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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Not sure what bus this bear is on, though I suspect it might be one of the special ones.


Aye, bear on the short bus right enough. How many times does England have to tell them to f**k off before they'll listen? And "bigger fish to fry"? It's Friday!


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Some people are in for a big shock if they're so arrogant to believe that they'll get away scot free from voting them in, i just hope the vote's made public.

But surely we all want "transparency and clarity" a la Fat Sally's hissyfit at the SFA Tribunal demanding that panel members be named.

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Not sure what bus this bear is on, though I suspect it might be one of the special ones.


Definitely a pie and bovril plant, no Rangers fan on that site could be that funny. Loving the Fawlty Towers reference, well done that man.

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But surely we all want "transparency and clarity" a la Fat Sally's hissyfit at the SFA Tribunal demanding that panel members be named.

It's a no win regardless,

Private ballot; we all think newco were voted in because nobody will ever know who done it

Public ballot; we all think newco were voted in because chairmen were afraid of being letter bombed


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I'm pushing 50, so you'd better hope we get you in a cup - 'cos it ain't gonna happen in the league*. Unless, of course, a millionaire steel tycoon buys your club and takes them onwards and upwards......;)

ETA *in my lifetime ;)

Or we get relegated........twice! (Mind you, we passed each other on the stairs in 1989.....still remember the drive back from Palmerston.)sad.gif

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No-one is getting screwed over except Sevco, the SPL are seeking clarity because the legal situation looks very much as if t'Rangers cannot legally be treated as the same entity as Rangers.

The HMRC gave this as their reason for refusing the CVA, they can go after Rangers and the people who mismanaged them without going after the entirely new entity which has been created in their place from the rubble.

Rangers pushed the SFA into accepting that the law of the land takes precedent over football regulations.

The SFA must now treat t'Rangers in the same way that the law does, they are a different entity, they are NOT Rangers, never have been, never will be.

Exactly, so now they can complete their punishment (from the available - thanks for clearing that up, boys) of the original currants - who still legally exist and hold the SPL share, SFA membership, etc. - and f**k them right off. Then the Current Currants have absolutely NO right to play in any league in this country without applying like any other non-league side, and nobody else will have them. And who's going to appeal that decision? BDO? Nah, don't think so.

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I'm pushing 50, so you'd better hope we get you in a cup - 'cos it ain't gonna happen in the league*. Unless, of course, a millionaire steel tycoon buys your club and takes them onwards and upwards......;)

ETA *in my lifetime ;)

Thank f*ck it nearly hasn't happened in my life time so far :lol:

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It's a no win regardless,

Private ballot; we all think newco were voted in because nobody will ever know who done it

Public ballot; we all think newco were voted in because chairmen were afraid of being letter bombed


I'm sure wikileaks could provide a wee 'cable' from within the room. With journos sure to be clamouring over the Chairmen upon their exit, the days that follow will surely provide the identities of the guilty parties. If secrets from the White House are made public over time then SPL can be rest assured the truth will out. There's no hiding place, and yes I mean you and your cronies Cockwomble. The truth will out.

Edited by GunnerBairn
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It's a no win regardless,

Private ballot; we all think newco were voted in because nobody will ever know who done it

Public ballot; we all think newco were voted in because chairmen were afraid of being letter bombed


"When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle."

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Not sure what bus this bear is on, though I suspect it might be one of the special ones.



Our Queen's Park has a 50K seater stadium as well that is an up to date 5 star complex,do they also get an invite into the EPL because they could draw fans in an instant with that appeal "Queen's Park V's Man City ? HELL I'd go as I'm a mile or so away from Hampden :blink:.

FCUK SAKE the EPL and EFL don't want them at all and have said so ? why they still want to go to England ? Loyalty to the crown :o doesn't the Queen pay her taxes and is the HMRC under her name ?.

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I'm sure wikileaks could provide a wee 'cable' from within the room. With journos sure to be clamouring over the Chairmen upon their exit, the days that follow will surely provide the identities of the guilty parties. If secrets from the White House are made public over time then SPL can be rest assured the truth will out. There's no hiding place, and yes I mean you and your cronies Cockwomble. The truth will out.

Is there any truth in the story that cockwomble had julien assange's extradition appeal blocked to thwart him in his attempts to uncover the WMD's in boardrooms throughout the SPL :ph34r: .

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Our Queen's Park has a 50K seater stadium as well that is an up to date 5 star complex,do they also get an invite into the EPL because they could draw fans in an instant with that appeal "Queen's Park V's Man City ? HELL I'd go as I'm a mile or so away from Hampden :blink:.

FCUK SAKE the EPL and EFL don't want them at all and have said so ? why they still want to go to England ? Loyalty to the crown :o doesn't the Queen pay her taxes and is the HMRC under her name ?.

Are you the guy who runs up and down carmunnock road wearing a tam o'shanter and an ac milan top :lol:

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Exactly, so now they can complete their punishment (from the available - thanks for clearing that up, boys) of the original currants - who still legally exist and hold the SPL share, SFA membership, etc. - and f**k them right off. Then the Current Currants have absolutely NO right to play in any league in this country without applying like any other non-league side, and nobody else will have them. And who's going to appeal that decision? BDO? Nah, don't think so.

Just being too negative WRK. Give it time ...

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