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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I will be in the West stand shouting "Die yah zombie cheatin b*****ds !"

Edit-For bold.

For fuck sake. Why didn't you just post this before? Rangers fans and the whole of the Scottish football establishment will be shitting themselves when news of this breaks. We can all relax now because what you're suggesting is going to solve all the problems. Can't understand why I was getting so concerned.

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Inverness email="kenny.cameron@ictfc.co.uk" get them sent straight to the top.

Edited by stonedsailor
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Herald Sport understands one of the previous bidders for the club intends to submit a new bid today, while another is considering their options but could also return with an offer that is higher than the price Green has arranged with the club's administrators.

A third, new bidder also intends to make a bid, having previously carried out due diligence.

All three groups believe the combination of higher purchase offers and the widespread belief among creditors that the £5.5m price undervalues the business and Ibrox, Murray Park and Albion car park, might be enough to pressure Duff & Phelps into backing out of their agreement with Green. The administrators insist that they have a binding contract with the Yorkshireman's consortium, but Herald Sport also understands Green has not yet raised all of the £5.5m, so may be unable to complete the purchase.

Green and Paul Clark, of Duff & Phelps, are adamant nothing would prevent their deal being completed following the Company Voluntary Arrangement vote at tomorrow's creditors' meeting. HMRC have indicated they will vote against the CVA proposal, which then prompts Green's deal to buy the business and assets for £5.5m. A creditor can challenge this by claiming the assets are undervalued, but that can be difficult to prove.

However, HMRC may apply pressure to Duff & Phelps to accept one of the new, higher offers, particularly if Green has not raised the full finance. Dave King, the Rangers director and the club's second highest shareholder, has also threatened to halt proceedings by seeking an injunction. "There is, in my view, no possibility Green will ever own the club," King said.

Herald Sport also understands one of the investors in Green's consortium is Rafat Rizvi, a British citizen who was once on Interpol's wanted list after being accused of stealing assets from Indonesia's Bank Century two years ago, a charge which he denied. Herald Sport believes that Rizvi is investing £2m in Green's Sevco consortium, with Mike McDonald, the former Sheffield United chairman, investing a further £2m. A third investor had agreed to put in £4m, but pulled out last weekend.

The Blue Knights, Bill Ng's Singapore consortium and a UK group all lodged bids before Duff & Phelps chose Green's offer.

Thank you, kind sir. Have a Charlie.

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I love how rangers are claiming everything including history etc will be unchanged.

Its like if your missus was killed in a car crash, you somehow manage to clone her back and bring her up as a kid into her adult life and that, it still would not be the same.

Die rangers die.

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Herald Sport understands one of the previous bidders for the club intends to submit a new bid today, while another is considering their options but could also return with an offer that is higher than the price Green has arranged with the club's administrators.

A third, new bidder also intends to make a bid, having previously carried out due diligence.

All three groups believe the combination of higher purchase offers and the widespread belief among creditors that the £5.5m price undervalues the business and Ibrox, Murray Park and Albion car park, might be enough to pressure Duff & Phelps into backing out of their agreement with Green. The administrators insist that they have a binding contract with the Yorkshireman's consortium, but Herald Sport also understands Green has not yet raised all of the £5.5m, so may be unable to complete the purchase.

Green and Paul Clark, of Duff & Phelps, are adamant nothing would prevent their deal being completed following the Company Voluntary Arrangement vote at tomorrow's creditors' meeting. HMRC have indicated they will vote against the CVA proposal, which then prompts Green's deal to buy the business and assets for £5.5m. A creditor can challenge this by claiming the assets are undervalued, but that can be difficult to prove.

However, HMRC may apply pressure to Duff & Phelps to accept one of the new, higher offers, particularly if Green has not raised the full finance. Dave King, the Rangers director and the club's second highest shareholder, has also threatened to halt proceedings by seeking an injunction. "There is, in my view, no possibility Green will ever own the club," King said.

Herald Sport also understands one of the investors in Green's consortium is Rafat Rizvi, a British citizen who was once on Interpol's wanted list after being accused of stealing assets from Indonesia's Bank Century two years ago, a charge which he denied. Herald Sport believes that Rizvi is investing £2m in Green's Sevco consortium, with Mike McDonald, the former Sheffield United chairman, investing a further £2m. A third investor had agreed to put in £4m, but pulled out last weekend.

