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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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From the BBC website:

There was also a balloting delay on plans to change the voting structure to a 75% majority away from the current layered approach which sees major change needing an 11-1 majority.

Why not press ahead with a vote on this?


Because there's no chance of winning it while Rangers exist.

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I don't understand why people on here want the proposed changes to fall - at least they put some penalties in place for a newco being voted in.

The bottom line is that any scope for allowing a Newco immediate entry to the SPL should be eradicated. This is fundamentally contrary to any principle of fair play and undermines the integrity of senior football in this country. Whether or not the facility to allow a Newco entry already exists isn't really the point. If it does, it should be removed.

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The question is either why not here, or alternatively did it happen here?

My guess would be that there has been no need for anything so overt. Using the universal 'big teams get the decisions' metric you would expect the hoovering up of the trophies by the two largest clubs in the country. Nods and winks behind the scenes may be plausable - witness the apologists at present - but I doubt direct match fixing was ever required

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From the BBC website:

There was also a balloting delay on plans to change the voting structure to a 75% majority away from the current layered approach which sees major change needing an 11-1 majority.

Why not press ahead with a vote on this?


Because they would lose the vote (by winning 10-2), obviously.

If Rangers go bust before the vote, they can win 10-1 and get it through.

Edited by craigkillie
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Because they would lose 10-2, obviously.

If Rangers go bust before the vote, they can win 10-1 and get it through.

In that case, it wouldn't matter if they voted and lost - they could revisit it when Rangers fold.

Unless, of course, Rangers will still be inthe SPL in any event :rolleyes:

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Not sure why everyone was so fixated on today being "the day", anyway.

This will trundle on for a while yet whilst everyone who might make a decision passes the buck, and sweats nervously inside their £49 Ralph Slater jackets.

Rangers, like Gretna before them, will stagger to the end of the season, bleeding profusely, and then collapse in the first week of the close season amidst a frenzy of hypocrisy, double talk, finger-pointing and shoulder-shrugging. There will no doubt then be an Airdrie-style attempt to lever the blue bigots back into the SFL at as high a level as possible, who can predict how that will turn out however. Just because Ballantyne's strategy worked doesn't mean that whoever's still afloat in the Ibrox lifeboats, post-liquidation, will be able to make a similar gambit pay.

They will play out their final fixtures for sure. Bill Miller seems more and more a weird trumpet who's using the dying Rangers as a means of raising his media profile (to unspecified ends). Murray (P), the oddball Kennedy and the laughable Blue Knights- I wouldn't elect them to a junior club committee. They don't have the money and are simply wasting the rest of our time.

Unless an energy-rich Russian oligarch or Middle Eastern sheikh with limitless money, lots of spare time from running whatever major business interest has gained them their wealth, and a spare £100 million lying in a sock drawer, Rangers are done for. Everyone knows this which is why the mewling, petualnce, rid-faced perma-raging and death threats have increased in intensity in the last week.

Just hurry up and get it over with FFS.

Edited by Ivo den Bieman
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At some point, someone, somewhere, needs to do something, announce something...

The big tax case - result please.

The investigation into EBTs - findings please.

Blue Knights - final, final, final, no really, final bid please.

Bill Miller - final, final, final, no really, final bid please.

Haudit & Daudit - please act and end it one way or another.

SPL/SFA/SFL - deal with it.

Something has to happen, and once the first domino falls, the others will fall immediately.

This cannot go on forever.... surely.

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The bottom line is that any scope for allowing a Newco immediate entry to the SPL should be eradicated. This is fundamentally contrary to any principle of fair play and undermines the integrity of senior football in this country. Whether or not the facility to allow a Newco entry already exists isn't really the point. If it does, it should be removed.

Wishful thinking. Unfortunately the SPL including the chairmen of the diddy clubs will all vote in favour of allowing newco Rangers immediate entry back into the league. They're quite happy to continue getting f**ked up the @rse as long as they can keep their snouts in the trough - only difference is that they can see a chance to get some sugar sprinkled into the gruel that they manage to beg from the OF table.

Scottish football has a chance to change but the SPL are going to blow it.

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Wishful thinking. Unfortunately the SPL including the chairmen of the diddy clubs will all vote in favour of allowing newco Rangers immediate entry back into the league. They're quite happy to continue getting f**ked up the @rse as long as they can keep their snouts in the trough - only difference is that they can see a chance to get some sugar sprinkled into the gruel that they manage to beg from the OF table.

Scottish football has a chance to change but the SPL are going to blow it.

Hardly wishful thinking. I know fine how well how this will go. I'm simply pointing out how it should be, not how I expect for one second it will pan out.

ETA: this comes across as a tad defensive and petulent.

Hey ho....

Edited by Drooper
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Remember the bit right at the end of The Truman Show? The whole world has spent the majority of their time glued to the ups and downs of one person's life. When Truman ends it all by leaving behind the safety of a world which panders to his every need, there's a scene where two security guards are watching the blank screen as the programme is finished and ask "I wonder what else is on?"

I imagine this is what will happen when The Rangers Show is turned off.

The current situation is also a bit Trumaneqsue in that he wants to cross the water to better himself but he constantly gets lied to and told that he can't by others who are only interested in keeping themselves in a job.

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I still can't understand why Miller would hang about? He's had his bid in for a while now and has watched the admin team prostitute themselves to the BKs to try and come back with something else, surely if they could have offered more they would have done it by now? Given that their role is to try and do the best for the creditors whist retaining a business then delay after delay is only acting to increase the debt and damage any creditors even further?

If Miller is the best bid on offer they better hope he doesn't walk away (so to speak) as I would imagine a lot of people owed money would not be best pleased knowing that they lost out on getting more cash back because there was a preferred bidder - despite them not actually being the preferred (or the best) bidder...

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Hardly wishful thinking. I know fine how well how this will go. I'm simply pointing out how it should be, not how I expect for one second it will pan out.

To be fair to the men at today's meeting - they may or may not have bottled out of making a decision today, but this is an almighty bloody mess, and is no clearer today than it has been since the day Rangers entered administration.

Blue Knights in or out? Miller in or out? BTC? EBTs? CVAs? Liquidation?

No-one knows. I can actually sympathise with where they found themselves at today. I can understand them avoiding a decision on anything - the ball is firmly in Haudit and Daudit's court. Until the dynamic administration duo get their act together and stop setting never-ending deadlines, then the SPL chairmen are no different from us... watching, and waiting.

I'm not going to tar them with a brush because of what they might do. Once they know what they facing - and make their decision for real, then we'll see. From day one, I felt like you - they'll roll over for 'the Rangers'. The longer this goes on, the worse it gets for Rangers, the more aggressive McCoist and Jardine become, the more their supporters threaten officials... the more the 'swing-o-meter' swings from Rangers being an institution that must be saved, to Rangers being an institution that is beyond saving.

Of course, they could do anything yet. This is the SPL after all. Still, until they actually act - we must give them the benefit of the doubt.

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