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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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The first few paragraphs were ok but avoiding the issues that befell the SPL and the reality of it built on the whole greed is good culture.

The rest is more sniping at the diddy teams and people who see the game beyond the bigot brothers and is as much about protecting his employment status

and the red top readership figures as any campaign to save Scottish football.

His vitriol towards Turnbull Hutton is another example of playing up to the Glasgow readership, life outside the West coast of Scotland does not exist absolute bollocks !!!

The SPL and Murray's regime killed off clubs bringing through their own players for the quick fix,

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Is posting bank details of an account thought to contain a four figure sum a good idea? I got an email from a Nigerian prince the other day looking to stick some money in my account. Maybe Raith deserve it more and I could forward these details onto him? unsure.gif

Edit: Just remembered some wifey on Rangers media at the start of this crisis suggesting that setting up a joint 'save the Gers' account would be a great idea. laugh.gif

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Just heard Keevans on TalkSport putting Micky Quinn and Co right on all things Sevco :unsure:

What a twat......a load of rubbish (surprisingly, he failed to say that this is a new entity applying for a slot in SPL/SFL) - and the TS guy's thanked him for the "facts"!

FFS :wacko:

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The first few paragraphs were ok but avoiding the issues that befell the SPL and the reality of it built on the whole greed is good culture.

The rest is more sniping at the diddy teams and people who see the game beyond the bigot brothers and is as much about protecting his employment status

and the red top readership figures as any campaign to save Scottish football.

His vitriol towards Turnbull Hutton is another example of playing up to the Glasgow readership, life outside the West coast of Scotland does not exist absolute bollocks !!!

The SPL and Murray's regime killed off clubs bringing through their own players for the quick fix,

Traynor is a p***k. that article basically supports those morons who'd physically attack Hutton and the rest of the RR board. Traynor = lowlife.

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Has anyone thought about Panini in all of this? They'll have to chuck a whole load of stickers out and are, at present, still not sure which club to replace them with. Rumours that the Panini chopper is currently hovering over Glenrothes have yet to be substantiated.

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Is posting bank details of an account thought to contain a four figure sum a good idea?

I got an email from a Nigerian prince the other day looking to stick some money in my account. Maybe Raith deserve it more? unsure.gif

Edit: Just remembered some wifey on Rangers media at the start of this crisis suggesting that setting up a joint 'save the Gers' account would be a great idea. laugh.gif

In regard to the Raith account. Not knocking the idea, but (despite what a buffoon like Traynor may think) - I'm a keyboard clatterer who realises that none of this is good. St Mirren are likely to suffer financially here, no matter the outcome now. I am not stupid, neither are the majority of long-time posters on here. The loss of one of our two biggest clubs (for whatever reason) causes massive repercussions throughout the game. The actual amount that St Mirren could lose was outlined to St Mirren supporters at three meetings held this week. Is it really armageddon and the death of our game? Is it a heavy, heavy loss that will set us back four or five years - galling, as we are in the best position as a club we've been in for the last twenty years.... or is the reality somewhere in between?

I don't know, but whatever it turns out to be - very shortly, St Mirren could be needing a help. Until such times as I receive....wait for it....wait for it... clarity... my baw-bees are being held in reserve for my own club.

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He says this as an analogy:

""When the greed of bankers dragged the world into this deep recession the right thing to do would have been to let them close and take the big salaries and bonuses.But we didn't because that would have amounted to financial suicide and made life even tougher for the rest of us.""

Well spotted Jim, we didn't do the right things and guess what? We're still in recession and still getting shafted as the bankers get richer...read the front pages you useless chunt!

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1341488249[/url]' post='6403660']

Great post re Raith. Have seen the Aberdeen thread about sponsoring a player. I'm going to look into option to support Clyde as well - my Dad was a fan (he had a trial for them, in the olden days). Believe you can buy a fan share for a year. Will get over to Fife to take in a Raith game once the season kicks off.

Clyde have just tweeted that they've been pleased with the increase of fans subscribing to their fan share scheme over the past few days.

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He says this as an analogy:

""When the greed of bankers dragged the world into this deep recession the right thing to do would have been to let them close and take the big salaries and bonuses.But we didn't because that would have amounted to financial suicide and made life even tougher for the rest of us.""

Well spotted Jim, we didn't do the right things and guess what? We're still in recession and still getting shafted as the bankers get richer...read the front pages you useless chunt!

Same sh*te he has been spouting from day one - he shouldnt be allowed a crayon and and a bit of paper let alone a newspaper column. He is nothing but a liar as has been proved again and again. I used to buy the record and I will never again until he and Keevins are where they should be. In line at the dole queue or huddled under the bridge at Central station asking for spare change. Cretins

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Don't give Traynor your money. Don't bother buying the record - somebody will post the story up here anyway (from their website).

