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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Posted this in the First Division forum, but may be of any interest to many here. Turnbull Hutton again, Raith Rovers director, in response to an email from myself.

Relax......we don't respond to blackmail. We've made our position crystal clear. The document is a joke and an insult. I don't care about SPL clubs or their problems. They haven't shown much interest in ours!

We will not be roliing over. I'd rather play Junior Football!

Turnball Hutton to lead the revolution. What a man!! If I go to the jags games next season (and thats a big IF at the moment, pending what way our vote goes) and see you, you can have any drink in the Aitken bar on me.....and thats a promise!!

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I thought the SFL document was a spoof when I first read it - "surely no governing body would actually commit that sort of intimidation to paper" went thru my head.

Ah know, its absolutely mindboggling and copies should be forwarded to UEFA/FIFA and ask for their view on this intimidation and bribery

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From the proposal to SFL Chairmen:

•Fear of the unknown

•Lack of involvement

•Lack of information

•Threat to power, or status

•No perceived benefits

•Fear of failure

•Unless behaviour changes, nothing changes


Edited by welshbairn
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Aye but...............it has Liewell's name written all over it to save your OF buds - did he pen it himself or get one of the PR people to write it? That could explain why Celtic can't make PR announcements, that Department of the East End is too busy writing crapola to stitch the rest of Scotland up eh?

I really don't think Celtic are behind it, there's no evidence for that, it goes rather against what I've understood to be the board' internal thoughts on the matter, and the (few, sometimes veiled) statements they've made. We don't gain anything from it - Celtic's board know fine well that they'll lose orders of magnitude more money if they gerrymander a fake 'Rangers' into the league than any losses from missing two pretend old firm games for the next few years. If we cared that much we'd have given them a loan to help them pay their bills. laugh.gif

It's not beyond the realms of possibility, but I just don't see it. That said, I'd be much more comfortable if we were to make a statement against it, otherwise it provides tacit approval.

It smacks of Doncaster (and Regan?) and Longmuir cosying up together to try to scare the SFL clubs. I'm not sure what the SFL's motivation is, but Doncaster is more worried about his bonus than anything else. I rather doubt even SPL clubs would support it.

Edited by deerokus
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Ah know, its absolutely mindboggling and copies should be forwarded to UEFA/FIFA and ask for their view on this intimidation and bribery

As you implied above, it's the kind of paper you hand-oot at a meeting in private then don't allow delegates to leave the meeting room with it then shred............TBH, as Clerk to a rather large local authority executive management team, I've done that many times unfortunately. Not the sort of thing you want published or allowed to become public.

These cockwombles ain't a clue by sending it out. BUT we're such a backwater, that higher authorities wound'nt give 2 effs (FF - sic)

I despair

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I really don't think Celtic are behind it, there's no evidence for that, it goes rather against what I've understood to be the board' internal thoughts on the matter, and the (few, sometimes veiled) statements they've made. We don't gain anything from it - Celtic's board know fine well that they'll lose orders of magnitude more money if they gerrymander a fake 'Rangers' into the league than any losses from missing two pretend old firm games for the next few years. If we cared that much we'd have given them a loan to help them pay their bills. laugh.gif

It's not beyond the realms of possibility, but I just don't see it. That said, I'd be much more comfortable if we were to make a statement against it, otherwise it provides tacit approval.

It smacks of Doncaster (and Regan?) and Longmuir cosying up together to try to scare the SFL clubs. I'm not sure what the SFL's motivation is, but Doncaster is more worried about his bonus than anything else. I rather doubt even SPL clubs would support it.

Good reply - I'd said it had Liewell's name written all over it as the biggest team with a multitude of PR people have been silent so far aboots Sevco FC. Diddies with a wife who can type seem to be able to be able to state their position regarding each twist n turn.

Are you not frustrated yourself seeing this?

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How is it possible for the football authorities in Scotland to be actively advocating the inclusion of (some form of) Rangers in SFL1 when their squad isn't even fit to guarantee the 'integrity' of a pre-season friendly tournament in England?

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How is it possible for the football authorities in Scotland to be actively advocating the inclusion of (some form of) Rangers in SFL1 when their squad isn't even fit to guarantee the 'integrity' of a pre-season friendly tournament in England?

How can the footballing authorites be pushing/intimidating/bribing Chairmen to accept a newco which seems at the moment to have little chance of avoiding Administration/being unable to fufill 2012/13 fixtures? Restructure on the back of a fag packet to suit Sevco.

Any word if Le Havre have managed to get another opponent instead of the deid Rangers for their celebratory game?! :lol:

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The most simple explanation is generally the truth.

Therefore, I surmise that the Cockwomble's bonus is directly linked to SPL revenue generate.

As a result, he will do ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING to ensure that he gets to 'sell' a league with both cheeks in it.