The Blue Knights, Bill Ng's Singapore consortium and a UK group all lodged bids before Duff & Phelps chose Green's offer.

Pssssst, keep it quiet, lads, but see if these guys actually indulged in sone joined-up thinking, and actually talked to one another, they could pool their resources and come up with a lump sum that might just work. Keep schtum, mind!!!!

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So Green now saying that Dirty Cheating b*****ds FC might not even be playing in Glasgow.

But I thought he said that he wouldn't be selling Ipox, and that no matter what rankers would still be playing there. blink.gif

He's also saying that as soon as the CVA is rejected tomorrow, Rangers will no longer be in the SPL, so will not get to vote on allowing the Newco back in.

So who is right on this, with the BBC and STV both quoting the SPL as saying they would have a vote?

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Herald Sport also understands one of the investors in Green's consortium is Rafat Rizvi, a British citizen who was once on Interpol's wanted list after being accused of stealing assets from Indonesia's Bank Century two years ago, a charge which he denied. Herald Sport believes that Rizvi is investing £2m in Green's Sevco consortium, with Mike McDonald, the former Sheffield United chairman, investing a further £2m. A third investor had agreed to put in £4m, but pulled out last weekend.

The Blue Knights, Bill Ng's Singapore consortium and a UK group all lodged bids before Duff & Phelps chose Green's offer.

Hah, if that's true, Leggo's been naming completely the wrong person in his blog. Oops!

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Rangers season ticket sales suspeneded.

WTF was the point in waiting all this time then 2 days before the creditors meeting sending out the re-newal forms. Waste of time and money. Nobody in their right mind was going to re-new without knowing where we would be playing or even if we would be playing at all.

There is no way i am paying the best part of £600 to watch SFL 3 standard football.

Time to go Mr Green Just pack your bags and leave. Lobby my MP because we haven't been paying our taxes :lol:

He would rather we were in the SPL regardless of the penalties imposed. If anything tells you just how far out of touch he is with the support this is it.

He thinks the support will follow follow regardless. No chance. We have done that for long enough and look where it got us! We will support the team as long as people are honest with us and keep us fully informed. He has failed the support in this respect and we have had enough.

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Twitter rumour that the Dee have applied for the vacant SPL share. Hilarious if true.

It's true. We applied for it weeks ago because it was something to do with needing an SPL license by a deadline. biggrin.gif

Makes all the news about Rangers that bit more pleasing.

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Anyone who has paid to watch your club at an away ground can consider yourselves customers of the home team and therefore you are well within your rights to canvass all clubs you have visited.


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Rangers season ticket sales suspeneded.

WTF was the point in waiting all this time then 2 days before the creditors meeting sending out the re-newal forms. Waste of time and money. Nobody in their right mind was going to re-new without knowing where we would be playing or even if we would be playing at all.

There is no way i am paying the best part of £600 to watch SFL 3 standard football.

Time to go Mr Green Just pack your bags and leave. Lobby my MP because we haven't been paying our taxes :lol:

He would rather we were in the SPL regardless of the penalties imposed. If anything tells you just how far out of touch he is with the support this is it.

He thinks the support will follow follow regardless. No chance. We have done that for long enough and look where it got us! We will support the team as long as people are honest with us and keep us fully informed. He has failed the support in this respect and we have had enough.

Some would say you've been doing that ever since Kirk Broadfoot signed.

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Rangers season ticket sales suspeneded.

WTF was the point in waiting all this time then 2 days before the creditors meeting sending out the re-newal forms. Waste of time and money. Nobody in their right mind was going to re-new without knowing where we would be playing or even if we would be playing at all.

There is no way i am paying the best part of £600 to watch SFL 3 standard football.

Time to go Mr Green Just pack your bags and leave. Lobby my MP because we haven't been paying our taxes :lol:

He would rather we were in the SPL regardless of the penalties imposed. If anything tells you just how far out of touch he is with the support this is it.

He thinks the support will follow follow regardless. No chance. We have done that for long enough and look where it got us! We will support the team as long as people are honest with us and keep us fully informed. He has failed the support in this respect and we have had enough.

So you're walking away?:unsure:

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Anyone read this on that filthy rangers forum. give me a chuckle. They give a new meaning to delusional. blink.gif

snapback.pngEssandoh, on 13 June 2012 - 12:56 AM, said:

It's been a truly dark day today. Personally, I never thought this day would come. A day when the severity of our Club's financial mismanagement has truly been laid clear for all to see, with the men to blame in certain hiding, and the Rangers Family suffering around the world. The anti-Rangers mob of this country however have not been hard to seek out. It's an unhealthy obsession but an unrepentant one at that.

