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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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morning all, first post after a long time lurking.

as a regular visitor to kerrydale street, and occasional lurker on rangers media.

i use this site as a comfort blanket, the unity against the newclub being shoehorned into the spl was tremendous.

but that was only the first battle in the war to uphold sporting integrity, the real battle comes now,

the same unity and application of pressure must intensify against anything more than division 3.

and division 3 should only be an option if the criteria for addmission are met.

morton,falkirk, and the rest of the clubs speaking out deserve great credit,

and likewise turnbull hutton of the rovers.

the time for celtic to speak out, is now, i approved of the silence over how they will vote,

the msm were just waiting to turn it into a celtic/ rangers war.

however all clubs mines included, need to unite and ensure that sporting integrity is the only consideration.

as of yet my season ticket has not been renewed, and should the newclub be placed anywhere above division 3 it wont be.

scottish football could be dead in the next few weeks, but we all have a chance to prevent it.

lets show we wont be pushed around to suit a dead club.


ps peter lawell get your fucking finger out NOW

Great first post, welcome aboard

Would greeny you too but on my phone, can somebody do the honours for me????

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To me, it reads like the contents of somebody's crappy powerpoint presentation, rather than any kind of official document. No facts and figures on display. I notice also that the words "fan backlash" don't appear anywhere as a negative point on any of the SPL's preferred options.

As I noted yesterday, SPL 2 is just the boogeyman in its football form. No club would be stupid enough to sign up to it given the potential implications (i.e., no fans). Indeed, I think it's been blown out of all proportion - we're still sitting in the same place we were two days ago, waiting to see if Green actually lodges an acceptable application to the SFL today. I've no doubt he'll submit one, but I'm pretty convinced he's hoping for a rejection so he can finish stripping the assets.

IF The SFA are complicit in this proposal ,then there is no way the SFA are gonna reject it,but we will wait and seecool.gif

Like many other I have been angry about some of the shenanigans that has accompanied the whole Rangers/newco fiasco, but I've never been so baffled as I have by yesterday's events.

Do the people behind this think we're mugs and that, after fan power being so obviously exercised over the No to newco in the SPL, that we're just going to sit back and accept this? Maybe not everyone who is threatening to turn their backs on the game will do so but sufficient numbers of us will; not just for next season but for the seasons beyond that.

Do the SPL/SFL/SFA think that their integrity as organisations can not be damaged further, because yesterday's actions have taken it to a new low. What do the SFA think the response will be to support for the national team who rely largely on the backing of the 'diddy' fans.

Signs are emerging that the whole thing will be kicked into touch. If and when it is it will expose those responsible for drafting such rubbish as not only incompetent but completely out of touch with the realities of Scottish football at this time.

Which junior ground will you be at next season?laugh.gif

more and more it looks like a stitch up

spl - we did our bit we got rid of the rangers. the decision was then with the sfl who decided to put them in sfl1

look at the end of hibs statement today;

At an informal meeting of SPL clubs held at Hampden Park yesterday, the views of Hibernian FC were represented by Chairman Rod Petrie. The Chairman articulated very clearly that the Club is ready and willing to cast its vote on the transfer of the Rangers share in the SPL at the formal meeting of clubs on 4 July.

The Chairman made the point that the vote should proceed without any further delay and that Hibernian FC will vote against the share transfer. The resolution will fail if four other clubs vote against it or abstain. If as a result of the vote on 4 July the Rangers newco is not voted into the SPL then it will be for other bodies to decide if and at what level Rangers might be accommodated within Scottish football.

Hmmmm I wonder If Mr T thinks the same,Im sure the ghost of Eddie our saviour would be infuriated if otherwiseph34r.gif

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Lowland league? How on Earth is that going to work with 12 sides in the EoS Premier alone and another 13 in the SoS? Are they just going to tell Civil Service Strollers, Wigtown & Bladnoch etc "sorry we're taking all your 'big' games away from you but Rangers needed saved. It's a shit sandwich"? Have the EoS, SoS (and juniors even though they're not senior) even been consulted on this yet? huh.gif Seems to me that the completely separate body that is the SPL are just as bad as the OF by thinking that they are Scottish football. They can get tae f***.

As OldNorthener has already elaborated there was a big consultation on this last year. According to extracts from the document (I think posted by him or maybe a poster called BurnieMan) on the Junior sub-forum, the plan is for 2 feeder of 10-teams each.

