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If only it was just me you get all angry at, this nonsense may have just about got you through this, it is not just me though.

I am not lying, both are shite disclaimers, neither would ever work.

It's no coincidence that your equally intelligent fellow fans also have their best posts when talking to celtic fans, but you keep believing whatever you want if it makes you feel better.

If you aren't lying you simply don't understand English. Ask Kinky, I'm sure he'll be glad to explain varying degrees of certainty to you and there is a slim chance you might believe him since he supports the same team as you (I hope that's not really true but sadly I suspect it is).

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It's no coincidence that your equally intelligent fellow fans also have their best posts when talking to celtic fans, but you keep believing whatever you want if it makes you feel better.

If you aren't lying you simply don't understand English. Ask Kinky, I'm sure he'll be glad to explain varying degrees of certainty to you and there is a slim chance you might believe him since he supports the same team as you (I hope that's not really true but sadly I suspect it is).

Will "slim chance" be interpreted now as you wanting it to happen more than life it's self? Or will he realise that what you actually want is for Tedi to stay dumb so we can keep laughing at him?

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lol, obviously you think that stating the possibility that something may not happen protects you from being mocked for openly stating what you hope happens.....it doesn't.

I hope i get a threesome with 2 page 3 sluts tonight.

I actually think It wont happen.

ETA hope no one laughs when it doesnt happen!

Edited by THE KING
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All this for laughing at a lie and pretending to be too stupid to realise.

FTFY. I know in your world the idea that the celtic fan is irrelevant is an anathema to you but I'm afraid that's just the way it is. Even if the celtic fan was a rangers fan what you said would still one of the daftest things you've spouted so far.

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It means I never denied crowing about it, fairly obvious I would have thought, it seems this somehow bars me from asking questions about it though :huh:

But what did that have to do with what we were talking about ?

It's starting to feel like a long time ago now but this current run of posts was about you wrongfully believing I was saying that the money wasn't in the bank :huh:

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Deary me Ned, you are a touchy wee soul, I am not allowed to ask questions, now it seems I am not allowed to confirm that I was crowing about something.

I'm genuinely not following this Tedi.

I made a simple point, you asked a question, I reponded, you suggested I hadn't answered your question, I reponded again and you replied with a seemingly random comment.

Now you're suggesting you're not allowed to ask questions or make seemingly random comments!?

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Yes. You swooping in on your white charger to defend Tedi's honour was very touching.

I never defended anything tedi said or done , I simply typed Ahofjays in doink like fashion , which you have obviously took a wee huff and went down this desperate line of 2nd year of high school like wind up patter , all rather hilarious to say the least Edited by forever_blue
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I never defended anything tedi said or done , I said Ahofjays , which you have obviously took a wee huff and went down this desperate line of 2nd year of high school like wind up patter , all rather hilarious to say the least

So Tedi calling me a celtic fan while I'm mocking him followed by you appearing out of nowhere and calling me a celtic fan are entirely coincidental? So you just turned up and started insulting me for no reason at all? And benny thinks I've got anger issues...

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