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I live the Leggo Red Top Thesaurus of shite....

"hot shots", "top drawer", "big hitting", "high flier"


a year on and Craig Whyte is referred to in a completely different light ! biggrin.giflaugh.gif

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I live the Leggo Red Top Thesaurus of shite....

"hot shots", "top drawer", "big hitting", "high flier"


He's on quite remarkably - amazingly? - paranoid form today; it's all a pro-Celtic conspiracy, don't you know?

The nonsensical ravings of a lunatic mind

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He's on quite remarkably - amazingly? - paranoid form today; it's all a pro-Celtic conspiracy,

I read that too.

I wonder if Harper MacLeod know that every legal case they have will be tainted by being Celtic's lawyers.

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I read that too.

I wonder if Harper MacLeod know that every legal case they have will be tainted by being Celtic's lawyers.

Presumably Donald Findlay QC is the ONLY lawyer who represents fairness and equal justice for all?

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So, Green just wants to help Sally get the players onto a coach and go play a match? Don't say I never helped, Chuckie.

On the Buses

Could they not just cadge a lift off of one of the thousands of bluenoses who'll be heading up there. Some of them must have cars of their own.

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What was the line used a wee while back. Can't for the life of me remember which one of the authorities it was used it now, but it was something about "fear or favour".

I can only assume it was the SFA talking about being shit scared and willing to bend over at impossible angles.

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You know, Leggo might want to watch his step if Whyte is as litigious as the drunken oaf makes out. He's accused him so far of being in cahoots with the Regan/Media/Celtic axis of evil, links to the mafia and international terrorism (!) despotic, wilfully corrupt and many other nasty things.

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What was the line used a wee while back. Can't for the life of me remember which one of the authorities it was used it now, but it was something about "fear or favour".

I can only assume it was the SFA talking about being shit scared and willing to bend over at impossible angles.

Cockwomble and Regan both said it at the start of this clusterfuck. Said they would apply the rules and regulations of their league and association without fear or favour. So where do negotiating punishments and social unrest fit in with that?

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What was the line used a wee while back. Can't for the life of me remember which one of the authorities it was used it now, but it was something about "fear or favour".

I can only assume it was the SFA talking about being shit scared and willing to bend over at impossible angles.

It was Regan:

"The Scottish FA has a responsibility to all its members and must implement its rules without fear or favour."


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Cockwomble and Regan both said it at the start of this clusterfuck. Said they would apply the rules and regulations of their league and association without fear or favour. So where do negotiating punishments and social unrest fit in with that?

Slap bang in the middle of the blue!

(I'm watching Friends - Chandler is a genius).

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It was Regan:

"The Scottish FA has a responsibility to all its members and must implement its rules without fear or favour."


And if they do that pertaining to EBT/double contracts, nobody outside Rangers will have a problem. What are you waiting for, Regan?

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Cockwomble and Regan both said it at the start of this clusterfuck. Said they would apply the rules and regulations of their league and association without fear or favour. So where do negotiating punishments and social unrest fit in with that?

Doesn't seem to be much negotiating going on to be fair. The SPL are trying to pinch media rights from the SFL and the SFA are repeating again and again what punishments/sanctions must apply. I don't think they've bent too much (if at all) on anything regarding 'Rangers' membership.

It's clear Green fancies himself as a bit of a manipulator, but he's failed spectacularly at every stage so far. No to the SPL, no to SFL1, no to the transfer embargo being overturned (which the court ruled to be illegal! :lol:)

I'm honestly not sure if this is his plan, or if he's just making an absolute hash of getting 'Rangers' up and running in SFL3. Whichever it is, it's very entertaining for an outsider to watch the posturing, and then for an iron fist to come out of no where and smash Green into touch.

Is anyone else beginning to think this is all just a massive practical joke being played by the clubs and the authorities on the diddy fans? The more than happens, the more unbelievable it seems. Not even Ray Bradbury could come up with such elaborate stories.

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There's a lot of doom and gloom about but it's worth remembering that, apart from the entry in to SFL3 without due process, the cheating b*****ds have in fact not got away with anything to date. I for one have been hyper critical of the SFA/SPL/SFL but so far, by default sometimes and in spite of Regan/Cockwomble, they've done just about the right things. All the talk of "negotiaition" and "compromise" has come from Green, fat sally and the orcmedia.

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There's a lot of doom and gloom about but it's worth remembering that, apart from the entry in to SFL3 without due process, the cheating b*****ds have in fact not got away with anything to date. I for one have been hyper critical of the SFA/SPL/SFL but so far, by default sometimes and in spite of Regan/Cockwomble, they've done just about the right things. All the talk of "negotiaition" and "compromise" has come from Green, fat sally and the orcmedia.

^^ This guy knows what he's talking about.

For all the talk of 'stitch ups', I'm yet to see one in this whole saga, other then perhaps 'Rangers' getting into SFL3 without having to face other applicants for the position.

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