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Chico stuck in a train for 15 hours from london to Glasgow due to flooding and he was the one that got interviewed by the bbc about it.

Looked like he had just staggered out of a gay bar in london and onto the train.

Good enough for the little shit

Sorry Claymores, was a bit early this morning :-)

Edited by Tam1314
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Are you not frustrated yourself seeing this?

Of course!

As I say, would be nice if clubs would be more open about what the hell is going on. Instead we seem to have more deals being done in smoky rooms, and an apparent deliberate ignorance of the perilous state of 'Rangers'.

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Of course!

As I say, would be nice if clubs would be more open about what the hell is going on. Instead we seem to have more deals being done in smoky rooms, and an apparent deliberate ignorance of the perilous state of 'Rangers'.

I dislike that answer in soooooooooo many ways. Clubs from SPL to Div 3 have been as open as they can whether it be DUFC explaining where they are or Cowden's Findlay singing the sash. CELFISH have been silent. Even wee East Fife has a poll to fans aboots deadco.

Perilous state of 'Rangers' you say - who cares - they are not in peril but went bust weeks ago. Why should Scottish football reorganise solely to suit Green???

Are you conceding you quite like bigotfests from across the city therefore don't want to lose the undead?

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Hopefully by now doncaster and the spl chairmen who came up with this guff are starting to realise the firestorm they have created for themselves. The commercial damage of forcing this plan through would be catastrophic. No wonder Norwich are in better Nick without him. For any league system to work it must be seen to be a meritocracy and these clowns by trying to turn it into wwe will destroy any shred of credibility left here.on plus side if newco isn't voted onto spl ...how can it be relegated?? This could surely be challenged at cas

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Posted this in the First Division forum, but may be of any interest to many here. Turnbull Hutton again, Raith Rovers director, in response to an email from myself.

Turnbull Hutton is the man. f**k Rangers and the sleazy corrupt SPL.

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Self Preservation League fully living up to its name IMO.

I'm getting a great deal of comfort from the fact that whenever Turnbull Hutton opens his mouth I hear the exact same as the thoughts in my head regarding this situation.

There are only 2 scenarios that will see me back at Scottish Football next season.

1. Sevco5088 have applied for Div 3 and have been approved/ rejected based on a fair appraisal of their bid against any rival bids.

2. This abomination has been forced through but RRFC are no part of it.

As TH said, I would rather we were in Junior football than be part of a blatantly corrupt league where only the two pillars of bigotry really matter.

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Cockwomble's face (and fucking bad haircut) is enough to raise my hackles.


If he was responsible for drafting up this proposal, he should be forced to resign. It would be good if those directly responsible for approving this blackmail were also forced to resign.

In true, Ally McCoist fashion - "Who are these people!111!!"

The current SPL Board is made up of Ralph Topping (SPL Chairman), Neil Doncaster (SPL Chief Executive), Eric Riley (Celtic FC), Stephen Thompson (Dundee United FC), Derek Weir (Motherwell FC) and Steven Brown (St Johnstone FC).

The SPL Board has the likes of the Dundee United and St Johnstone Chairmen on it. I thought their clubs were big on sporting integrity? Hmmm.

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All along, a large contingent of our support has been against Sevco being admitted to the SPL, but because of the unique situation we are in with this being our first ever shot at the top tier, no fans were threatening to walk away over it. That said however, this new blackmailing attempt of the SFL has finally broken some, with arguably some of our most staunch supporters seriously questioning whether they want to continue supporting football in this country. The wind has definitely changed direction on even OverTheBridge.

I admit, I was annoyed at the prospect of them getting back into the SPL before, but I am furious about the prospect of what they are trying to do now. If this goes ahead, battle lines will have been drawn, and I fully expect that fans threats of walking away from football altogether will come to fruition. If it doesn't come through, I fully expect/demand the resignations/dismissal of the conspiritors responsible: Topping, Doncaster, Reagan and Longmuir. This is in addition to the obvious resignation of Ogilvie, which should have been accepted long ago.

We're at a tipping point here, and nearing the end game. The very future of our national sport depends on it.

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Self Preservation League fully living up to its name IMO.

I'm getting a great deal of comfort from the fact that whenever Turnbull Hutton opens his mouth I hear the exact same as the thoughts in my head regarding this situation.

There are only 2 scenarios that will see me back at Scottish Football next season.

1. Sevco5088 have applied for Div 3 and have been approved/ rejected based on a fair appraisal of their bid against any rival bids.

2. This abomination has been forced through but RRFC are no part of it.

As TH said, I would rather we were in Junior football than be part of a blatantly corrupt league where only the two pillars of bigotry really matter.

I feel the same - BUT on point 2 even if East fife get a vote and voted against Sevco FC parachute yet it still happens, I'd unfortunately decline to pay to attend Bayview - not worth it, what's the point anymore?

You might as well pay per view and watch crapola WWF - it's as fake as that when fixed.

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