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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Delivered with a thinly veiled threat, buy ST`s bears or you are fucked, but do not ask any questions or the Easdales will sue you.

Will the threat work or will they be called on it?

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Nothing to do with boils, Pops. Perhaps you are thinking of 'emollient' which I think is something to do with skin creams or suchlike. Or in your case, pile cream.

Bristol Stool Chart thread for that type of chat...

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Sevco interims :-


Interesting to read Note 16 :-

16. Post Balance Sheet Events

On 24 January 2014 Brian Stockbridge resigned as a director of the Company and its subsidiaries.

Since the period end, the Company has also obtained access to loan facilities totaling £1.5m. £500,000 of the facility is interest free.(Weavedales ?) £1,000,000(Letham?) of the facility incurs a facility fee of £45,000 and carries a potential annualised interest charge of 10% should repayment not be made before 2 July 2014.

So George Letham not quite the 'Rainjurs man' that 'RaPeepul' were led to believe and his 'loan' not quite as philanthropic as expected.

Remember, Berrz, it's just business, it's not personal.

Edited by Florentine_Pogen
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A key number to watch is the cash burn rate

Dec 2012 – Cash at Bank £21.2M

June 2013 – £11.2M (down £10M) or £1.67M a month

Dec 2013 – £3.475M (down £7.7M) or £1.28M a month

At this rate, they'll soon have the cash burn rate(cbr) to under a million a month. Things are looking up in Govan.

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A key number to watch is the cash burn rate

Dec 2012 – Cash at Bank £21.2M

June 2013 – £11.2M (down £10M) or £1.67M a month

Dec 2013 – £3.475M (down £7.7M) or £1.28M a month

At this rate, they'll soon have the cash burn rate(cbr) to under a million a month. Things are looking up in Govan.

High CBR isn't always a bad thing, provided it's part of the plan.

I know of a recent start up who have a pot of approximately EUR 200m put aside for cash burn over the next 3 years. They believe that if they can cover their losses for that period, by year 4 they will be making substantial profits.

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A key number to watch is the cash burn rate

Dec 2012 – Cash at Bank £21.2M

June 2013 – £11.2M (down £10M) or £1.67M a month

Dec 2013 – £3.475M (down £7.7M) or £1.28M a month

At this rate, they'll soon have the cash burn rate(cbr) to under a million a month. Things are looking up in Govan.

Even if they cap their spending to the lower limit.

Their proposed £50m wouldn't last very long (30 months). :lol:

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