I've been approached several times today by vermin with this "cheating" nonsense. According to these self-acclaimed warriors of Scottish football, Rangers "cheated" every other club in the SPL and that's why attendances are at an all time low all around the country; Rangers "cheated" themselves to titles and gained an unfair advantage over other teams; Rangers "cheated" the tax man and should be dead and buried. You'll hear a cry for a just punishment from some more moderate fans of other clubs in the SPL, but very few mean punishment. They want our club dead.

Let me remind those horrible little celtic men who vomit this poison across forums, on buses and in the pub: where lies your corinthian spirit and siege for sporting integrity surrounding the funding of the wages paid to Robbie Keane, Roy Keane, Ljungberg and several players of the O'Neill era? These wages came straight from the pocket of Dermot Desmond. Last time I checked the St. Mirrens, Motherwells and Kilmarnocks of this country don't have billionaires behind their club's funding £60,000-a-week loan signings to score penalties against bottom half sides and to appease the masses within the filthy festering east of Glasgow. One would consider such outside investment cheating by all standards - so how dare you take the moral high ground over the football finances of other clubs. Don't you fucking dare.

Let me also remind those at Tannadice, Pittodrie and McDiarmid Park that those grounds aren't going to fill themselves any time soon without the Bears. Biting the hand that feeds you is never a good business plan for any football club wishing to progress. The likes of Kilmarnock, without Rangers Football Club, would have been plunged into administration themselves years ago had the Club not received the £2m transfer fee for a certain Steven Naismith. I wonder how that will pan out over the next few years should a similar scenario arise. Let's sit back and watch, shall we?

When you sleep in yet again for that kick-off down at the match in that new-look SPL because "there was no point", and when you begin to realise how great a mistake it was to present an SPL without the premier team in the land to the country and to an uninterested Sky, listen closely and be fearful for you own little club's existence. You are orchestrating the demise of not only your own club but the future of Scottish football. And for those clubs who want us dead? The Rangers Football Club has been on its knees fighting for its every last breath over the past 6 months. The Rangers support has kept it living with unmatched love, loyalty and charity. As the saga continues to develop, the Club may in fact be playing its football in the Third Division as of 2012, away from those who harmed it and laughed at it, whilst Her Majesty's Revenue & Customs targets the men who plundered the Club into disrepair. We're willing to take the punishment all around us wish for. No newco Rangers in the SPL is what you want and that's fine by us. We'll rise again. The Club is just going for a little sleep just now.

But just you fucking remember: that sleeping giant at the bottom of the Scottish football leagues is going to wake up, and its going to be very fucking angry. It won't ever forget those who kicked it when it was down, and when Rangers return stronger, louder and more powerful, don't expect any favours when the big boys come back to town. We'll have the last laugh, when you'll be taking your last breath.

No Surrender.

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Was listening to Radio Scotland this morning. It was some talk show but it was full of ra peepul from all over Scotland, fife, earlston displaying the arrogant, deny deny attitude that we've been subjected to for months.

They want in div 3. Usual pish they thought east fife and Alloa were in the bottom tier. Ignorant c***s. f**k the rangers and their cretin filled glory hunting fans.

I noticed that, i've pointed out before, they know nothing about football, pig ignorant, insular troglodytes. It always reminds me of being in the company of Rangers fans in a Glasgow pub after a Hibs visit to Ibrox, chatting with the stereotypical, fat, self made bear, you know the one.........Billy, with some fucking Plant hire company in Kirbarchan, BMW X5, apartment in Spain and a mock tudor hacienda in Linwood, anyway the bold Billy tells me that he can remember some great Hibs sides, including a Hibs side with Dave "Tiger" McKay in it!:rolleyes:

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Twitter rumour that the Dee have applied for the vacant SPL share. Hilarious if true.

Both Dundee and Falkirk applied ages ago, just in case County collapsed or Rangers died. It's a standard bureaucratic procedure..

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It's true. We applied for it weeks ago because it was something to do with needing an SPL license by a deadline. biggrin.gif

Makes all the news about Rangers that bit more pleasing.

Firstly, what vacant SPL share?

Secondly, did Dundee not apply in the slim case Ross County weren't granted promotion on the basis of their stadium?

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