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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Yet they are £130M in debt.

That's to MA......They owed the bank that previously.

Rangers (& Celtic for that matter) fans need to realise that gone are the days of buying ready made star players.

Even Celtic's recent transfer policy of buying young foreign players with potential has changed as even that market is saturated by better paying smaller Clubs from bigger leagues.

Probably also worth bearing in mind that when playing youngster that come through the ranks that you as fans (and the Clubs management) need to be patient as they won't be the finished article and need to play to develop.

Unless of course King et al are promising the land of milk and honey again then crack on....

Edited by sjc
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Funny aint it, King is breaking SFA rules, has no interest in Scottish Football or Rangers and the P & Bers seem delighted that he is trying to gain control of a Scottish club

When 3 untainted successful businessmen who are interested in doing what is best for a Scottish club, who have not broke any rules, come along with a better deal, the same P & Bers are at best pessimistic, with one of them already smearing them as liars?

How is Dave King untainted? :unsure:

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What is all this guff? some kind of deflection?

Nobody is speaking about celtic`s transfer policy or star players.

Ok Tedi.....ignore whatever you will.

Answer me this though: why are you so trusting of King or the 3 bears? Is it just because they're not MA?

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Funny aint it, King is breaking SFA rules, has no interest in Scottish Football or Rangers and the P & Bers seem delighted that he is trying to gain control of a Scottish club

When 3 untainted successful businessmen who are interested in doing what is best for a Scottish club, who have not broke any rules, come along with a better deal, the same P & Bers are at best pessimistic, with one of them already smearing them as liars?

Laying on a bit thick there tbh. I don't see anyone delighted purely at Ashley's involvement. No doubt there's a sense of schadenfreude at the fans not getting what they want, but that's to be expected with anything concerning Rangers tbh.

What if King is working on concert with T3B, would moral issues still be at play then? Certainly wouldn't be "untainted".

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No idea, can it be withdrawn?

This was not a definite just stopped anyone else from applying...they could of course take a smaller loan now to tide them through the 35 days before granting security in time for getting the larger loan.

Lots of ways to do this, they have not committed to anything and are duty bound to accept the best option.


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I like the 3 bears trick, it's an old one that king used before. Basically making an offer they know can never be accepted by the company.

Previously king did it requesting security over Ibrox(?) knowing full well the company couldn't accept it as there was a claim in place from Whyte over the ownership of the stadium.

Now the three bears want security over Murray Park, knowing the board can't offer it as there's a 35 day lock down in place.

It makes for great pantomime and the press love a rangers minded money man to write about, but really their offer has as much clout as me making one.

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Funny aint it, King Ashley is breaking SFA rules,

What rules is he breaking?

DK hoovered up shares at market value

Ashley hoovered up shares at market value

T3B hoovered up shares at market value

None of them have broken any rules in this regard.

Because the SFA and Mike came to an agreement? an agreement which is in the public domain

However what it does show is that the SFA are willing to act, Ashley is obviously sticking two fingers up at them just now, nothing the SFA have done thus far tells me they are going to allow this continue, I fully expect them to demand that MA removes his influence from the board at Rangers, visibly stops trying to have anything to do with how the club is being ran and makes a commitment not to increase his shareholding while he still owns Newcastle....or face expulsion.

I am hearing he is negotiating his exit.

Really? Edited by dave.j
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The SFA believe he has broken rules, why else would he be up on a charge?

Is he influencing things at Rangers?

Did a stock market announcement confirm that one of the directors was appointed by him?

Has he been found guilty of breaking SFA rules?

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