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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Further to King, a reprise of a post from July last year on the spiv....(from tsfm)

Brogan Rogan Trevino and Hogan supports Kano 1000 on 26 July, 2012 at 12:52 said:Good Afternoon,........King arrived in South Africa in 1976 having been transferred there by his then employers- The Weir Group- Jim McColl.He eventually strikes out on his own and by 2000 has made more than a few quid but has tax issues.He has retained his affection for Rangers, and is persuaded by Murray ( alledgedly ) to invest the £20M in the Rangers share issue of that time– Rangers having severe debt problems at the time. So let’s get this straight here. King, a shrewd businessman with tax troubles, spends £20M in return for which he gets a minority shareholding in Rangers PLC and a non executive Directorship at the club.Pause there: If £20M gets you a very minor shareholding just how did Murray- and more importantly King- value the club? Remember King still had this shareholding when the company went into Admin in February this year.Not long after King invests his £20M, the annual accounts for Rangers show a trading loss for the previous year of £16.3M.Yet, in separate papers produced by King, he claims to have received the equivalent of roughly £15.75M by way of income from Rangers PLC for the period ending 2001? Eh- he only arrived in 2000!Note– this is not repayment of a loan, nor is it money for the sale of his shares ( which he still has ) nor to my knowledge is it a dividend on the shares– everyone else who was a Rangers shareholder must have received an equivalent amount so this would run to tens of Millions, and as a dividend can only be paid out of “profits” the sum is a total mystery.Further, as pointed out in Paul McConville’s blog ( a nod and more in that direction ) it is unclear whether this sum was received by King net of tax or gross. If it was net of tax, then King didn’t receive £15m- he actually received £25M.So– here you have a guy with major tax issues in South Africa, with assets frozen including planes and so on, who has “access” to a large sum through a company. He sticks £20M into Rangers PLC in 2000 but by 2001 he has received back either £15M net or £25M gross– but he keeps his shares and Directorship?Mmmmm? Is it all making sense to you?
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Chico and tom English crossing swords over the cardigans role in this on radio shortbread :) feckin great.

Chico full of "sir Walter is a good guy", English "eh, really"......and his article tomorrow is meant to rip into the brogue wearing goat fecker.

Not surprised - in any other country, interviews like the ones Smith did today would have headlines like "Clueless Walter Doesn't Know What's Happening, Predicts Catastrophe"; "Confused Ex-Chairman Pleads Ignorance, Incompetence" and "Smith: I Got Paid £50k For Nothing While Crooks Flushed New Club Down The Cludgie".

Unsurprising to see Chick still sooking up to Smith, though. Good old Walter could pump Chick's Mrs and kick his dug, and Young would still defend him to the death.

Edited by flyingrodent
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I never noticed before, but this thread has the same initials as these good people....

Who went on to morph newco into Matt Bianco.

Matt - having no lustre or gloss.

Bianco - BIANCO (Bureau indépendant anti-corruption) is the Independent Anti-Corruption Office in Madagascar.

very apt wrk, very apt indeed.

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Who went on to morph newco into Matt Bianco. Matt - having no lustre or gloss. Bianco - BIANCO (Bureau indépendant anti-corruption) is the Independent Anti-Corruption Office in Madagascar. very apt wrk, very apt indeed.

Sometimes, Wunf, I think the inside of your head must be one scary fúcking place. :lol:

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Sometimes, Wunf, I think the inside of your head must be one scary fúcking place. :lol:

Lunacy + good knowledge of 60/70/80's music + persuit of trivia/death pooling = fun times.

Add in the very occasional booze trip, and happy wunfy times :)

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The Orcs view ...

They still do get the fact that they were liquidated and that being in administration is different ...

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Still thick as fck ..

trublusince1982: "don't see anything wrong with it, if you can't afford it you shouldn't be spending it."


Sweeny: "The only clubs in danger really are Premiership and Championship clubs. We have put League 1 and League 2 clubs on safe footing financially for years to come."

WTF - Most of the clubs in league 1 & 2 have survived for well over 100 years without seeing hide-nor-hair of feckin Rangers or Celtic :wacko:

Blue Athiest: "I agree with relegation for administration because teams get off lightly with a points deduction to be honest.

Take Hearts for example, they should not be in the SPL right now if you ask me."

The most useless points deduction in the history of points deductions was the one that was handed out to Rangers !

Bothwellbear: "Teams in administration need help not punishment. It has always been a fucked up situation. Fine's for having no money..... how does that work. "

It's supposed to be a deterrent FFS !!! You know - to stop teams spending money they don't feckin have !!

Guardian: "As for it applying to all, we have already seen that is not the case."

Gawd :wacko:

Non-Secumbi "It has ALWAYS been ONE RULE.

ONE RULE for Rangers and ONE RULE, with less stringent penalties, for everyone else."

The rules were 'bent' in favour of 'Rangers' - they were allowed to stroll into the league without the position being opened up for any other teams to apply - and before that those in power did their utmost to scare and maneuver 'Rangers' into the SPL or the First ! 'Rangers' are an exception it's just the berz are to stupid to see the truth of it !!

Edited by Ned Nederlander
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Sweeny: "The only clubs in danger"

BUT...BUT...BUT.... I thought football clubs can't be in danger/die? I thought we were led to believe it's only the company that owns the club that could be in danger? These ratbags can't keep their story straight.

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I just had a funny thought :) .

Just supposing here that Rangers did actually win the SPL league season 2011/2012 and then got liquidated :o ,wouldn't it have been so fucking hilarious with them down in the old SFL 3rd division and couldn't unfurl the SPL championship flag because of legal implications regarding their new club status :) ,the meltdown on the Ragers websites would have been monumentally hilarious to read :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: .

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trublusince1982: "don't see anything wrong with it, if you can't afford it you shouldn't be spending it."


Sweeny: "The only clubs in danger really are Premiership and Championship clubs. We have put League 1 and League 2 clubs on safe footing financially for years to come."

WTF - Most of the clubs in league 1 & 2 have survived for well over 100 years without seeing hide-nor-hair of feckin Rangers or Celtic :wacko:

Blue Athiest: "I agree with relegation for administration because teams get off lightly with a points deduction to be honest.

Take Hearts for example, they should not be in the SPL right now if you ask me."

The most useless points deduction in the history of points deductions was the one that was handed out to Rangers !

Bothwellbear: "Teams in administration need help not punishment. It has always been a fucked up situation. Fine's for having no money..... how does that work. "

It's supposed to be a deterrent FFS !!! You know - to stop teams spending money they don't feckin have !!

Guardian: "As for it applying to all, we have already seen that is not the case."

Gawd :wacko:

Non-Secumbi "It has ALWAYS been ONE RULE.

ONE RULE for Rangers and ONE RULE, with less stringent penalties, for everyone else."

The rules were 'bent' in favour of 'Rangers' - they were allowed to stroll into the league without the position being opened up for any other teams to apply - and before that those in power did their utmost to scare and maneuver 'Rangers' into the SPL or the First ! 'Rangers' are an exception it's just the berz are to stupid to see the truth of it !!

Lad! They can't see what you're replying to them, you should sign up and post your (shite) points.

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