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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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On the contrary, the way the Morton fans blamed Hugh Scott is no different to how the Rangers fans say its the fault of individuals within the club and not the club itself.

Err no: Hugh Scott moved into a club with stable finances and attempted to asset strip: his chief motivation was to sell the land the stadium is built on. Having been opposed at every turn in this process - rightly - by the fans, he then vowed to 'close the club down like the shipyards'.

Given you've been comprehensively owned on this period you know nothing about before, it really is quite bizarre to see you still casting this deadbait.

The big difference however is that Hugh Scott was actually the good guy.

Oh, now I for one am seething at this remark. mad.gif


Presumably that would be you doing it right, as opposed to what's actually happening here.

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There seems to be some suggestion that the interested parties might have had the "in confidence" result of the FTT given some of the manouvering in the last 48 hours or so. With the bidders kinda needing to know the result to begin planning CVA's I suppose there's a bit of sense to that. They must also know the result of the vote from the virtual creditors meeting on D&P's proposals so maybe things will become a bit clearer next week.

But then I might have just read a bit much in between the lines.

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Does he?

Rangers fans. No, seriously. I think it's grossly unfair that thousands of innocent supporters who've pumped mega-millions into the club ever since the Souness revolution (and had absolutely no idea what was happening to their dosh behind the scenes) now face two stark scenarios:

Watching their team in the Third Division or supporting an U-18s side that's toiling in the SPL.

He has conveniently missed out the "Third Way".

This is where they are liquidated, & expelled from Scottish Football. Resulting in ANY party, that proclaims to being "Rangers", having to apply to the SFA/SFL for admission. Whilst having NO history, NO playing staff, NO audited accounts, NO place of tenure & NO infrastructure.

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Oh it's in an hour, I can have a roll before I go.

Any requests for photos? So far I'm aiming for fattest h*n, reddest face, mankyest shirt, and ugliest c**t in general.

Try and get some couples who look like brother and sister, oh and if you can find one with a full set of teeth take a group photo with the other ones and it can be like a wheres Wally type of game for the kidsbiggrin.gif

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Oh it's in an hour, I can have a roll before I go.

Any requests for photos? So far I'm aiming for fattest h*n, reddest face, mankyest shirt, and ugliest c**t in general.

That's one photo taken care of. What other ones do you plan to take?

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Oh it's in an hour, I can have a roll before I go.

Any requests for photos? So far I'm aiming for fattest h*n, reddest face, mankyest shirt, and ugliest c**t in general.

The banner with the most spelling or grammatical errors please. Can you also get one of '*** most likely to be on disability benefits' please.

Edit to add :crabflute.gif

Edited by Enigma
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Err no: Hugh Scott moved into a club with stable finances and attempted to asset strip: his chief motivation was to sell the land the stadium is built on. Having been opposed at every turn in this process - rightly - by the fans, he then vowed to 'close the club down like the shipyards'.

Given you've been comprehensively owned on this period you know nothing about before, it really is quite bizarre to see you still casting this deadbait.

^^^^^^ behaving exactly like a Rangers fan - just as I stated. :rolleyes:

Note - for those unaware of what really happened at Morton -

Hugh Scott pumped his own money into the club, went out and signed a lot of very expensive players (including Paul Fenwick from St. Mirren) and when they failed to reach the top flight, their fans turned on Hugh Scott.

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Oh it's in an hour, I can have a roll before I go.

Any requests for photos? So far I'm aiming for fattest h*n, reddest face, mankyest shirt, and ugliest c**t in general.

Some tears would be good, even if you have to poke one of them with a stick..

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I'm at Central Station and there's a handful of bigots making the place look decidedly untidy, presumably on their way to Mount Florida (although I'm surprised they don't think they should be at the airport).

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How do ours read in the days since Aberdeen last won the league? Old Firm have won the lot, and the Cup has only been won since 1984-85 by eight out of 26 occasions by a non-Old Firm side, six of those being Old Firm free finals.


St Mirren


Dundee United (twice)


Hearts (twice)

And then they wonder why clubs stagnate when their realistic chances of winning a domestic trophy all season all boil down to the hope that both the Old Firm get knocked out of the Scottish Cup as soon as possible?

Just a wee point, excellent post by the way. How come a lot of diddy team fans say the league cup is diddy?

Clearly as a diddy team fan we are eyeballing 2 trophies and hoping that the old firm drop the ball on it.

As a Falkirk fan i'd be over the moon winning the league cup, f**k i'd be delighted with the egg cup.

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One thing that strikes me about the way the Rangers fans are behaving is that they are no different from the way that fans of other clubs behaved when their clubs were in similar positions.

Just look at the Dundee fans last season, blaming the people in charge of their club, talking about boycotts, etc.

Look at the way the Motherwell fans have behaved. The way the Morton fans turned on Hugh Scott, etc, etc.

Fans of all clubs seem incapable of accepting when their own club is in the wrong.

The difference between Rangers and all of the above is Rangers fans are largely blaming everyone else BUT the people responsible for the mess. It's the SFA/Other Clubs/Whyte/The Pope/That Facepainting Bitch Wanting Her Bill Paid's fault. Heaven forbid anyone suggest that it was Murray, because after all he delivered them "nine in a row" just like their East End partners in grime had achieved,and who cares that it was by financial fiddling on a grand scale.

I'd hardly list serial asset-stripper and land speculator Hugh Scott as a great analogy. You may as well have listed "the way Hi-Hi fans turned on Hiddleston and Reilly" and be done with it!

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Oh it's in an hour, I can have a roll before I go.

Any requests for photos? So far I'm aiming for fattest h*n, reddest face, mankyest shirt, and ugliest c**t in general.

Try and get the million dollar shot, an attractive, well dressed, intelligent looking 1.

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Note - for those unaware of what really happened at Morton -

Hugh Scott pumped his own money into the club, went out and signed a lot of very expensive players (including Paul Fenwick from St. Mirren) and when they failed to reach the top flight, their fans turned on Hugh Scott.

Swing and a miss. Hugh Scott invested none of his money: because he didn't need to. Morton had plenty of cash in the bank when he took over, as the result of moving on stars like McInnes and Lilley from the 95/96 squad that missed out on promotion on goal difference. Lilley moved for a club record fee in 1997. Morton spent the cash available in the bank like, err, every other football club in the country! wacko.gif

Morton's subsequent debts were a result of 1) A fully justified fans boycott against the asset-stripping policies of Scott and 2) Scott's refusal to pay outgoing bills, in his attempt to force the closure of the club.

Still, at least you're not still absolutely seething at losing Paul Fenwick.


Edited by vikingTON
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Just a wee point, excellent post by the way. How come a lot of diddy team fans say the league cup is diddy?

Clearly as a diddy team fan we are eyeballing 2 trophies and hoping that the old firm drop the ball on it.

As a Falkirk fan i'd be over the moon winning the league cup, f**k i'd be delighted with the egg cup.

Its really only Hearts fans who say its a diddy cup.

The great thing is that, when Hibs when the Scottish Cup in May, they face being lorded over by the Hibs fans for years to come. 8)

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