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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Have we had a quantum, deadline or warchest recently?

We've been a little short on players holding court on why their mates would be great signings, 'Record Sport understands' and fabby pictures of guys you've never heard of before in U21s international action who're compared to - insert name here.

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Yes, but all that shows is that the current company and club are exactly the same thing.It was somehow different with the last company. It just was, alright!

No, according to Sevconians the club is somehow separate from, and subsumed within, Sevco. They therefore have two holding companies.

They're not right. In the head.

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i don't see it as King v Sarver, King is working with the '3 bears' group and others, while Sarver was going to be a one man band.

Also as far as i'm aware Sarver has only made promises about what he's going to do, my experiences of one man in charge isn't the ebst.



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The latest from John James ...

Chris Graham’s statement about Sarver being a distraction was one of self-interest. He knew that he would be elevated to the King board. Craig Houston, in my opinion, was also being considered to join him. When Graham’s Islamaphobic tweets were exposed, some of Houston’s exploits also came under scrutiny. The RST and Rangers First provided King with their support, but they represent less than 4% of the RIFC equity.Murray & Gilligan are under no illusions about King.

King represented Murray’s third opportunity to regain a seat on the board. Paul Murray did not have any influence in SDM’s regime and even less during Whyte’s thankfully brief tenure. He is now Vice Chairman. Did anyone notice when he was officially appointed to this role? Of course not as there is absolutely no transparency. In any other organisation a move from interim chairman to vice chairman would be announced. For someone who brings no money to the board and owns no shares, could someone explain to me why he is in day to day charge of our club? I have heard him described as a chartered accountant, but then so was King until this was exposed as one of his many lies. John Gilligan has no formal education whatsoever. Would it be fair to assume that we now have the least educated board in our history?

King, Murray & Gilligan did not court Graham, Houston, Chugg etc to gain their support. They courted them to silence them. The knew exactly where the dissent would emanate from when they were exposed as penniless well-known businessmen on the make. They also knew that these individuals would attempt to browbeat dissenting voices into submission. The attacks on Ninjaman and Bill McMurdo being their handiwork, or the hands of those who feel empowered knowing that even a convicted drug dealer gets to ask questions at our EGM.

Chris Graham is now leading a boycott of one of Ashley stores. His stupidity beggars belief. Preposterous Phil, who evidently is unable to master simple arithmetic, attempted to explain how the present deal with SD works. I will take his simplistic example and ignore his flawed conclusion that SD would realise £52,500 from 1000 replica shirts that did not sell. Let’s assume that replica shirts retail at £50. They don’t sell so at this point Rangers owe SD £50,000. SD decide to sell them at a discount, let’s say £10, charging 25% commission on the sale. Therefore when you deduct the £7,500 from the principal sum of £50,000, RIFC owe SD £42,500 with SD earning another £2,500 from the discounted sale. In summary, if an order is fulfilled in Malaysia that results in a surplus of 1,000 replica shirts. Rangers lose money. Not as much as in PP’s ridiculous example (the retail price is higher, the resale usually circa £30) but if you gambled on promotion and ordered six months ago assuming a commensurate spike in demand, then any boycott only exacerbates the problem.

There was a plan to ask Sarver to bankroll the new board. This plan failed. There was a plan to squeeze another few million from RF & RST, who will buy any stock on any exchange should King so instruct, but King failed to understand how toxic he is. So now the only option is austerity. As I have stated, best case scenario with 45,000 sales, the new shyster board will raise £9M after VAT. I would suggest no more than 30,000 would be a realistic target, which would be £5.39M after VAT. Traynor will be first in line to be paid for his sterling spin about Little Red Riding Hood King and The Three Bears. Let’s assume £1M, because if this is not the current invoice, it soon will be as the fans are beginning to realise that the signings are all out of contract players so we have to be distracted with talk of Winks & Scott Allan, when the reality is that even non league players are on our radar. Having cut the player payroll budget in half (austerity by stealth) they will continue to have a major problem breaking even. There is no overdraft facility and no queue of well-heeled supporters who want to donate significant sums. Well heeled Rangers fans are smart enough to see King, Murray & Gilligan for what they are.

Will Douglas Park cover our losses? Surely they did not take power on a wing and a prayer?

edit: thought the GASH already had the cash all lined up???

Edited by Equalizer
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I thought The King was Dhen, you seem to accuse every poster of being Dhen, the hunt continues :lol: Reaching tedi levels of obsessed Vicky.. Of all people I thought you would appreciate a good alias.. :1eye

He misses him.

I think there was a wee spark. All this playground flirting pulling each others hair.

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I thought The King was Dhen, you seem to accuse every poster of being Dhen, the hunt continues :lol: Reaching tedi levels of obsessed Vicky.. Of all people I thought you would appreciate a good alias.. :1eye

I've never called the king densboy, typical of you Dougal.

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