Feeder winners play-off. Winner of that plays-off v 10th in SFL3.

Bottom in each feeder plays-off v [winners of play-off series among existing non-league Seniors/Juniors champions].

So the play-offs would be:

Lowland/Highland Promotion

SF... Lowland 1 v Highland 1

Final... Third Division 10 v winners of above

Lowland Relegation

(some ambiguity in document over exact rounds)

QFs... EOS 1, SOS 1, West Juniors 1, East Juniors 1

SF... winners of above

Final... Lowland 10 v winners of aboive

Highland Relegation

SF... HFL 1 v North Junior 1

Final... Highland 10 v winners of above

HFL has subsequently objected, probably due to 10-team factor.

I imagine SFA proposed 2 regions as a compromise between SFL (always wanted a nationwide conference) and non-leaguers (have 3-region models currently).

Edited by HibeeJibee
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Not reading that the same way you are. What was being suggested yesterday was that somehow newco would be 'relegated' into Divsion 1. The Hibs statement seems to suggest that cannot happen.

Rod Petrie is then correct in stating that it will be for other bodies, namely the SFL, to decide what happens to newco. I would not want Petrie or any other SPL chairman to tell the SFL what to do. Once the SPL chairmen decided newco would not into the SPL it was always then going to be the SFL that would then decide whether or not to accept an application for SFL admission. Let's just hope that if they admit them it is to the lowest point.

ok cheers for clarifying.

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Bomber Brown being a dribbling madman again,

He's like some drunk battering on about inconsequential things such as owning the title deeds.

I GENUINELY dont think he has any investors now whatsoever as he keeps going on about fan investment now since his two other investors were linked to Celtic.

the daily rager going on about season ticket money "going to Sevco"

well new rangers dont have a name yet, who else is the season ticket cash going to go to?

the mind boggles

anyone else thinking that Bomber Brown & Leggo might have been separated at birth ?!

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Andy Coyle from STV just pointed something out

There are 21 criteria Henry McLeish identified as important when considering league reconstruction

Those criteria are on pg 45 of Henry McLeish's Review of Scottish Football

Reconstruction back on the Agenda

The SPL has been giving serious consideration to league reconstruction. In the current situation

there can be no absolute guarantees that any one of the permutations now being discussed will

achieve all the objectives we would like to see or improve the capacity of the game to deal with

issues that lie ahead. This does not mean that league reconstruction should not be considered, just

that we have to be aware that after 12 years of the new league set up we have to make sure our

assessment of performance and evaluation of options is sound. Some of these criteria are:

· Stability and security at least in the short and medium term;

· Sustainable finance;

· Intensify the competition;

· Improve the through-put of young talent;

· The ability to develop new business and community models;

· A more equitable distribution of finance within the structure;

· There is a value to all clubs and each has a variety of different ways to move forward;

· Each club recognises their contribution to the national game;

· A more attractive product on the pitch;

· Modern and progressive governance;

· Enhance the brands and the credibility and integrity of the game;

· Improve our European coefficient and our UEFA ranking;

· Incentivise clubs to have more talented young people in first team pools;

· Secure ways of giving young players more playing time and a new role for colts teams;

· Better dialogue and less fragmentation within the structure;

· Maintain and add to current sponsorship details;

· Seek to ensure better return from broadcasting;

· More experimentation in how the games are organised and played;

· Acknowledge the importance of Rangers and Celtic to any League structure and accept that

this should be reciprocated by both clubs in the way the respect and assist wider

developments in Scottish football;

· Seek new ways of improving attendances;

· Grow the game.

It looks like the third last bullet point has been the starting point for recent stupidity.

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Charles Green has hinted he and his Rangers newco would accept proposed conditions to win Scottish Football Association membership.

Under plans revealed by BBC Scotland on Thursday, Rangers would go straight into Scottish Division One.

But they would have to accept the football debts and fines of the old Rangers and waive rights to legal challenges.

Green says that "nothing in this world is free".

Rangers crisis explained

  • Rangers went into administration owing up to £134m to unsecured creditors and will eventually be liquidated.
  • As a result its registrations with the Scottish FA and Scottish Premier League were terminated.
  • Charles Green led a consortium which bought Rangers' assets for £5.5m.
  • The former Sheffield United chief executive is reforming Rangers as a new company.
  • But the 'newco' will not get the required votes for re-admittance to the SPL.
  • Instead the new Rangers could start life in Scottish Division One.

