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I really don't understand this. What on earth did King hope to gain by lying to his counsel and letting him perpetrate that lie in court?

OK, he gets to have his wee gloat for a bit and gave Rangers fans a bit of a buzz, but he must have known it would only be a matter of hours before it was proven false. Now he looks like even more mendacious that before. On top of that, I imaging that while Justice Smith found the whole breach of the gagging order frivolous, he may find deliberate deceit in his courtroom less so. So now King has a pissed off high court judge on top of all his other worries.

There will, no doubt, be other possible theories which are consistent with the available facts but

The most obvious reason to deny the continuing existence of a big debt to someone else would be if you were attempting to reassure other creditors, or potential creditors.

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For perspective that means they're back to where they were in May

It's not great news for SPD shareholders but it's not a monumental collapse either

Yep, all's fine! I'm sure that Big Mike was sat with a nice glass of expensive brandy and a fat cigar toasting that news last night!
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For perspective that means they're back to where they were in May

It's not great news for SPD shareholders but it's not a monumental collapse either

Don't know about that, read a few damning articles about the general recently in the national papers. A lot of people do not like how he goes about things.

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Don't know about that, read a few damning articles about the general recently in the national papers. A lot of people do not like how he goes about things.

I'm sure you're right, but the same is true of Dave King.

But while they may both be unpopular in some circles, there are differences. One of them is successful, law abiding, and pays his debts. The other is Dave King.

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"Rangers" have not fronted a penny yet. What the f**k makes you believe that they are only £500k short? Are you taking any statement from Sevco as fact? Are you that gullible?

The latest King stuff is incredible.

We all like to throw the "glib and shameless" line around in a way that can only really be described as glib.

The South African judge really did get it right though, in a specific sense.

King, genuinely has a very unusual relationship with the truth. He thinks nothing of telling lies, even big ones that are very likely to be exposed as such. Others will know much more about this, but that strikes me as a very odd feature in the psychological make-up of an intelligent and capable person.

It really does appear that nothing that he says at all, can be accepted at face value. It's pretty extraordinary.

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The stuff with Phil.

Dear readers grave news reaches me from the deepest darkest depths of sevconia, they dear readers are in deep trouble (please donate) and according to my source David Cunningham King esq is ready to pull the plug. With General Mikes tank platoons surrounding Ibrox; dear readers the end is nigh and remember that this intrepid reporter brought you the news first.

Grave times indeed for the Klan as my source who is close to General Mike has assured me that he will crush the sevconians into dust and turn Ibrokes into a giant retail outlet, remember this intrepid reporter can only provide this service if you click on the donate button dear readers.

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Dear readers grave news reaches me from the deepest darkest depths of sevconia, they dear readers are in deep trouble (please donate) and according to my source David Cunningham King esq is ready to pull the plug. With General Mikes tank platoons surrounding Ibrox; dear readers the end is nigh and remember that this intrepid reporter brought you the news first.

Grave times indeed for the Klan as my source who is close to General Mike has assured me that he will crush the sevconians into dust and turn Ibrokes into a giant retail outlet, remember this intrepid reporter can only provide this service if you click on the donate button dear readers.

A decent parody Bennett, but not really relevant to the discussion.

Like with Tedi yesterday, it's much easier to attack extreme positions that nobody on here actually holds, than to address the developments that have in fact unfolded.

Hiding from reality hasn't gone well before, but that doesn't seem to matter.

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The stuff about his QC giving an explicit statement in court regarding something aready having taken place, that quite simply hadn't.

Didn't miss it Bennett, did you?

Qc's are dicks, haven't you learned anything from the bralts?

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Successful conmen tell people what they want to hear, even if any sensible person could see it was clearly untrue. Even Dave King probably can't believe the extent to which the Sevconians lap up every word that comes out of his mouth.

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At any given time, if a lie seems a better option than being truthful, then he will go with the lie.

It's all very well for us diddy club supporters to laugh, but think of the smart Rangers fans.

The fans who saw through all the bullshit The ones who don't buy into the hype.

The fans who were grateful when Mike Ashley rescued the club in its hour of need.

Our hearts must go out to these guys.. The real Rangers supporters....All 153 of them....

Edited by saint john
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I'm pondering at what point the bears turn and start treating King the same as they have all their other 'saviours' , angrily declaring that they knew all along he was a wrong 'un...........

Have these people never hear 'Won't Get Fooled Again'?

The Press tells 'Rangers' fans what their opinions is, the Daily Record told them to think that Sarver was a bad 'un and that King was a good 'un, it really is as simple as that.

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