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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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As if. I'm ever fearful of the diddies and their bold predictions of our imminent departure. The ones for 2013 have now all passed (no, I can't understand it either) and we can now run down the January, February, March and April predictions.

They wont all be like the title-stripping wet-dreams predictions - will they?


Aye, Bendy, everything's just rosy in Govan.

No laughs at all ahead for the famous Diddy rebels. :lol:

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Looks like Hearts fans have joined Dunfermline fans in actually doing something and saving their club.

Hope there's no sharp objects around Bendy, seem to remember him taking great delight in predicting Hearts would follow his old club down the shitter.

Gutter. :)

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Doesn't matter what you 'Know' though, does it? Everything will be back to normal. You'll have had your fun then. :)

SevConian in lack of understanding shocker...:rolleyes:

Of course it matters to me though. And it matters to absolutely everyone else who, now fully understands that your soiled little franchise has had to have the assistance of the SFA to keep you alive for its own benefit.

The fact that they (SFA) think your disgusting little "rivalry" and all that it entails is something this country can't live without, says more about their lack of ability and vision than anyone thought feasible.

However unlike in the past, when the neutral would, possibly, be keen to watch, or be impressed by this circus, they now, and forevermore, will see it for what it is. A disgusting display of venomous hatred disguised as sport, perpetuated by a complicit SFA and drooled over by incompetent tabloid hacks and the gullible mouth breathers.

....and laughed at by everyone else.

So, yes that matters, because we'll continue to have our fun for as long as your ridiculous outfit continue to proclaim any kind of credibility in the Scottish game.

Old Firm (and in particular all things "Rangers") 'credibility' is dead... The joyful irony is.... Your mob killed it.

The SFA and its myopic, self serving "leaders" have been found out for what they are.... Your mob exposed it.

The wanton, self whoring of the media monkeys earning their crust from the scraps handed them by the former old firm has also been we'll and truly found out good and proper....they exposed themselves.

Cheers ;)

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McCoist: 'But it's my job to give our players the best opportunity to perform': resign then you fat useless f**k!

Incidentally Rangers were staying in the same hotel when I got married there. What a bunch of thick fucks that Dutch contingent was. Bert Konterman couldn't work the ice machine and Fernando Ricksen couldn't work out which way the patio doors opened. I asked Mols if he was up for an autograph - his face was a picture when I then signed my name and handed it to him. My best man even got it into his speech.

Thick fucks then, thick fucks now, thick fucks forever!

Edited by Cliche Guevara
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McCoist: 'But it's my job to give our players the best opportunity to perform': resign then you fat useless f**k!

Incidentally Rangers were staying in the same hotel when I got married there. What a bunch of thick fucks that Dutch contingent was. Bert Konterman couldn't work the ice machine and Fernando Ricksen couldn't work out which way the patio doors opened. I asked Mols if he was up for an autograph - his face was a picture when I then signed my name and handed it to him. My best man even got it into his speach.

Thick fucks then, thick fucks now, thick fucks forever!



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Exactly. It is inevitable and all you guys can hope for is delay. Neither the authorities or you're own chairmen had the balls in 2012 and I haven't seen, read or heard anything that indicates any of them have since grown a pair. Like I said, as sure as night follows day Rangers will be back at the top of Scottish football and normal service will be resumed. Inevitable.

I think you'll find they had the MASSIVE balls to try and con us into believing it's the same club :1eye .

It wasn't that they didn't have the balls to kill the club because had had to allow the HMRC do that most glorious of occasions for them. What they had the cheek to do afterwards is to convince us that somehow they can magically separate the clubs company status listed in "companies house" and then blame the club ??? erm I mean the clubs company status for all the clubs cheating and huge debt accumulation.

They had created only less than a year before Rangers went tits up and died the magic formula on how to create cloned versions of dead clubs, how do they do this ? they give out the dead clubs licence to Sevco Scotland and allow for the first time a new club to take the dead clubs image and trading rights and viola there you have it !, a perfect copy of Scottish footballs most corrupt and cheating club to ever to disgrace the national game.

FYI the association's can't do any more than they already have by making drastic rule changes in their insolvency rules, it is up to those who run the new club to keep it alive and there isn't much hope there is there by all that's circulating in the grapevine :) . If yer club runs out of money and financial investment then it's goodbye and goodnight forever :D .

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Only in your dreams, Dhense.

Just ask Lord Nimmo or the SFA or UEFA or ASA or.... :lol:

Let's methodically look at your reply and put some common sense into what you posted.

Lord Nimmo, this is the law lord the SPL paid to parrot out that the associations acted within their own rules that they concocted less than a year before Rangers went into liquidation. Lord Nimmo only interpreted what the SFA & SPL placed before them and added fcuk all in they way of lawful legality but only on association rules.

The SFA, this is one half of the story of who created the new insolvency rules and the famous "club is separate from the company", so citing the corrupt b@stards as bolstering your argument is clutching onto a straw at best seeing as most of your mob want the association investigated for corruption.

UEFA, Look into my signature on how UEFA define a club "UEFA define the club as a footballing company that pays taxes", The ASA reply from them didn't even come close to explaining UEFA's actual stance but was an extract from their rules & regulations the SFA managed to legally work around with their suits.

ASA, ffs an advertising standard monitor :lol: , the SFA said to them it's the same member and that was good enough for them :1eye .

So try and post something legal that says the law see them as the very same club :) , you won't find one scrap 8) .

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McCoist: 'But it's my job to give our players the best opportunity to perform': resign then you fat useless f**k!

Incidentally Rangers were staying in the same hotel when I got married there. What a bunch of thick fucks that Dutch contingent was. Bert Konterman couldn't work the ice machine and Fernando Ricksen couldn't work out which way the patio doors opened. I asked Mols if he was up for an autograph - his face was a picture when I then signed my name and handed it to him. My best man even got it into his speach.

Thick fucks then, thick fucks now, thick fucks forever!

Come on now are you no laying it on a wee bit thick!!!! :P

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McCoist: 'But it's my job to give our players the best opportunity to perform': resign then you fat useless f**k!

Incidentally Rangers were staying in the same hotel when I got married there. What a bunch of thick fucks that Dutch contingent was. Bert Konterman couldn't work the ice machine and Fernando Ricksen couldn't work out which way the patio doors opened. I asked Mols if he was up for an autograph - his face was a picture when I then signed my name and handed it to him. My best man even got it into his speach.

Thick fucks then, thick fucks now, thick fucks forever!

I wonder if they could spell speech. :lol:

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Well done Youngsy ... but it's already been highlighted by another poster and the OP may have an impediment. In answer to your query ... I seriously doubt it.

Whether it was highlighted before I did it is immaterial, it's still comes across as ironic, in my humble opinion of course.

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