An application by Green for his newco to replace the old Rangers in the Scottish Premier League did not gain the support of top flight clubs and it was expected the club's next port of call would be applying to enter the Scottish Football League in Division Three.

But senior Scottish football figures are proposing that Rangers start next season in the second, rather than the fourth, tier.

Asked for his views on the proposals, the Rangers chief executive responded: "Did you refuse to pay the price of membership of your golf club?

"My opinion upon right or wrong doesn't matter.

"We will continue to work to ensure Rangers play football next season and that we can look everyone in the eye."

Meanwhile, Green has echoed chairman Malcolm Murray's call for unity at the club .

Murray issued a statement calling for for an end to "the vicious and gratuitous blood lust" among those vying to control Rangers' destiny.

Former Rangers player John Brown this week announced he was leading a group looking to buy the club and encouraged fans to invest in his consortium rather than buying season tickets.

"It's not right that a proportion of Rangers fans continue to attack my consortium and try to undermine our rescue plans," added Green.

"It's not right that every two weeks a Mel Gibson appears, delivers a Braveheart statement, then doesn't deliver anything."

Would be funny if it wasn't so fucking tragic.mad.gif

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Now that there has been a day or so to digest the latest movement on this, i cannot see the SPL proposal as anything other than a hastily cobbled together document which no self respecting SFL chairman could possibly accept. The only place it has recieved any sort of positive comment is at Central Park and it's fairly obvious why.

This is the SPL saying what they would be willing to offer the SFL if they would be willing to change the rules. I think the SPL know, and expect, it to be rebuffed. Going through the process though allows them to say they did what they could.

Bottom line is that Fan Power will win at the end of the day. SFL clubs know that they need to look after the home fans or they will go the way of Rangers plc, who in the last 15 years have made hee haw difference to the finances of RRFC and several other SFL clubs.

The main reason our club have been so vociferous is the fact that Rangers made it personal with Fat Sally and Sandy Jardine's attacks on our club. The impact that had on the individuals at our board cannot be understated however, as TH has shown, they are not the type to roll over to the bullying.

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more and more it looks like a stitch u

spl - we did our bit we got rid of the rangers. the decision was then with the sfl who decided to put them in sfl1

look at the end of hibs statement today;

At an informal meeting of SPL clubs held at Hampden Park yesterday, the views of Hibernian FC were represented by Chairman Rod Petrie. The Chairman articulated very clearly that the Club is ready and willing to cast its vote on the transfer of the Rangers share in the SPL at the formal meeting of clubs on 4 July.

The Chairman made the point that the vote should proceed without any further delay and that Hibernian FC will vote against the share transfer. The resolution will fail if four other clubs vote against it or abstain. If as a result of the vote on 4 July the Rangers newco is not voted into the SPL then it will be for other bodies to decide if and at what level Rangers might be accommodated within Scottish football.

It certainly has that air of stitch up about it, but Hibs are (in)famous for the blandness of their announcements and this could just be referring to the fact that, should the SPL reject the zombies, the SPL has no further say and it is down to the SFA and SFL.

These announcements, like the line you highlighted, seem to me typical of leaving too much open to question instead of just playing it straight.

In an earlier post, I quesioned the acuracy of the BBC line regarding Petrie meeting Green. Petrie is well aware of the views of Hibs fans regarding the zombies, so I would be very surprised if he was supporting any SFL1 option or any of the SPL2 guff.

I was really proud when Petrie spoke up way back when about integrity and had no doubt the club would vote against alowing zombies in the spl.

However, we really need Petrie to make a clear, unambiguous statement on this, otherwise his position at the club really will be untenable.

SPL clubs need to show more respect and good manners to the SFL, and their own fans. If they think their fans won't notice or care about such a stitch-up then they are truly mistaken.

Edited by aka
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SFL clubs know that they need to look after the home fans or they will go the way of Rangers plc, who in the last 15 years have made hee haw difference to the finances of RRFC and several other SFL clubs.

People keep saying SFL clubs get nothing from SPL (and in turn value generated in SPL by OF) but this is not correct... Annual Settlement and League Cup prizemonies inject millions into SFL every season. This is just reality.