For all actual news there are a million websites to choose from, none of which give money to that lowlife.

I'm sure we all do this anyway but I would actually like that p***k to lose his job; he survives by creating mistrust and propogating half truths or full on lies.

BTW - just listened to the Sportsound podcast, Cosgrove for President. Not so easy when you can't just cut them off, Traynor.

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1341489160[/url]' post='6403697']

In regard to the Raith account. Not knocking the idea, but (despite what a buffoon like Traynor may think) - I'm a keyboard clatterer who realises that none of this is good. St Mirren are likely to suffer financially here, no matter the outcome now. I am not stupid, neither are the majority of long-time posters on here. The loss of one of our two biggest clubs (for whatever reason) causes massive repercussions throughout the game. The actual amount that St Mirren could lose was outlined to St Mirren supporters at three meetings held this week. Is it really armageddon and the death of our game? Is it a heavy, heavy loss that will set us back four or five years - galling, as we are in the best position as a club we've been in for the last twenty years.... or is the reality somewhere in between?

I don't know, but whatever it turns out to be - very shortly, St Mirren could be needing a help. Until such times as I receive....wait for it....wait for it... clarity... my baw-bees are being held in reserve for my own club.

St Mirren and all the other clubs will be fine, there may well be a bit of short term pain but sponsors and I dare say a tv package will return albeit at less money. I think Scottish Football will be easier to sell without what is effectively a rigged league. Time will tell, but it's a chance worth taking.

Some good news Poz, I've persuaded Turnbull Hutton to come to your party!

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Just thought I'd put this here for anyone who may be interested. Feel free to ignore, as I say it's not a beg by any means, and it's been set up for Rovers supporters to show our appreciation to the club for the stance adopted in recent weeks. Any help, however small, would be greatly appreciated. :)

I'll mention (once again) the Raith lottery as an alternative (other clubs' lotteries are also available ;) ). A piddling sum a week for an individual but hopefully a few extra punters would raise a significant amount.

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Scottish football has needed to change for over a decade now. Our national league is run in the west of Scotland for the West of Scotland. The SPL was created to line the pockets of the Old Firm and leave everybody else in relative poverty. Look at our game, compare it to the rest of Europe, it is without doubt the least competitive and worst league in the whole of Europe. Change must happen and it will. With Rangers gone, Celtic have lost their 11-1 majority on any major changes to the structure of our game. We must reintroduce fair financial benefits across the board, scrap the SPL and bring back the division 1 as our top league and in the process make it a 16-18 top tier league. Seriously guys? why do we have a split in our 12 team league? Yes, so we can have 4 Old Firm games. That is the be all and all of our league. The Old Firm. When are people going to wake up and realise we must introduce fairness and competitiveness into our league. It's only that way, that Scottish football will improve. Competitiveness is everything in sport.

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I'll be putting some cash to Raith by going there to watch my team beat, sorry, play them in a pre-season game.

Talking of pre-season games, how I laughed when I heard that Sevco's pre-season diary is clear. Do they even have enough players?

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Not sure if this solution has already been suggested, but here goes:

1) Rebrand as SPFL and reform into two leagues: 18 team Division 1 and 24 team Division 2, with D1/D2 playoffs and pyramid entry at the bottom of D2

2) Put Rangers in D2, then they're at the bottom of the new structure (the ultimate punishment), with a fighting chance of coming back soon-ish.

3) Rip up the Sky contract.

Yes I know that would be like burning money, but Scottish football is going to take a financial hit no matter what happens. Then we should establish SPFLTV; this will provide less revenue, but the key thing is it will be sustainable as it would be run by the Scottish League for the Scottish League, cutting out the multinational money-grabbing middle man and providing an opportunity to establish a financial equilibrium.

Pretty radical overhaul, but I think we're well past the minor tweak stage anyway.


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St Mirren and all the other clubs will be fine, there may well be a bit of short term pain but sponsors and I dare say a tv package will return albeit at less money. I think Scottish Football will be easier to sell without what is effectively a rigged league. Time will tell, but it's a chance worth taking.

Some good news Poz, I've persuaded Turnbull Hutton to come to your party!

That's not what our chairman and board members told us on Tuesday. As I said to his face on Tuesday - as supporters, since Feb 14, we have been fed so much conflicting information that we tend to treat everything with extreme scepticism - no matter the source of the information. I am happy that our BOD gave us the information as they had it given to them.

Time will tell if the information they imparted to us was correct or not.

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