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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Jim Traytor was priceless last night on sportsound when he said that people on the internet were most of the time just spouting untruths and non-facts.

I would quote all the pish he has spouted that have turned out to be false but I want to be in bed before midnight.

The best bit was when he said that sometimes the contacts journos had made didnt give them all the facts. Ahhhh so it's their fault you look a complete tit then? blink.gif

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Gordon Smith, former Rangers player and Rangers supporter was instrumental in the SPL 'no' vote behind the scenes at the behest of his 'Papal paymasters'. It's been clear for a long time that the SFA are controlled by The Vatican.

It's actually the plot for Dan Brown's next blockbuster. How Opus Dei plotted the downfall of the Protestant Church by destroying its most ardent followers by errr... making them spend too much money and fiddle their taxes and errr.. probably an albino monk was involved.. and oooh yes .... Tom Hanks discovers that David Murray was actually in the pay of Celtic. Infamy!....they all have it....etc etc........

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And you believe that any concessions would last?? As soon as Scumgers are promoted they will revert back to their cosy set up and continue to strangle the rest of football.

Long term this will KILL the rest of Scottish football, but ,as you call them,the SPL,are A PURE SELF PRESERVATION SOCIETY, and they would be ecstatic at the rest of footballs demisew. They hate us , as we are a leech on their aspirations of grandeur. Rememeber that Thistle will be kicked into the gutter along with everyone else, as they dont give a fig.

The OF will be up and running again and the gangsters will be back in control.If Thistle are complicit in Scumgers going into SFL 1 or an SPL 2, then they deserve to die.

Beattie and co have just proved that they are Scumgers apologists.:angry:

That`s just stupid. Are you denying that the teams I mentioned should`nt consider any and all options which might gain us a second promotion/play off place. To me you have to decide what your motivation is now.

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Get real and stop wearing out your knuckles on your keyboards. What real fan would want his club, innocents in all of this, to shut because of a desire to get at the real culprits? Rangers did this and they are suffering. But this need to put them down further will endanger other innocent clubs. So-called fans who dominate their message boards appear to be running the show and are now pressing SFL clubs into doing the right thing, which is actually the wrong thing for the game in general. But is it really the will of the people or the ignorant views of semi-literate gangs of keyboard clatterers?

Entertaining though it is to listen to your rants Turnbull, just think. That's it, just think, and if enough of us do we just might not blow our brains out.

Should that not be Traynor, Turnbull will be heading down to do a number on you right now.smile.gif

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Apparently Steve Lomas has just been on Talksport and made a tit of himself once again, bemoaning the demise of Rangers and talking down Saints' SPL chances for about the tenth time.

I have been reasonably impressed with your signings so far, Steve. But please, for the love of God, shut the f**k up. You are not an intelligent man. This has been made clear. Get on with managing the club and leave the talking to someone else.

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I have known Auld Heid for a long, long time. He has hardly missed a Linlithgow game for about 25 years, however, he has always been a Rangers fan. He was a Rangers fan at school and he was a Rangers fan until a couple of months ago. He will now be a Sevco fan. If only he had invested some of his hard earned cash into his team they might not been in the predicament they find themselves in. I think he is feeling a bit guilty.

Anyway - GIRFUY. :lol:

Edited by FuzzyBear
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Finally got around to listening to Sportsound from last night - what a delight it was to hear Traynor being owned by Spencey and Cosgrove.

I actually thought Cosgrove took it easy, obviously he's not into ridicule as much as I am, fcuk I'm losing my humility again.

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I have known Auld Heid for a long, long time. He has hardly missed a Linlithgow game for about 25 years, however, he has always been a Rangers fan. He was a Rangers fan at school and he was a Rangers fan until a couple of months ago. He will now be a Sevco fan.

Thank you for confirming all my suspicions! biggrin.gif

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I've put up a couple of polls on my front page: what SHOULD the SFL do next week, and what WILL they do? Would greatly appreciate votes. Will also be posting to other forums, including Rangers if I can find one that actually allows you to join.


Done, keep it up.

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Jim Traytor was priceless last night on sportsound when he said that people on the internet were most of the time just spouting untruths and non-facts.

I would quote all the pish he has spouted that have turned out to be false but I want to be in bed before midnight.

The best bit was when he said that sometimes the contacts journos had made didnt give them all the facts. Ahhhh so it's their fault you look a complete tit then? blink.gif

There is undoubtedly a lot of ill informed nonsense on the internet( including in this thread) but the strength of it is that nonsense doesn't sit there unchallenged for long.

At it's best this approach creates a constructive dialectic, at it's worst it's partisan debate but either way you'll still learn more than you would by reading Jim Traynor.

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Hedgecutter is correct IMHO because Sevco are not Rangers and should not be punished for Rangers crimes.

This is an interesting point and one I agree with. However, can you see Sevco abandoning all the Rangers tropes to attract the fans back? They'll be happy to leave all the creative accountancy behind (I would imagine) but all the other triumphalist baggage, is that gone too?

What's the betting that while Sevco is 'not Rangers' it's going to try anything and everything to give the impression is it. Good luck to them in jettisoning the baggage.

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Jim, if your reading this.....

Your a shite journalist, with no idea what's actually happening


Ps wink.gif


I would have added 'complete and utter' before shite just so he might get it. TBH he propbably still wouldn't. :(

Edited by Granny Danger
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At present, newco have made an application to join SFL in any league. From club statements and what Longmuir said this morning, it looks like they will be considered for SFL3.

What needs to be looked at is if there is a viable business plan for newco to function in SFL3, if they can guarantee they will have facilities for SFL3 for the whole season and should be probably be puting up a bond the same way Livingston were asked to do.

With the team building they would have to do in so little time, the liquidators not into oldco yet, HMRC looking for payments in advance and brown shouting about a season ticket boycott, I don't see how they can guarantee being able to play this season!

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