And before anyone starts, it's possible to note this without it being any advocation of making a special case for them.

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The clock is ticking. I have until June 30th to renew my season ticket to catch the early bird price. It's not going to happen. I can't be true to myself if I renew in the current situation I find myself in.

I don't ask for much. 45 years of winning nothing may seem like self-inflicted torture but I still have the same level of commitment to my club that I had in 1967 when I first attended a match at Somerset Park. During this time I have been enthralled by some of the great matches, the skill, the endeavour, the outrageous incidents, the humour, the banter, the passion, the joy and the sadness.

However, it's now 2012 and the one thing that I could add to that list is to be torn from my grasp. Despite the empty trophy cabinet, one thing that I've always had is.............hope. But the football authorities have decided that I am no longer entitled to hope. It's to be confiscated.

With the release of the new proposals for Scottish football, SFL teams have been handed an ultimatum. They have been told to ratify the inclusion of Sevco in the first division. They have been told to sanction rule-breaking. They have been told to reward cheating, theft, bigotry, arrogance and bullying. I use the word 'told' to emphasise my point.

The SFL clubs have not been given a choice in the matter. They must agree to the new proposals..............or else !

There has been a direct threat to clubs who vote against Sevco's inclusion in the first division. If my club participate in blocking this proposal, SPL 2 will apparently be created and my club will be consigned to the wilderness and the flame inside me, that I described as hope, will have been extinguished. The truth is, Ayr United could go another 45 years without winning anything of note but I would still have been there, supporting my team, with my mates, my voice, my money and, of course, my hope.

That's to be taken away from me now though. The powers-that-be in scottish football have colluded to present a new beginning for football in this country. They are not concerned about the views of the paying public, they don't care if the fans are against their new plans and they don't mind that every right-thinking football supporter is appalled by the reward being given to the biggest cheats in scottish football history.

So, what did I do wrong ? What offence did my team commit ? How could me, or my club, have avoided this catastrophe ?

Everyone connected with Rangers was complicit in their wrongdoing. The Board, the management, the players, the staff and the supporters. They are all guilty by association. Nevertheless, it is the supporters of every other team who will be sentenced in the next few days. That's justice................scottish football style.

For years we've been calling for league reconstruction and now it's being thrust upon us. It looks nothing like what we have been asking for but the clever people have decided what we, the fools, will get. We will be given what's best for Sevco because that, sadly, is the immediate priority for scottish football. Everything else and everyone else is secondary.

It's with a heavy heart that, should these proposals come to fruition, I'll be turning my back on scottish football. I will no longer stand at the Somerset Road end of the ground, shouting on my team, urging them to produce their best and win the match.

These corrupt individuals will have taken from me something that I can't afford to lose......................hope.

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I'm a bit confused on something and hope someone can help me out:

Apart from the vote from the SPL clubs on whether to admit the Newco to the SPL, would the SPL clubs not have another vote on whether to accept the reconstruction that would go along with this Newco in Division 1 mechanism?

Or have the SPL chairmen already decided to accept any such reconstruction, pushing the vote on the SFL chairmen, and allowing the SPL to say they will breakaway and form SPL2 etc. (which I assume would have the SPL chairmen's backing as well)?

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People keep saying SFL clubs get nothing from SPL (and in turn value generated in SPL by OF) but this is not correct... Annual Settlement and League Cup prizemonies inject millions into SFL every season. This is just reality.

And before anyone starts, it's possible to note this without it being any advocation of making a special case for them.

Don't count any income from settlement and prize money, project your income, set your playing budget, pay your bills, make sure income - budget - bills >= £0, SIMPLES.

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Also, if the majority of SFL clubs, and i do hope it is the majority, object to Rangers going anywhere but the 4th division then what kind of set up would "SPL2" have?

About 6 clubs in it?

Why does scottish football have to accomodate a club that doesnt even have a name just now and is involved in the most vicious of infighting?

Why cant the leagues change FOR THE BENEFIT OF SCOTTISH FOOTBALL

also - of note, i see that they are saying the game will not survive if Rangers dont continue.

That is absolute horseshit.

The new Rangers will not have half the support they used to have after a season of mixed results on the park, IF they even get on the park next year.

They are doing a bloody good job of ensuring that they never re-emerge from what I can see.


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