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I only live in manchester and I have to ask the local papershop to order me a Daily Record otherwise I'd be none the wiser. There is next to nothing on Scottish Football down here. Graham Speirs used to have the odd wee bit in the Times but since he left it's zilch.

As you read this forum you may perhaps wonder if the Daily Record is providing you with sufficiently accurate reportage. That said, it is possible for even the most sceptical to accept the previous day's results in the Record with a certain degree of confidence.

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I only live in manchester and I have to ask the local papershop to order me a Daily Record otherwise I'd be none the wiser. There is next to nothing on Scottish Football down here. Graham Speirs used to have the odd wee bit in the Times but since he left it's zilch.

Thank god you browse here, otherwise you'd think it's all our fault for picking on them and Rangers will breeze the CVA before going on to win the 2014 Champions league with a team of superstars who are realising their dream of playing for the peeeeepul.

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I've always found it a bit cringeworthy the way some Rangers fans (and indeed Celtic, with all the St. Pauli shite) w**k themselves rotten over connections (real or perceived, it makes no difference) with Hamburg.

It's almost as if they are craving acceptance and have massive self-esteem issues!

(saying that, I was fairly amused at the massive Union Jack display against Celtic)

A bunch of us go over to Hamburg a couple of times a season to go to St Pauli games. The support are a cracking bunch, always make us welcome and there is a genuine affinity between the fans of the two clubs. I'm fairly sure the affinity between the Rangers and Hamburg fans is genuine too, have seen a good few Hamburg fans with Rangers tatoos. Borusia Dortmund fans are a great bunch too, quite a few of them go to Celtic away matches in Europe (not that we get that many nowadays)

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I only live in manchester and I have to ask the local papershop to order me a Daily Record otherwise I'd be none the wiser.

I hope you have the decency to put it inside a copy of The Daily Sport or Bestiality Monthly before leaving the shop. Think of the neighbours.

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What are you slavering on about? :lol:

You have 1 friend who you claim supports Hamburg but dislikes Rangers...Who cares? There are literally thousands of Hamburg fans who do follow follow and are frequent visitors to Ibrox.

Yes - 20,0000 hamburg will follow follow w****r - sure thing

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I like how they're trying to get the CVA through before the transfer window opens.

Holding on to those big earners, at the expense of the creditors, will certainly help the cash flow of the club post CVA.

The Green knight can then entice a whole load of free agents, currently playing in Poland & Ukraine, to one of the Worlds biggest clubs using the proceeds of those sales. Bound to add up to a good £8-10M over 5 or 6 players.

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We need something to happen soon. Things on this thread are getting a bit fraught.

If Ibrox was burnt down and the insurance paid out then HMRC would get the bulk of the dosh they're due.

Edited by Granny Danger
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I only live in manchester and I have to ask the local papershop to order me a Daily Record otherwise I'd be none the wiser. There is next to nothing on Scottish Football down here. Graham Speirs used to have the odd wee bit in the Times but since he left it's zilch.

Can see the Daily Record using this phrase in their advertising.

"Reading the Daily Record makes you wiser".

Hang on. They would be done by the Advertising Standard people. sad.gif

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Thursday seems like a good bet for "something to happen". If the CVA is agreed though, this most enjoyable thread will go into meltdown then administration, and cries of "The Big Thread Must Stay Open" will be to little avail, sadly.

I know there was that piece in the Daily Mail today regarding Rangers having a CVA agreed, but it's pure conjecture as far as I can see, from one expert. It really could go either way.

Even if a CVA is agreed to by HMRC, there is still the results of the SPL and SFA tribunals and the Big Tax Case to come. Even with a CVA agreed, it will be a wounded bear struggling to find his way out of the woods in the weeks and months ahead, in a hostile environment full of predators, sharks, shysters and carpetbaggers interested only in making money from this almighty clusterfuck.

Edited by Ivo den Bieman
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I was just pointing out you were talking utter nonsense. No need to make it so personal :P

Be reasonable No8. We have tolerated your nonsense for more weeks than we care to think about, and give you an easy ride. We tolerate you most of the time, excepting the periods when your consumption of White Lightning kicks in. ohmy.gif

You do however demonstrate the normal Rangers bullying characteristics. Being aggressive to those you think will rise to your bait and get annoyed, ignoring those who might bite back.

Good thing is, we have met your type before. mad.gif

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