that's why they are writing against the idea of Rangers disappearing so bitterly. They know that if Rangers are finished, they become instantly unemployable overnight.

Gerry McNee disappeared without a trace despite having once been one of Scotland's most objectionable football commentating buffoons in the Express and on telly. The same fate awaits these guys, hopefully very soon.

Great post.

For anyone who can be bothered, you can download the Off The Ball podcast from 6th May with Graham Spiers being ripped a new one by Stuart Cosgrove, however at around 15m20secs in, Britney describes the whole meeting scenario with Murray. The whole show is 30mins. but the interesting stuff is from 7 mins. in.


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Valid post taken from RTC:

If RFC(IA) ceases to operate before the new season gets under way, under Rule H5, Dunfermline AFC would retain its place in the SPL and there will be no relegated club, from the SPL, to take Ross County's place in SFL1.

The recent SPL meeting, as far as I understand it, did not replace or delete Rule H5. The chairmen refused to do so.

There is no new (or alternative) rule, that I know of, that would deny Dunfermline their place and allow a NewClub to take RFC (then in liquidation)'s SPL share.

So we have to assume (do we not?) that in the event of the CVA being refused, that there cannot be any form of RFC in the SPL in season 2012/13.

…or perhaps a 14 team league is on the cards?

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As previously commented Traynor spouting rubbish as usual and throwing his weight behind a Scottish Cup ban. The usual arrogance shown "this could cost Rangers £750K". There again if they are knocked out away from home in the first round to Hamilton, Berwick, Dundee Utd et all the loss to them would be negilgible. Of course that could never happen! Any punishment whatever must have certainty and not left to the vagaries of winning or losing a game.

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Gerry McNee disappeared without a trace despite having once been one of Scotland's most objectionable football commentating buffoons in the Express and on telly. The same fate awaits these guys, hopefully very soon.

Pretty sure McNee retired a few years back but was writing a column for the NOTW up until then. Would love to hear his spin on the Rankers saga, as one thing you could say about him was that he certainly didnt sit on the fence. Always remember his famous spat with The Master about his Thistle takeover on Scotland Today when Jim Red White and Blue was the referee. To be honest, The Master ran rings round him!!

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Absolutely shocking, OTT punishment.

Imagine stopping a club with no money from signing new players 40 out of 41 of the other senior clubs couldn't even contemplate signing.

Pyoor drakonyan man!

Outrageous. They were just one player away from being a European Championship quality team in February. Cousin loves the Rangers and keen to get back to his 'home' club, Ally thought it was essential, I think Traynor and Chic were giving it big licks, Duff & Duffer also felt strongly enough about it to demonstrate their contempt for the creditors and preferred to splash money they didn't have.

And most important of all Willie McKay who is Cousin's agent thought it was a fantastic idea.

Surprised he couldn't squeeze one of his other player into a package http://en.wikipedia....-Alain_Boumsong (clock the bit in italics half way down - some well kent names get a mention).

Edited by thelegendthatis
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Rangers do not want to be punished for the actions of men who are no longer at their club. Does that also mean that every piece of silverware they have won and no longer have members of the winning team within their club should also be ignored?

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Valid post taken from RTC:

If RFC(IA) ceases to operate before the new season gets under way, under Rule H5, Dunfermline AFC would retain its place in the SPL and there will be no relegated club, from the SPL, to take Ross County's place in SFL1.

The recent SPL meeting, as far as I understand it, did not replace or delete Rule H5. The chairmen refused to do so.

There is no new (or alternative) rule, that I know of, that would deny Dunfermline their place and allow a NewClub to take RFC (then in liquidation)'s SPL share.

So we have to assume (do we not?) that in the event of the CVA being refused, that there cannot be any form of RFC in the SPL in season 2012/13.

…or perhaps a 14 team league is on the cards?

But Rangers wouldnt cease to operate, at least not if Green gets his way. If the CVA is rejected and they go down the newco route, they would apply to the SFA to transfer the membership from one to the other and to the SPL to transfer the SPL "share". If both voted in favour, then Rangers, the footballing entity, would continue in the SPL.

edited to add - Im not totally sure I agree with your interpretation of the SPL rules either. H5 would apply if a club ceased to exist during the season. Given that the season has finished, the rules in Section A6 would take precedence, I would have thought. In other words, Dunfermline have already been relegated and theres no way that would be reversed.

Edited by Mr X
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Hi all, ive been reading this forum with interest and thought i would need to register to P&B.

I cant be bothered looking back through all the pages to see if anyone has posted this but when are all the deadlines that are coming up?

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But Rangers wouldnt cease to operate, at least not if Green gets his way. If the CVA is rejected and they go down the newco route, they would apply to the SFA to transfer the membership from one to the other and to the SPL to transfer the SPL "share". If both voted in favour, then Rangers, the footballing entity, would continue in the SPL.

Thats what makes it even more interesting.

After the way this guy has acted will the SFA happily dance to his tune?

I think the guy has pissed on his own chips.

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Valid post taken from RTC:

If RFC(IA) ceases to operate before the new season gets under way, under Rule H5, Dunfermline AFC would retain its place in the SPL and there will be no relegated club, from the SPL, to take Ross County's place in SFL1.

The recent SPL meeting, as far as I understand it, did not replace or delete Rule H5. The chairmen refused to do so.

There is no new (or alternative) rule, that I know of, that would deny Dunfermline their place and allow a NewClub to take RFC (then in liquidation)'s SPL share.

So we have to assume (do we not?) that in the event of the CVA being refused, that there cannot be any form of RFC in the SPL in season 2012/13.

…or perhaps a 14 team league is on the cards?

Interesting. Obviously hoping Dundee get in through the back door, but would settle for Dunfermline staying up and Rangers booted out!

We were a poor second, so anything we get from this meltdown is a bonus.

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Pretty sure McNee retired a few years back but was writing a column for the NOTW up until then. Would love to hear his spin on the Rankers saga, as one thing you could say about him was that he certainly didnt sit on the fence. Always remember his famous spat with The Master about his Thistle takeover on Scotland Today when Jim Red White and Blue was the referee. To be honest, The Master ran rings round him!!

IIRC McNee developed pretty serious heart problems so was obliged to give up any form of work.

In his prime though he was every bit as irritating and sycophantic as Traynor, with the same media profile, in inverse proportion to the utter drivel he spouted.

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Thats what makes it even more interesting.

After the way this guy has acted will the SFA happily dance to his tune?

I think the guy has pissed on his own chips.

You know, the same thought occured to me, as I was typing that last post!

Either Green is super-confident the CVA is going through, knows something we dont or he simply doesnt care :lol:

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Thats what makes it even more interesting.

After the way this guy has acted will the SFA happily dance to his tune?

I think the guy has pissed on his own chips.

hopefully he'll be forced to eat them ! smile.gif

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Hi all, ive been reading this forum with interest and thought i would need to register to P&B.

I cant be bothered looking back through all the pages to see if anyone has posted this but when are all the deadlines that are coming up?

My link

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1338893851[/url]' post='6304254']

Unless the SFA process has resolved itself within the next fortnight and in favour of expulsion or suspension, the fixture list will be issued as normal. In factual terms Rangers are in administration, so no different to other sides previously in administration.

If they have been expelled or suspended and the process has resolved itself, and assuming a hastily-arranged confirmation of Dundee's ascension, they'd be on the fixture list instead.

Difficult as it may be, clubs lifted-up divisions in the space of weeks when Livingston were demoted.

No argument about the Livi scenario, but last time Airdrie suddenly found themselves having to rely on the attacking players who were due to push for promotion to become defensive cloggers who had to avoid relegation.

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